Monday, December 24, 2007

my xmas came early

i got what i wanted, and i've yet to open any gifts :)

phase 3: completed
2 phases to go. maybe 3. 4? oh well :)

(btw if you google anything to figure out what i'm talking about, then realize this follows no mainstream logic - only my own) :)


Unknown said...

what are the phases?

Chris said...

Your logic fails in comparison to ... wait, what was I talking about? Oh right, I got Guitar Hero 3 and I'm gonna get an additional axe so we can do some shredtastic multiplayer the next time I come over!

Jason said...

hahaha nice. guitar hero rocks my socks. :)

my bet is you're already better than brad ;) LOL

poor brad. he'll prob never come over anymore now. :(

Chris said...

Well, I just beat it on Easy last night. On to Medium...then Hard...and I doubt I'll ever beat Extreme :(

Jason said...

easy? awe. easy is very... easy :P medium kicked my ass to begin with, and at the end. then medium was easy at the beginning. hard was tricky to begin with. now i can play any song on hard, while i'm pretty sure there are just certain songs i'll never be able to play on expert :(

Chris said...

Well, I started out on Easy to unlock some achievements. I'd rather start on Easy and work my way up the ladder than to get good and have to go back to boring 'ol Easy after doing Hard and some Expert. and lol at myself cause I said Extreme rather than Expert. Shows that I never play on that setting. lol

Jason said...

i thought i was told (at least on GH2) you can't unlock anything on easy. or something. i dunno. but you could earn money and buy more songs i guess. and you could unlock all the songs...

also - it's harder to train against bad habits. i don't know if i developed any bad habits that i'm trying to fight, but it's also impossible to practice the impossible. i.e. when you're trying to learn 4 buttons, 5 are impossible - much less double the notes on 5 buttons...

Chris said...

Well on the Xbox 360 there are extra things called achievements. Which are like points on your xbox live name. I like to boost mine whenever I can. Beating every song on easy, getting 5 star on every song on easy, etc unlock more points. Also, I did unlock some things in the game by beating it on easy. :p

Jason said...

aah that's right. jr was showing me on his 360 his achievement points. yeah, i didn't really get it too much. other than you apparently wanted them, and that they helped boost your name as a whole, not just in the game.