i bought $5 in tickets tonight. wouldn't be awesome if i acutally won the mega millions? :)
i play wiht some statictics. i see my ticket was "cash option" which i estimated to be $164.3 million (53%). subtract taxes (40%) = $98.58 million. now. based on spending money every day every hour, tha'ts almost $250 an hour. every hour. every day. for 50 years stright :) OR based on 50 years working. at 40 hours a week. is $947 an hour. for 50 years. :) hehehe THAT'D be nice. or if i could get the annuaity. that'd be better. 26 years of $7.15 million a year (after 40% taxes) which translates into $3,400 an hour. for 40 hour weeks. for 52 weeks a year. for 26 years. :) :)
oh wow. long day. in atl til 8:30. got back to the office late. went to the grocery store. got a lil food. got lotto tickets. got home 10 p.m.. noticed a trashcan in the driveway. hey chris, is that ours? how much is that gonna set me back a month? :(
ouch. i'm finishing off a margarita from the fridge. finally finishing the 1.75L bottle of Jose Cuaravo that's been there since... right after labor day? yeah. tis a bit potent at the moment.
crystal dind't have to well of a day. that sucks. :( i'm kinda at fault, but not in a "im a complete bastard way". :( i don't know what to do. i don't know what i can do...
urm. yeah i'm not gonna make it to the drawing tonight at... midnight? 11:45? who knows. who cares. it's late. zzzz :(
another long sucky day at work tommorrow. gah i so gotta get out of there. g'night ya'll :'(
Its not your fault at all...sleep well darlin
i have no idea what youre talkin about a trash can?
wtf? LOL there's a burgess hauling trashcan in the driveway =-0
last year i left like 2 messages saying "hey, i wanna sign up, i need curbside trash..." and i never heard back - i almost left the msg "if you do'nt call back then i'm going to continue using the neighbors..." but never did. so it just appeared?! LOL :P
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