Sunday, March 15, 2009






so. if i can sell my car for fair value, then i'm only $2k under payoff :(

but. i could be out from under my car payment. yes, i'd have to replace it with something. or drive the motorcycle exclusively (that might be interesting, except in the rain...)


--Me said...

My 'Fair' is exactly 2k off mine also. Gonna list it this week in a couple places. Excellent = my payoff but I don't think it'll go for that due to the passenger door being funky :(

Anonymous said...

So many people trying to get out from under their car payments these days....

Jason said...

it's not an over-burden. it's more of "i wish 3 years ago i didn't do it".

i really really really want to find a $500 running car, put like $1000 into making it more reliable, then run it til it's dead. $1500 investment in a car instead of close to $20k after interest...

--Me said...

I'm getting out of mine to get something different also... Kind of a different direction though.