Sunday, January 08, 2006

ugh. how horrible of a weekend. it was 1 hellish week, and i had to work saturday. days like thursday i worked til 7:45 at night (which didn't make me a happy camper) then saturday not only did i have to work, but fucker comes in at 4:57 to buy a pc... (we close at 5 on sat and 7 on weekdays) thankfully he bought a pc and some more crap but i still worked til after 5:30... ugh.

to top it all off, friday me and brad are about to head to carmax to trade my truck in BUT i forgot you need a title - thankfully i remembered that before we left so we decided to go on sunday. BUT...

saturday night i felt like crap. brad left at like 10:30 and i went stright to bed. i slept til about 2 p.m. today. then layed in bed til nearly 4. took a shot of dayquil and have taken about 6 tylenol so far (yes a shot, i lost that plastic cup, and then all i had to do is image it to be orange Skyy and it tasted not nearly as bad) all night i was freezing then burning up, then freezing. well, mainly freezing. btw it was between 72-76 in my room, but i was shivering under all my blankets... so now i'm feeling better but if i still don't fell great in the morning then fuck it, i'm just calling in sick.

so hrm, that was my weekend. today i also meant to goto my folk's house to get the title to the truck but looks like i won't be doign that... looks like i may be getting the title monday and trading it later that night? none the less i HAVE to get a tag by tuesday... ugh.

maybe ya'lls day have been better than mine, eh?

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