Wednesday, December 26, 2007

6 Phases of a Relationship

Phase 1: Dating
During this phase, you are simply dating. You may date more than one person at a time, you may choose to date more than one at a time. The relationship isn't serious, and during this phase you're more trying to weed out the bad picks and you begin to see more details of who the person really is. Normally, major flaws are seen during this time, like traits or characteristics that you really like or don't like.
Phase 2: Dating exclusively
After you have dated for any amount of time, this phase comes into play. You realize that the person you are with means more to you than just close friends, and you want to continue to grow closer to this person. Sometimes this step gets missed, and sometimes isn't vital - but however, it can make this clearer or easier in the future.
Phase 3: Falling in love
Does one even need to elaborate on this? It is what it is - you realize it when it's there. If you don't know, then it may not be - but that doesn't mean it isn't, it could just be that you don't know what it's like. To describe exactly what it's like could fill a book - but as a generalization, if you're thinking it, then it probably is.
Phase 4: Engagement
This person is the one, the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. How do you pull off the engagement? Where? When? What style ring? What size rock? So many unanswered questions. But if it's meant to be - then it doesn't really matter what choices are made here.
Phase 5: Moving in together
While many may not see this as an important step, I believe this phase prepares you for eternity. Flaws not previously noticed may surface now, as can positive traits. If you have major second thoughts now, don't continue to the final step without professional guidance - it will only lead to disaster.
Phase 6: Marriage
The final bond. Again, not much to say about this, it is what it is. The person you wish to spend the rest of your life with, the one you wish to grow old with, the one you consider your soul mate.

Sometimes, these happen out of order - some steps get skipped, i've heard some never happen... Some may date, fall in love, move in together, get engaged then marry. Others date, move in, fall in love, engage then marry. Others yet still, date, marry, move in together, then fall in love (vegas baby!) - and as i sorta said earlier, i've heard of someone recently date (or should i say sleep around), fall in love, engage then marry. yeah they don't live together. sad sad. hahaha

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