Tuesday, November 11, 2008


last night i worked til 9:45.

tonight i worked til 9:45.

last night i worked to resolve VGS issues with too many excessive false alarms.

tonight i worked to make a Linksys WRT54G3G-ST router work. i killed it. now it needs replacing.

tomorrow i was going to Ash, NC to install the camera system we assembled today. not anymore :-|

we might be leaving at lunch when we get our hands onto a new Linksys router. or if we can we're going to push it back to leaving Thursday morning instead.

no matter what, we leave, drive 6 hours, install, spend the night, check on it in the morn, then drive 6 hours back. 2 days killed.

i was supposed to see my love tonight - those plans got foiled - i'm sorry :(

on a side note - annie should be having her baby tomorrow.

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