Sunday, October 30, 2005

lan still going

ok lets see.... the lan party is still going on, kinda low turnout but it's still a lan. my pc was working great on friday, but today (saturday) it fucked up like 8 times in a row so i reformatted it right quick like :P it's kinda been a slow tedious process to get it back going good, but it sooo needed it. i've now installed SP2 and all windows updates, and i'm like 82% done downloading Counter Strike: Source. i've got most of my basic progs downloaded and installed, a few like Photoshop and MS Office i'll do another day. i'm anxious to get CS:S up and going to see if it still has issues. if so then it looks like a hardware issue :(

hmm.. oh yea - when trying to do windows updates, i found a badass article from PCWorld that allows me to get my updates. Bascially it said:
He accomplished this by disabling the Windows Genuine Advantage add-on within his browser's Internet Options. By clicking on Tools/Internet Options/Programs/Manage Add-ons, Keller disabled the WGA add-on. He then exited Internet Explorer and was able to do a Windows Update without completing the validation step.

woot? :)

Thursday, October 27, 2005


i'm the 2nd link :)

EDIT --> i'm now 3rd

recent keyword search

hopefully this is done

i found out what i did:

And Jason was just always an asshole, occasionally fun to be around but for the most part an asshole who only cared about himself. Hell, I let you stay in my apartment, in my room, then i gave you my room and you still acted like a prick. Telling chris one thing and me another. But whatever, that situation is over and done.

i think the last sentence says it best: "But whatever, that situation is over and done." that sounds good to me.

everything happens for a reason. i'm happy where i am, i hope everyone else is happy where they are. lan party this weekend, i still say everyone is invited, not excluding anyone (like past ones have been). sounds like it's going to be low turnout, hell, if it is then it's not due to lack of lan parties - this will be the 5th i've hosted in the past year.

umm... went to my folk's today, gave dad a some pictures and a picture frame and a card (today was his 49th bday). he seemed pleasantly supprised :) ummm.... not much more has happened/is happening. g'night.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


random keyword search :)

somone did this search

and when they did they found my site :)

good ole shrader....

Josh's Myspace

Just read my friend jon's profile....I hate having to watch my friends get hooked on their first girl. I've been there and it hurts, but there's nothing i can say or do to help them. They're just going to do what they feel they need to do. And these two other jackasses....Chris and Jason...ex friends of mine. They just keep getting dumber and dumber...chris talked to jon about wanting to be my friend or something. I just laughed and told jon to tell him i hope he dies soon. :-o I hate those pricks so much. I have no heart for people like them. I couldn't care less. If that makes me a bad person, so be it. I'm a bad person then.

that jackass. wtf? what have i done? i'd really like to know...

he is one lucky ass mug... he has been handed opportunity after opportunity after opportunity after opportunity! maybe one day he'll utilize one of those opportunities...

jason needs

hahahaa, i googled "jason needs" :)

for your convience, the best of list:
Jason needs 2 stop acting like he is such a P*I*M*P*
Jason needs a hole so he can put in the bulbs
Jason needs a new job
Jason needs a real woman, not a little girl.
Jason needs care 3 hours a day, 5 days a week
Jason needs CPR
Jason needs to carry his pitch fork
Jason needs to die already
Jason needs to diet because he has become too fat
Jason needs to get together with the Comcast billing department
Jason Needs To Play
Jason needs to remain in therapy
Jason needs to send you some Toast-N-Serve Magic Bags!
Jason needs to SHUT UP
Jason needs a twix
jason needs to stop making her think he likes her if its clear he doesn’t
Jason needs to take a long swim in Lake Jason
Jason needs your help

