Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Half the Jason, All the Taste.

eh, twas an ok day. paid the electricy bill, went to work... worked... got off work when to see my lover girl :) we watched Gremlins - twas in interesting movie. tho it was funnier than i expected :P

ummm.. not much new. just another day at work tommorrow :-
via tomshardware.com:

This is a graph of the clock speed development of AMD and Intel processors from 1993 until the end of 2005. Between 1993 and 1999, the average clock speed increased tenfold. Then stagnation set in; over the past four years, frequencies haven't even doubled.

(granted you can't see the chart, but i was just pointing out the "Between 1993 and 1999, the average clock speed increased tenfold. Over the past four years, frequencies haven't even doubled.")

that sucks :-\


zyrobyte said...

Hey, dont let the cats outside because they cant go outside until they are fully healed. I know sam is still shitting in the floor too, he gets 3 strikes then hes out..now melanie is blaming the litter...i give up, ive tried everything and i told her it was a waste of money to try and help him...the cat just doesnt want to shit in a shitbox. Just dont take it out on the cats, take it out on me if you get pissed....cause its my fault for keeping them or even accepting him from amy when I knew i couldnt take care of him

Jason said...

hehe actually.. last night we heard apparantly you walking down the hall then i assume melanie was close behind ya and she was saying something like "wait no" and we joked "i wonder if he's taking the cat's head off =-0 " lol but then we saw no blood and such, so i guess you didn't :P