Created by The Car Connection
if you do all the wrong answers, you score a 5%.
my answers:
- driving 8-11 yrs
- everything i drive i go over the limit
- speed by 5-10 mph
- drive while drunk, no
- txt while driving yes
- talk on phone yes
- major accident no
- minor accident.... no
- 1-2 tickets
- slow down for yellow light
- always use my signal
- i often feel like others are going too slow
- i do tailgate
- i spent 3-7 hours driving
- never hit a pedestrian
- every few mins i change the radio station
- i don't rubberneck
- i've driven it all
- highly skilled.
bamn. B.
I got a C... I'm an average risk!
I think you cheated! :-p Love ya!
nope! i do speed everytime i drive. i do speed 5-10 over. i do stop for yellow lights (except that one time). i do fiddle with the radio all the time. and it still says minimal risk :)
Wow, I got a B.
I speed up for yellow's - 40mph and 75 feet is pushing pretty damn hard on the brakes.
Also I continually do more than 10 over. And I've caused a minor fender bender. I'm surprised I passed...
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