The Full List (first 5 pages of results):
Jason needs 2 stop acting like he is such a P*I*M*P*
Jason needs a helper for Brooklyn Distro Route
Jason needs a hole so he can put in the bulbs
Jason needs a new job
Jason needs a Pismo
Jason needs a real woman, not a little girl.
Jason needs care 3 hours a day, 5 days a week
Jason needs CPR
Jason needs parents that are willing to learn how to raise a child
Jason needs skills for apartment and independent living
Jason needs some people to sweep up after hours
Jason needs someone like Brenda
Jason needs structure to his days and that structure must be enforced in some way.
Jason needs to be held accountable for attendance at daily activities
Jason needs support in strengthening his personal boundaries
Jason needs this money to buy back his mill that he and his two brothers owned
Jason needs to act now
Jason needs to be allowed to develop his own relationship with each parent
Jason needs to carry his pitch fork
Jason needs to die already
Jason needs to diet because he has become too fat
Jason needs to do a better job of getting quicker to the rim
Jason needs to eat according to a controlled carbohydrate meal plan
Jason needs to get together with the Comcast billing department
Jason needs to improve his academic and self- advocacy skills
Jason needs to know all the details of Michael's death in order to give himself
Jason needs to learn that his efforts are not doing God nor himself any good
Jason needs to modulate his voice
Jason needs to organize himself
Jason Needs To Play
Jason needs to put on his shirt, overalls, shoes and socks
Jason needs to remain in therapy
Jason needs to respect personal space when meeting new people.
Jason needs to send you some Toast-N-Serve Magic Bags!
Jason needs to SHUT UP
Jason needs to diet because he has become too fat
Jason needs to remain in therapy
Jason needs to do a better job of getting quicker to the rim
Jason needs someone like Brenda, someone with more personality
Jason needs a home where there is consistency, clear expectations and structure
Jason needs a real woman, not a little girl
Jason needs a song to get it started
Jason needs a twix
Jason needs a hole so he can put in the bulbs
jason needs to stop making her think he likes her if its clear he doesn’t
Jason needs to straighten him up
Jason needs to take a long swim in Lake Jason
Jason needs to teach him skepticism 101
Jason needs to use his extra refinancing money to pay his credit card debt
Jason needs to use one the following phrases when meeting new people: Hello, my name is Jason. It's nice to meet you. How do you do?
Jason needs to work on his manner
Jason needs you
Jason needs you now
Jason needs your help
Jason needs your micro-cash

ok i'm bored :P

if you were to die today, who would show up to your funeral?

would you show up to mine?

i don't know if dad really realizes it yet or not, but he just inherited another wife....

friday my uncle passed. there was a viewing saturday and sunday, and the funeral today at 2. i was a pallbearer. people were coming up to me and saying "thomas will be missed" and i'd reply "no, he's already being missed."

my grandfather passed when i was in the first grade, and i saw my father cry. during a heated argument i've seen my father on the verge of tears, and i've seem a tear fall at my cousin's funeral now 3 weeks ago. this weekend he's been beside himself. whenever i felt like i was in control, and i'd look over and see him weeping, i'd lose all control. i'd hear his voice start to break, and i'd lose everything. thinking of him like this i'm losing it now... when i started to leave the house tonight, he told me "be careful, drive slow and all that" <-- those were his exact words. he said he worried about my sister, not that he didn't worry about me... i lost it again at that moment (and now) i walked over to him, i couldn't even look at him in the face, and hugged him. he let loose at the same time. i don't remember if either of us muttered a word. we didn't need to - we just knew.

my uncle was such a popular person. he touched so many people. i've heard a ton of stories lately of how he'd go so far out of his way to help others. like the neighbor who's hot water stopped working - he came over, found out it was the water heater element, so he came home, took the one of his own and gave it ot them; his family had to take cold showers for a few days, but he did for others. :) i think EVErYONE had at least one story like this of him. another lady said one thing she never did when she left was leave empty handed - he'd always load her up with corn, okra, peas, cantalope, onions.... the list was endless.

me and my sister started comparing notes and found out dad's pretty much been taking care of 2 households for now months, if not close to a year. he's been cutting the grass, cleaning up outside, doing repairs, etc. my uncle was in the process of making a trailor for a customer, and trying to fix some cars - my father pretty much totally took over all those projects. he's been down there looking after his brother pretty much every day for at least 6 months now. my father's heart of gold has really shown lately. hopefully that's a kimble gene that has been passed down to me.

the outpouring of support has been overwhelming. food from all over the place was sent. someone heard of what happend and had 3 pizzas delivered tonight, just because. i was wanting to get in his shop and clean up, and to knock off the rust off some of the tools; i wasn't alone in that idea, most all the males in teh family want to do that too. i'm enthusatic about helping repairs around their house and yard. the yard is one thing i feel pretty well qualified to take care of. my aunt and uncle this morning got up and cleaned her house today, put some rugs in teh living room. dad just happened to cut the grass friday morning (before anything happened). MORE food was brought over. it's been pure amazement.

