Backyard, shot from the driveway

Back/Side yard shot from near the pond on the backside

Side/Front yard shot from the road

Front/other side yard shot from driveway

The nearby pond

The entrance to the basement

The spacious front porch

The back deck (those double doors are to the master suite)

The [mostly] fenced in back yard

Back porch, from master suite.

The only wall damage (in basment, foot level)

The unfinished basement, shooting towards the street (notice the ping pong table) :P

The other half of the unfinished basement, shooting away from the road.

I LOVE the front doors :)

The kitchen (facing the backyard)

The master suite. nothing fancy.

The master shower

The master tub. I love the wood and windows :)

Master sink

Living room - this wall is back to the kitchen - those doors goto the back deck.

Umm.. dining room? just outside the kitchen, other side of living room.

Wash room - between garage and kitchen.

Sun room - between kitchen and wash room (I love the bay windows!)

Kitchen from sun room area.

the kitchen appliances are old. i mean, they look 30+ yrs old. This house was made in 1988, and mom & pop's house was built in ~1985. comparing appliances, mom and pop must have bought state of the art appliances, and this house used knock off clearance ones :P but i do like the natural wood of the kitchen.
The carpet (throughout the house, but mainly the living room) must be replaced - tears at the edges and just pain nasty. there is a $1750 escrow for doing just this. the walls need paint, but that's easy :)
The basement gives me somewhere to hide or do my
bomb making wood working. :) the master suite isnt elegant but again is functional. the master bath has some nice accents, and the master closet is bigger (walk in and around, 3 full sides of shelves). the living room is flowing and spacious, and nice big front porch. This house has more places to relax at, i.e. front porch, sun room, back deck, etc. i think i like it...
1 comment:
Looks awesome man! Is there a good place for your projector? I couldn't really see a good spot from the pictures. But maybe that is the last thing you are thinking about also. heh Oh and it looks like Melanie isn't interested in your current house. ::sob:: Oh well, gotta keep the wife happy ya know?
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