Wednesday, July 09, 2008

just sittin' here

i've been at work since 8:20 this morning. took a shorter than normal lunch. left at 6ish to get supper. now i'm kicked back surfing myspace drinking a miller 24oz :) i have to work from 8 until prob close to midnight, so i figured there was no reason to go home and waste gas just turning around and coming back...

i'll see about working half a day tomorrow. one can only hope :-| i was hoping to call in friday, but i forgot i have a full day. i'm also asking for monday too. hell, putting in 15h today, still haven't got but a half a day off for the whole saturday and whole sunday i worked a few weeks ago - it's only fair...

well let me finish this miller before it becomes 8 and the smell is still potent :)

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