also verified another uncle is a freggin' nutcase. it's been confirmed he's slipped one cousin the tounge and blatenly looked down another's blouse. this on top of 2-3 other sexual molestation and exposing of self claims. at the gravesite today, he was telling the minister "yeah, me and thomas had our problems, but, they were all his fault..." when we heard this we were all :o :o :o his son said "dad's being an ass. well, at least he's being consistent." he even scratched out his own adopted daughter's name off the name registry.

something that touched me that dad said was that i was one of the few around thomas felt like he could teach something. he two son in laws had little interest in anything hands on. his own daughter is more interested in learning how to drive the tractor then his son in laws are. but he showed me years ago how to drive the tractor. how to use the wood spliter. how to do some mechanical things on cars. i told dad that i wished i had learned to weld, and i'd still like to know - my uncle wanted to teach me "when i had time" (which i never made... what a mistake). one son in law can drive his strightshift pickup, out of 2 dauthers, a wife and 2 son in laws, he was the only one who can drive it. my dad and i can, hell, even mom could drive it. i think it would be safe to say uncle thomas was proud of me :) he never was able to come see my house, for he's been fairly sick for over a year now... i know it was this past spring i told him he should stop by, and he'd reply "i'd like to, when i feel like i could make it there.." actually i guess he was in better shape 1 year ago, it was spring he started to deterioate. hmm

it was noted that the weather held out for him - ever since july he's said "if it'd only warm up, maybe i could get outside and do something..." it was warm up until friday night when he passed. it cooled off saturday, was chilly sunday, and was plum COLD today.

well, it was said today, that, "it's not what i should have done, or i could have done, or i would have done, it's what you do." which is true. i'm no pope, i'm no saint, i'm no hero - but i think if someone needs something, i'll try to help. maybe that's all i can do. good night folks :D

Monday, October 24, 2005

things might be turning into better.

the "girl next door" :P she's hot. she was extreamly hot today. super short shorts, orange panties on :o you could sooo cearly see them :) whatever the case HOT omg i want her. found out she's 23 about to turn 24 in january. her name is Sloane (same as the chick in Ferris Bueller's Day Off). she's not seeing anyone that i know of (she had friends over, but that's all it sounded like). a new roomie is going to move in soon (within the next few weeks). that may prove interesting :) we talked for a good while. i did ask "so what's for supper?" and she stated something liek "yeah, i'm getting hungry too, tho i think i need to go back inside and study some more before tommorow." whenver i talk to her the convo's seem to last forever. we get along very well. i guess the 2 thing holding me back are a) i'm a 12 year old stuck in a 22 year old's body and b) she's me neighbor. hmm, we'll have to see what turns out.....

otherwise, my uncle's funeral is tommorrow. i really am going to get up, find some food, then head to my folk's. it's at 2 but i'm going to shoot for around noon getting to my folks. i believe all the ladies have cleaned my aunt's house (and they did a really good job too) and it sounds like the guys want to clean the shop. i'd really like to see it picked up. they really want to knock the rust off the tools (and prob woudl like to see the shop continue use.) they want to do this next weekend, tho i'll be a lil busy. maybe i can find some time to help. hell, i was thinking of doing this myself, but when Wade said that, i was like "woah, me too."

hmmm... g'nighty folks.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

omg at all the kegs! (if you can't tell all the pics below came from

what a party :o

this looks like a pic brad has of a car rim... (so what makes a camera do this?)

HAHA! so THIS is what i need to do!!




tha'ts gotta suck

nice :)

LOL this one's for jon and alex, i saw this and about doubled over :P

hahaha i just found this funny :)

Saturday, October 22, 2005

we suck

according to some calculations i did a few years ago, we should have been at 6.4GHz processor speeds as of may of this past year. and we're still at 3.8 ghz. like we've been for like a year now. we SUCK.

bwt this time next year (well, november) should be 12.8GHz. HAH! looks liek maybe this time next year will be that 6.4 IF WE'RE LUCKY.

actually this month '05 we should have been in the low 7GHz's. pbth..

