also these mandarin oranges are pretty good too. the only thing i've thought this evening that would taste good is grapefruit - fresh, in the rind grapefruit. i've been drinking watered down grapefruit juice all weekend too.
i got some "iced tea spoons" from target today. regularly $9.99 on clearance for $2.48. they're spoons with extra long handles. i've been wanting some for a long time, i've just never been able to find any. mom has some, and they're great for a tall glass of chocolate milk, or eating grapefruit, etc (long handle, and small spoon head) but even mom said she hasn't seen them sold in years.
rockband's pretty fun - but i'm about sick of it for a while myself. maybe next weekend we'll finish unlocking the songs - i have 3 bands started: one for drums single, one for guitar single, and one for co-op. and you have to start from the beginning with each :( so far the co-op has like 42 of 58 songs unlocked... me and chris played for like 2.5 hours, then me chris and trey played for another 2... then me chris trey and terri played for another 30ish mins. by them, 1 a.m., my sick self was DEAD.
back about a year ago i did a panaroma of the dallas view outside the hotel in texas. this was a trial of a program designed to do panaromas. the results looked like this:

today i found the original pics and used photoshop. the result was this:

it's not my best work, but it'll do for now.
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