Friday, March 09, 2007

oreos and dreams

1 envelope unflavored gelatin
1/4 cup cold water
1 cup Crisco
1 pound plus 1 tablepsoon confectioners sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla

the above ingredients are for the filling of 50 oreo cookies.... holy crap those are unhealthy! :P

ok crazy dreams last night. i kept waking up from 2:30 a.m. until 7:30 when i finally crawled out of bed...

umm.. one dream - i had dad's 78 F-100 pickup - but it was a 5 speed (in reality it's an auto) - annie was driving it. it's raining pretty good, and in the front yard of my parents, it rolls foward almost to the the house before she gets it cranked. then she gives it alot of gas and drives all the way across the yard all the way to the side of the yard before i chew her out unmercifully to the point of tears where i trade places and turn around so i can go back and fix the yard. while i'm trying to turn around i about back over a car cause while i'm backing into a driveway a car decides to go around me by going thought the driveway.... also at the end of the rd before i turn around i see 2 cops - one i go around cause he's undercover and parked in the rd, the other passes me at the end of the road.

another dream i'm at some huge house. there's a cartoon type guy handcuffed or tied spread eagle (i don't remember what he's wearing) above the bed - er feet to the bed hands to the ceiling. meanwhile a bondage looking chick who resembled Six from tripping the rift or Lila from futurarama ties herself to the guy... and they wait for the masochist... i think i run out of the room and down the hall, someone's chasing me. i jump down flights of stairs and make my way all the way to the front of the house, but the door's locked with a deadbolt. i forget what else happens from here.

hmmm... i had like 3-4 dreams but now... gah. oh well those are the 2 i remember.


To dream about masochism, suggests your need to experience and feel things at an extreme level. Alternatively, you are sacrificing yourself and must suffer for your past mistakes.

To dream that you are locked out, suggests that you are feeling alienated or unaccepted. You have difficulties getting in touch with your feelings. Consider what and where you are being locked out of.

To see a lock in your dream, signifies your inability to get what you want or being kept out. Perhaps an aspect of yourself is locked up inside and needs to be expressed.

To see a wreck in your dream, represents obstacles and barriers toward your goals. You feel that you are being held back or that you are not making any progress.

To see and hear rain falling, symbolizes forgiveness and grace.

To dream that you are watching the rain from a window, indicates that spiritual ideas and insights are being brought to you awareness. It may also symbolize fortune and love.

To see the police in your dream, indicates some failure to perform or to honor obligations and commitments. The police also symbolize structure, rules, and control. A more direct interpretation of seeing the police in your dream forewarns that you should avoid reckless behavior.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's good to get everything paid for now. Or pay for things as we go along and we have the money for them. This is good cuz we still have to have money to find a place to live in NC after we get married.