Date GHz
1-Nov-03 3.2
1-Dec-03 3.28
1-Jan-04 3.44
1-Feb-04 3.57
1-Mar-04 3.63
1-Apr-04 3.64
1-May-04 3.73
1-Jun-04 3.87
1-Jul-04 4.04
1-Aug-04 4.16
1-Sep-04 4.37
1-Oct-04 4.46
1-Nov-04 4.71
1-Dec-04 4.92
1-Jan-05 5.26
1-Feb-05 5.47
1-Mar-05 5.76
1-Apr-05 6.05
1-May-05 6.4
1-Jun-05 6.48
1-Jul-05 6.64
1-Aug-05 6.81
1-Sep-05 7.02
1-Oct-05 7.15
1-Nov-05 7.44
1-Dec-05 7.82
1-Jan-06 8.11
1-Feb-06 8.54
1-Mar-06 8.87
1-Apr-06 9.17
1-May-06 9.67
1-Jun-06 10
1-Jul-06 10.39
1-Aug-06 11.06
1-Sep-06 11.48
1-Oct-06 12
1-Nov-06 12.8
1-Dec-06 13.24
1-Jan-07 13.71
1-Feb-07 14.25
1-Mar-07 14.8
1-Apr-07 15.09
1-May-07 15.98
1-Jun-07 16.57
1-Jul-07 17.28
1-Aug-07 18.42
1-Sep-07 19.13
1-Oct-07 19.93
1-Nov-07 20.81
1-Dec-07 21.4
1-Jan-08 22.16
1-Feb-08 22.92
1-Mar-08 23.8
1-Apr-08 24.56
1-May-08 25.6
1-Jun-08 26.95
1-Jul-08 28.47
1-Aug-08 29.81
1-Sep-08 31.53
1-Oct-08 32.75
1-Nov-08 33.85
1-Dec-08 35.53
1-Jan-09 37.21
1-Feb-09 38.3
1-Mar-09 39.48
1-Apr-09 41.08
1-May-09 42.17
1-Jun-09 43.64
1-Jul-09 44.91
1-Aug-09 46.04
1-Sep-09 48.1
1-Oct-09 49.95
1-Nov-09 51.2
1-Dec-09 52.77
1-Jan-10 54.83
1-Feb-10 56.47
1-Mar-10 58.78
1-Apr-10 61.32
1-May-10 63.92
1-Jun-10 66.32
1-Jul-10 69.26
1-Aug-10 72.82
1-Sep-10 75.96
1-Oct-10 79.61
1-Nov-10 85.14
1-Dec-10 88.68
1-Jan-11 94.32

Date THz Ghz Mhz
November 1, 1994 0.00005 0.05 50
May 1, 1996 0.0001 0.1 100
November 1, 1997 0.0002 0.2 200
May 1, 1999 0.0004 0.4 400
November 1, 2000 0.0008 0.8 800
May 1, 2002 0.0016 1.6 1600
November 1, 2003 0.0032 3.2 3200
May 1, 2005 0.0064 6.4 6400
November 1, 2006 0.0128 12.8 12800
May 1, 2008 0.0256 25.6 25600
November 1, 2009 0.0512 51.2 51200
May 1, 2011 0.1024 102.4 102400
November 1, 2012 0.2048 204.8 204800
May 1, 2014 0.4096 409.6 409600
November 1, 2015 0.8192 819.2 819200
May 1, 2017 1.6384 1638.4 1638400
November 1, 2018 3.2768 3276.8 3276800
May 1, 2020 6.5536 6553.6 6553600
November 1, 2021 13.1072 13107.2 13107200
May 1, 2023 26.2144 26214.4 26214400
November 1, 2024 52.4288 52428.8 52428800

(btw the ratio was "speeds double every 1.5 years"

well that's 8.5 mins of my life i'll never get back.

i just talked to annie. still everything's the same. only reason i called was i made a promise to let her know if anything changed with my uncle (which oviously it did).

trying to analyze what was said wasn't too.. hard or easy. nothing's changed with her. basiclly "everyone is against me" attutude. no regerets there... still the "i'ts not fair" attutude. sorry -that's life-

hrm :( don't worry guys, i'm not going to go do anything harmful to myself. just i think this week has been one of the worst in ages. well, maybe ever. just the reality check of this short term life we have here (death), the consquences of our actions (drinking leads to liver cancer), and extreme emotional lonelyness (no siginificant other in my life). yes, i have friends i can call and talk to or go see, yes, i have many friends... just... i want more. i want more than just a friend.

