Saturday, December 15, 2007


Checkout the new pics from friday night!

Friday i left work slighty early, met Brittany at my house, then we left for Gibney's Pub in Atlanta. We met up with her friends Schnurr and Sarah (who are like 20 and 19) - come to find out since Gibneys is a bar, you have to be 21 to enter. So we went to the Hard Rock instead.

Afterwards we wandered around taking pictures and stuff. It was really fun. Then waffle house for pie. mmmmmmm :)

This morning we were gonna go ice skating, but got lazy. oh well. had lunch with the folks, then she had to leave :(

I maaaaajorly need to do some massive cleaning around my house. i think i'm not going to put up my xmas tree, being so close to xmas and nobody here to really enjoy it. i haven't mopped in months, if not a year. i think i'm going to wipe out the fridge tonight and maybe tackle the bathroom. tomorrow i need to wash alot of clothes and fold and put away. if i do those things there things will look ALOT better :)

ok that's all for now kiddies. g'nighty :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I definitely didn't want to leave, but duty called! Can't wait to see ya Tuesday :-)