Monday, October 27, 2008

good times.

i searched my blog for "jellyfish" and came across this post. here's an excerpt:

yeah! i been playing chris's game on the gamecube Animal Crossing. it's addicitve as a mofo! i played on his name last weekend, and just fished for him (you sell the fish for money) so i had fun fishing, and he got money. we both happy :) lol then this past... saturday? i think so yea, i fished for melanie. got her some money. today i got bored and fished for chris again. today i set the clock on teh gamecube to "september" so the game thought i was playing in september. and Woah! oh boy did i catch some big dollar fish! most fish are like 120-300 "bells" (the equiv of dollars). some fish are worth 650, 1300, 3000, 5000 and even 10000 bells. i've cought at least 1 of all of these, but, they're not too common. in the ocean you can catch jellyfish left and right, all worth 100 bells each. every now and then you'll catch a big fish worth 3000 or even more rare is the 5000 fish. well, today, the ocean pulled up about 3 pieces of trash, and every single other fish was the 3000 or 5000 fish. a "good" fishing trip before i head to the store was about 10-20k bells. today's was about 40-60k bells a trip :) heh yeah, in about 3-4 hours this morn (i played a long time) i earned him about 400k bells! :) lol sad me. but i paid off his bigger house in the game and got a basement added on :) who knows what that'll cost. tis was fun tho. sorry melanie i'm all fished out. get chris to wire you some money or something - i know he's got some reserves :P

hahahaha :) good times.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Ah, yes, very good times!