side note that makes no sense to anyone - patterns are a mofo - i saw more of a patteren today. sadly, it didn't supprise me. "some things may never change" tho it appears if they may have now, but if all fails, will it dirvert back to old ways?

i need some money :( good thing i didn't buy those rims - looks like i may have not been able to afford them. i'll be ok with my bills, but when i thought i have money to spare, looks like i got enuf to cover bills. :( i gotta get more income some way. if i do find a girl, i want to be able to treat her out the way i see fit - and with the kind of spare change i have now, i'd have to start cutting back on my pop-tart breakfasts and ham & cheese sandwiches for lunch to afford that... yes, you heard me. my normal day consists of eating a poptart and coke for breakfast; cheese crackers, ham and cheese sandwich and another coke for lunch; and microwave dinner for supper. i haven't bought any alcohol in weeks. i normaly go stright home after work unless i have erronds to run. i drive hardly anywhere after work. i ride my motorycle peridoicly (cause it's twice as efficent as my truck, tho i drive twice as far... - tho this may change now that it's getting COLD) i've bought nothing for my computer in months. i've bought no new clothes since... well, prob this time last year. every month or so i buy a splurge item, which, yes, does add to my expenses... but it's nearly my only relief. items have included: pocket pc, xm radio... well that's all that comes to mind. the xm radio was cheap ($50, plus $13 a month) so that's basiclly equiv to a cd a month, and the pocket pc i'm writing off on taxes. i use it for work. also it helps me keep track of my checkbook and credit card, and when bills are due. i think that alone may make it worth it... i'd like to buy a trailor to pull wiht my truck so i can haul trash, dirt, motorcycle, etc... but right now, i just.. can't.. afford.. it.... i'd like a mini-tiller ($180) to try to salvage my flower beds, but i just.. can't.. afford.. it....

today i'm going to try to devote some hours to studying for the insurance test. new numbers: buddy had 3 appointments. 2 yielded sales, one of those yielding 2 contracts. they were approx $70, 90 and 130 a month premiums. $290 a month total sales that week, x12 = $3480 annual premium. 55% commission is $1914. you get 75% up front, which is $1435.50. buddy gets a check for working 6 hours this week of $1435.50. wtf is up with that?! he said drivetime, meeting, and doing the paperwork took at most 6 hours. so this is $239.25 an hour he gets paid. in 9 months he'll get $159.50 paychecks (the rest of the commission). even he said "i can't sell crack and make this kind of money." and he's right.

Woah! i want this lawn! maybe i should get this book then? :P

Friday, October 21, 2005

$4080 spent last month :o


July 23:

this pic was taken July 23; Uncle Thomas was still moving around, still out in the yard. his face and arms had began to wither, and he was a few days away from a treatment to remove the water off his stomach.

July 27:

I posted on my blog this:
i've been recieving a daily update from my mom about my uncle - this is the excerpt from today:

"I assume Thomas asked approximately how much time he had. The answer from Faulkner was around 6 weeks. I hope he doesn’t just give up. That would be the worst."

August 13:
blog entry:
uncle thomas is accepting the fact that he's dieing. he needed to get the water drained off of his stomach, but he said that it didn't matter, because he could feel his body shutting down... he did go, and then slept the rest of the day (the water getting drained off drains him of energy for a day or 2)

he also needs blood, but he can't get both water drained off and blood in the same day, so any day now he should be able to go back and get blood.

friday evening both his daughters were by his side... today i have to go see him :( it looks like any day now. when i read that mom said she can't stay together after seeing him, i felt down. when i heard dad can't keep it together after seeing his brother and best friend, i lost it.

August 20:
blog entry:
the end is near..

i was asked if i could be a pallbearer..

this is the least i can do...

*tear* this is one of the strongest men i have ever met. i can only hope to have a heart half as big as his *tear*

August 23:
they gave him days to live. looks like they were wrong...

Sept 28:
blog entry:
oh wow! mom said my uncle thomas is doing so much better this morn! he drank some more fluids, recieved an IV and now he's sitting up on his own and he might even come home again today!

Oct 20:
the nurse said his kidneys had finally shut down. estimated time was 1 hour to 24 hours. i went and saw him, he moaned about 5 words the whole time i was there. otherwise he slept. he had turned into skin and bones.

