Saturday, November 19, 2005

top 10

hahaha this is a sad list (but real!)

Forbes Top Ten Aphrodisiacs:
  • Barry White tunes - Truly frigid is the heart, mind and body that won't melt to the mellifluous come-ons of the most one-track baritone in history. Try: "It's Ecstasy When You Lay Down Next to Me," "Your Love--So Good I Can Taste It," "I'm Qualified to Satisfy You," "I'll Do For You Anything You Want Me To," and of course, "Can't Get Enough of Your Love Babe."

  • A few stiff drinks - A zillion tipsy one-night-standers can't be wrong. Though the ladies on Sex In The City still swill Cosmos, in the end it really doesn't matter what you drink, so long as you do. Just be careful: As Shakespeare noted of booze in "Macbeth": "it provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance."

  • A dozen oysters - If, as Jonathan Swift observed, "He was a bold man that first eat an oyster," then he was a brilliant man that first tried these tangy and lubricious little bi-pods for seduction. Freshen up afterwards with a moist towelette.

  • Promises, promises - "Sure, baby, I'll hook you up with that producer friend of mine." "Of course they're orchestra seats--nothing less for you, my little turtledove." "Paris in the fall? No problem, sweetie." Repeat as necessary.

  • A little skin - There's a reason why the Taliban covers women in chadors--although the same can be said for men as well. There's nothing like a bared midriff or well-turned calf to put a snap in your turban.

  • Manolo Blahniks - Well, they're certainly not made for walking. . . Sexy for her, seductive for him, and at those prices, cheaper than a suite at the Ritz. In basic black leather, of course.

  • Backrubs - Alternately chaste and erotic at the same time, backrubs are a tried-and-true prelude to, ahem, more intimate relations. The theory is that once someone lets you knead their neck and shoulders they may let you satisfy other needs as well.

  • Perfume - Yeats wrote that "love comes in at the eye" but, as anyone who has ever had their olfactory bells rung by a whiff of Chanel No. 5 can tell you, the nose can also successfully stimulate the pheromones. It's a matter of basic chemistry: perfume + body heat = arousal.

  • Money - Call us cynical but few aphrodisiacs are as potent as a big bank account. Money may not be able to buy love but what it can buy may make you a lot more attractive.

  • A diamond engagement ring - The ultimate aphrodisiac. For women, that is. For men, it can often have quite the reverse effect.

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