ugh. horrible. btw i only make $1600 a month.... and i've been carrying a ham sandwich lunch to work daily, eating $0.93 microwave dinners... bought like $30 in alcohol in 3 months... THIS SUCKS. (the 180 fee is the speeding ticket, automobile is gas)
I might be able to scrounge up something if you need it...all the spare money i have is actually on credit cards...:-\
I am only able to look for a house because melanie doesnt have any expenses besides car insurance...so essentially, she will be paying for the house if we get one, i really need to get rid of my fucking car!!
I got an idea, ill leave the keys in the ignition one night and someone just come up and steal it, go on a joy ride, then ditch it somewhere, but make sure its totaled. that way I can get the insuance money on it and get a piece of shit car for cheap. YAY...i think
haha, my verification word is nbacdc..lol AC/DC
yeah i forgot that my credit card wasn't listed here.... one more expense :o
wait i'm an idiot again - the things like gas and some of the utilities come out of credit card: this is just spending for the month, not spending through the checking account.... so this is all the money i spent last month.
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