Oct 21:
I get the call while at my boss's house getting ready to run cables. he had passed earlier (this was approx 6 p.m.) i go home to my folks' and see the family. saw something that really hit hard: his tools: sockets, wrenches, hammers, etc; they were rusty. he's never taken care of his tools because they were used everyday... they got grease on them daily. they didn't need taking care of. but tonight was a different story. at least 1/3 of the tools were rusty... just... made me think...

Thomas C. Kimble, i can't say you will be missed - because you already are being missed... *tears* :'(

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


i ask myself why. why did i think this would work. why was i such a FOOL to think that this could happen

i would've poured my heart out tonight. but instead my heart, my soul, everything that felt positive about "us" that i thought might could have worked got slammed against the wall, posioned, stabbed and stepped on. annie and scotty are dating. why was i such an idiot. i hope you have a good life. tonight i hurt too much. i'm proud of how well i composed myself when i left. i didn't screech tires, i didnd't throw any bitch. i just left. silently. :'(

i wouldn't doubt i'll get another ticket tonight. i'm going to ride my bike some to cool down. bbl.

::EDIT:: 12:45 PM

i did edit the red above, make the font a lil smaller, and changed the phrase "my work" to "might could have worked". it makes some more sense now heh. i was supprised (twice in 1 night? :) ) that i properly typed "i composed myself when i left" lol. big words jason! :P

i got on my bike. rode, eh, like normal through covington - 50 in a 45, 60 in a 55... very sanely... i really didn't want another ticket. hell, i was thinking if i did get pulled over, i'd prob ask the guy "hey, can you follow me home so i can drop off the bike, then, can you just take me into the jail for a few days? i think i'd be ALOT better off there then i woudl be wandering the streets.." but that never happened.

umm.. but yea, i drove to brad's house. started talking bout whatever. twas cool. he pulled his xr-80 dirtbike outta the garage and tried to get it to crank. he couldn't. i tried. i did :) lol the carb was dddddiiiiirrrrttttyyyy!! pulled it off, cleaned it, put it back together, did some adjusting, he rode it down the street, i did too, was ok. then we did wheelies in the backyard :) poor back yard. i know we were giving it hell, then brad decided to do a doughnut in the backyard. THAT ate his yard up. his momma's gonna rip him a new asshole when she sees that :P

umm... after all that i was ALOT more calmed down. the ride home was relitivly uneventful. other than my speedometer cable fell off at about 2 miles away from home - so i had 0 idea how fast i was going. oh well. 7k rpm 6th gear i think was 80ish :P go home reattached it, back to good.

oh yeah - thanks jon. your message really hit home with me. i noticed i had a voicemail at about 11 p.m. from 9:45. i dunno if i hoped or tought that it might be annie, but no. :( <-- (oh well, i'm now :-\ almost to :-D so don't worry) no but it was jon. basically said "hey, i saw your post - hope you don't hurt yourself. maybe you should just go home and drink... j/k be careful"... i was grinnin ear to ear when i heard that... thanks jon, that really helped me in my time of need. :D

um, ok, other than my damn dog barking... i think i'm all good. i think i may sleep better then i thought. well, i feared drinking myself to sleep and calling in sick tommorrow... but i've actualy not drank anything in.... 3.5 weeks? i think? yeah, so, i'm sorta seeing how long i'll hold out... tho this weekend i was invited to a party where they'll have a keg or 2 (tho beer is naaaaasty!!!) so i dunno what i'm gonna do then - maybe take advantage of the drunk chicks? ;-) hehehe ok have a g'night :D

Monday, October 17, 2005

btw all the pics below came from... (i got bored sunday)

i KNEW it!


ROFL!!! looks like a good idea to me!

LOL this was great :)

yeah, tha'ts a tattoo i'd NOT have....

the caption said "refrigerator magnet"

gah - pure hott


i wish i could see the pic of like 10 secs later :P

before and after that big-ass tsunami

what a place to work :)

yeah buddy!

"how to spot a rich guy"

this is cool!

musta been an important call

this sounds like a realllly cool invention :)

never quite thought of that...

(and God says it's okay) :D


brad! where do we find this sign!



camel toads! :D

mine too....



hhaha that's great :)


i was thinking that too...

i wanna do this!

i hear ya buddy... i hear ya...

the sad truth :(

this sounds like PCAD

OMG i gotta do this!!!


i want! (wait, those are real wheels...) btw it's all legos :o