Sunday, August 28, 2005

wow. sad me. i haven't like described any of my boring life in a few... days? weeks? who knows.

i been playign with google earth some more today. and this past week. the coolest thing. buildings in major cities and some mountains are in 3D - sooo cool. check it out: Google Earth it's a like 10mb download.

oh yeah, while lookin at google earth, i was looking at hawaii (i always phuck up the spelling of that word(. i wanna go soooo bad! supposevely mr. jamie knuckles is living in hawaii. i'm trying to figure out that one. did buddy take a vacation then a job and find an apartment or did he find something before he shipped out? is he flipping hamburgers or the IT department? i hadn't talked to him since like... 8th grade, so who knows.

speaking of hawaii. when i was at barry's listening to this insurance stuff (which i have been studying on nightly) the VP of one of the insurance co's was talking about "if you sell xx ammount of annualalized premiums per year, then you get a free trip most all expenses paid to blah. last year we went to hawaii. the year before was a 7 day cruise to alasaka." etc etc etc. bad ass stuff! this better still fucking work out. financely stability, trips and vacations, and a more outgoing lifestyle - i want! i'm going to get. one way or another, i'm goign to get that....

hmm.. bet this month's electricity bill is gonna be high. been keeping it around 74ish degrees. like now i'm cold. but i'm sitting still. oh well :-
i need someone. i quote akon when i say "Lonely, im so lonely, I have nobody, To call my owwnnn. Im so lonely, im mr. Lonely, I have nobody, To call my owwnnn, Im so lonely." tis sad. i'm still tryign to figure out how old my neighbor is. i think she's like 24 (if so, she's outta my leauge :-\ ) welll, i also gotta figger out what her name is :-o what a way to woo a woman "hey, btw, how old are you? and while i'm at it, what's your name again?" :) hahaha i can just imagine.

the internet has seriously been flaking out for the past half a week. i don't know if the storms have damaged any of my equipment or not, but, well, it's really pissing me off. more than anything, whenever the cable splitter is hooked up so chris can watch tv, then, well, we have more problems. so i dunno :-
this weekend was fairly productive. i turned the big 22 yesterday, woohoo. nothing new. when i turned 18 i was like "woohoo, i finally get to buy those lotto tickets that' ive been illegaly buying for the past year... and if i wanted to i could buy tobacco. eh." then when i turned 21 i was like "woohoo, i can now buy alcohol!" but i foudn out it takes more alcohol then i originally thougth to affect me. i guess that could be a good thing, but, my first drink was a sex-on-the-beach. i was disappointed that i didn't feel woozy or anything. now i know it had the equiv of 1 shot of something in it, and it's not strong. heh heh heh. oh well. another year.

speaking of that :) (yeah, this whole post is 1 thought to the next...) used to a few years ago, when looking for chicks, i could say "i dunno how old she is, but she can drive, so she's old enough." then that got too young. then i thought "ok, if she smokes then she's legal." but a) i don't like smokers, and b) i think more minors smoke than 18+ yr olds... so now i'm at the point of saying "i dunno how old she is, but she's drinking in a public place? perfect!" lol not quite "perfect" but a) she's 21 or older, and b) she shouldn't object to me drinking. heh. yeah, i've yet to find anybody by this form of thinking, but, oh well. :(

gah. what a headache. i started thinking at around 6ish today "i haven't eaten anything but waffles for breakfast, and i have such a headache cause i'm hungry." so what do i do? i go play outside and cut grass and blah blah blah 9 o'clock rolls around then i finally make pizza for supper. yummy but i still got this blasted headache :-\ oh well.

oh yeah :) i got burgers defrosted in the fridge. i got stuff to make spagetti. i got chicken fingers i can cook up. and anything else any lovely lady might want. hint hint I'LL COOK YOU SUPPER. any takers ladies?

there is still a moderate level of drama going on. it's sad. let's see how confusingly simple i can make this: c told j not to be friends with c or else he won't be friends with j. j decided to be friends with c so c disowned him. now c and j don't talk and are mad with each other, and j is heartbroken and quite depressed. c was trying to protect j from the pain, but j decided to make his own decisions. because of the way c said what he did to j, now it's a "taking sides" battle between j and his followers, and c and his followers. ok so that's the story in a nutshell. confusing? yes. childish? yes. getting old? too old :( how about this: neither c nor j wants to apologize or say the other party was right. so maybe i should apologize: i didn' step in and stop this from happening, so it must be my fault. c didn't want to see j hurt, neither did i. i personally think c went the wrong way about getting his point across. but yes, j, if i was told what you were told, i'd prob feel the same way too. so lets just blame me for all this and everyone stop your fucking passive bickering. damnit.

