Thursday, December 27, 2007

step 1 of 3, done.

I think i want this.
Step 1 - Apply for Concealed Carry permit. done.
Step 2 - get fingerprinted. tomorrow :)
step 3 - buy gun. next month :P


Chris said...

I want a gun too. But someone wont let me get one..

Melanie said...

You don't need a gun, Chris. There will be no weapons in my household! Jason why do you need a gun!?

Jason said...

why do i need it? i really don't need it - i just want it. and with a concealed carry permit, i'll have it by my side at most all times. as a co worker said, he'd rather carry it every day of his life and never need it, than wish he had it when not carrying it.

Chris said...

Guess I'll never have one then. :(

Jason said...

digging up an old post - but hey chris, now you can! :-)