The story:
I just got back from Tenn with Shea. i had unloaded the bike off the back of her truck (cause i was too lazy to drive it back to ga) and while unloading it i slipped on some pine straw and laid the bike down for about 3 seconds. after i got it up, it barely wanted to run, so i took it for a spin around the neighborhood to flush out the gas/oil that had spilt into the cylinders. i threw on my helmet, left my shorts and short sleeves on, and didn't grab my gloves or jacket. :( bad mistake.
i drove it around, everything started running fine, so i came back into the driveway. as a co-worker said, i tried Evel Knievel... i always do a wheelie in my driveway. for some reason, this time i dunno if i was going faster, if my hand slipped, if i was off balance, or what - but the bike went right, and i went left. we both smacked the front of my car at like 30mph IN MY DRIVEWAY!
poor shea was watching the whole thing. i picked myself up, picked the bike up, pushed it out of the way, got the hose pipe out to rinse off the gas that had spilt on the driveway, and to rinse off my freshly noticed wounds. i then go inside, start putting alcohol on them and changed clothes.
f'in a alcohol burns :( sleeping last night was fun, and this morning my left knee hurts to walk on, and my right foot hurts to walk on. i went to the doctor and he things my foot is just bruised, and that some prescrption ointment and antibotics will help the wounds/knee. i sure hope so.
lesson learned? NEVER RIDE WITHOUT GEAR. *THANKFULLY* i was wearing my helmet, and look at the damage it took. $100 pants, the jacket i already own, and gloves that i already own could have prevented all this damage. well, also, not doing stunts, but none the less, gear would have helped.
Glad you are ok!
Awww. I'm glad you're okay!
Auuuughh, this is still giving me chill bumps today. So, doing any more wheelies soon? ;) I know you must have been in pain if you went to the doctor :p
soon? no. near future? prob not. in the driveway again? doubt it. plans to buy full gear head to toe? spring time. (by then the bike will be fixed and i should be fixed and it should be warm enough to ride!)
some pain yes, but when my knee's nearly swollen enough that it's hard to walk - and fear of a broken foot - that's why i went to the doctor. i've said all along my biggest fear was my knees. and what did i screw up the worst? my knee :(
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