umm... so far i've washed like 5 loads of clothes. heh. and i got liek 2 more to go :o i've hung up on hangers about... 5 shirts and 2 pants, heh. i got like 5 more pairs of pants to go and ALOT of shirts to go :P oh well. there's always tommorrow :P

speaking of tommorrrow, i'm going to see the new pastor at my parent's church to fix his pc. i say my parent's church, cause, well, i haven't been there in about... just under 3 yrs :-\ i want to go, i do, i just, well, don't... eh, i just keep making excuses. it's my own laziness. nobody else's fault. but yeah, i gotta go see him tommorrow after work.

hrm, all of my drawing and painting stuff is still laying on my desk here in front of me. how long have i been saying i want to draw something, just can't think of anything? tis sad :( i swear i feel like if i can just like think of something i'm passionate about drawing, then, i'll amaze everyone (prob me just as well, heh). but yeah, until then, i'll just accept that i suck. *hrm* :(

ummm..... wow. am i running out of stuff to say? how many ppl are still reading this? how many ppl gave up 15 mins ago? i've only been typing this for about... holy cow, 40 mins :P and it's pretty close to non stop. a few breaks. not many tho i promise :)

yeah! i been playing chris's game on the gamecube Animal Crossing. it's addicitve as a mofo! i played on his name last weekend, and just fished for him (you sell the fish for money) so i had fun fishing, and he got money. we both happy :) lol then this past... saturday? i think so yea, i fished for melanie. got her some money. today i got bored and fished for chris again. today i set the clock on teh gamecube to "september" so the game thought i was playing in september. and Woah! oh boy did i catch some big dollar fish! most fish are like 120-300 "bells" (the equiv of dollars). some fish are worth 650, 1300, 3000, 5000 and even 10000 bells. i've cought at least 1 of all of these, but, they're not too common. in the ocean you can catch jellyfish left and right, all worth 100 bells each. every now and then you'll catch a big fish worth 3000 or even more rare is the 5000 fish. well, today, the ocean pulled up about 3 pieces of trash, and every single other fish was the 3000 or 5000 fish. a "good" fishing trip before i head to the store was about 10-20k bells. today's was about 40-60k bells a trip :) heh yeah, in about 3-4 hours this morn (i played a long time) i earned him about 400k bells! :) lol sad me. but i paid off his bigger house in the game and got a basement added on :) who knows what that'll cost. tis was fun tho. sorry melanie i'm all fished out. get chris to wire you some money or something - i know he's got some reserves :P

ooh i'm so exciting about jekyll in 5 days! hopefully i'll come back with some badass pictures. i was hoping to ride the bike down, but, i can't too afford the $26 in gas each way, and i don't think my crotch can handle the 4h each way :-\ then i thought "i can just put it on the back of my parent's truck, then i can ride it while i'm down there!" but eh, that's too much work. guess i'll just bring the bicycle. alot easier. but not to ride fast - it's a helluva lot more work :P if i'm extreamly lucky i might find my chick while i'm down there. find me a native of the beach, or even better, some hometown girl that happens to be down there with her family at the same time? one can only hope. i seem to have always been slightly lucky in hooking up with a chick while on 4h trips. tho most all have normally been from far away (like an hour away or more) unless it was a newton co only trip. but those never lasted. but now i can have more ground to cover :) used to i didn't drive, so i had a very limited stomping ground. now i got a 3 county radius that's "easy to cover" and even furter if i wanted. yea, i want. lol. sad me :-\

so, if you actually read this all the way to the bottom, then leave me a comment. actuallly, everyone, leave me a comment. i keep getting more and more visitors every day (almost) but on average, for the past month, i've been getting more and more visitors. i think i'm up to over 25 different pc's reading my blog. that could be like me at work on 3 different pc's, then 2 customers, then 2 at home - that means 7 of those 25 COULD be me... sometimes. but i don't visit it too often for that reason :P

ok i started this post at 10:29 and i'm about to click publish in a min or two, and it's now 11:26 hahahaha typing for an hour. lemme know just how long it took to read this :)

ok fun, cruel, harsh but kinky world, g'night :)


Anonymous said...

Only took me a bit to read twas interestin good times have fun oh n I know I am late but I feel guilty so Happy Birthday

Melanie said...

Jason! Hey :) Okay there is a new rule in Animal Crossing, and it is: NO MORE FISHING FOR CHRIS! I'm still trying to pay off my 2nd loan, and he is on like his 4th, lol. I enjoyed your post though, and it didn't take me too long to read it. I hope you have a lot of fun in Jekyll, I love that place!

Jr said...

whoa! yea that killed about 15min or so but heck its company time so what do i care

zyrobyte said...

Lets see, it took me i dont knwo how long. i didnt time myself. but i did read it this morning before work so its less than 15 minutes.

as for your blog not getting as many hits as mine did, think of it this way: its getting 100% more hits than my blog NOW. :-D

okay, back to the fun, cruel, harsh but kinky world. ;)