Thursday, November 10, 2005


wow it's past hump day and i feel GREAT! lol it feels like... tommorrow should be monday or maybe tues... hella not thurs. good stuff.

spent the evening with crystal - highlight of the evening was laying out on the trampoline and looking at the stars - or abscense of (it was every so slightly foggy/cloudy). was really really fun. i'd say "cool" but it was - a wee bit nippy :P

urm - another long day at work tommorrow. whopidedoo.

i tired. gd it's 1:10 already. g'nighty folks.


zyrobyte said...

make sure sam is outside when you leave...i dont want to have to clean up more than 6 piles/pools of shit when I get home...fuckin cat is causing too much trouble for me...I hope I can keep sane until the 30th

and sorry that he is doing it...if it werent for melanie I would have just thrown him out my car while driving to work (i would have made sure I was on the highest bridge in spagetti junction too) yea im evil..

Anonymous said...

LoL acutally - there was some, pissed me off, so i evicted em both to the yard :P poor chester - wrong place, wrong time, and he loses his balls. waht a rough life :P