Wednesday, November 16, 2005

i'm a loser.

gah i'm such a loser. i didn't win the lotto. btw i can't sleep. the cat (sammy) tried to scale my bedroom window twice now. both times it infuriated me to the point that i tried to catch the cat - if i did i was gonna feed him to the dog. if he tries to scale the window again, i'm gonna go find the baseball bat... then you won't need to declaw or nuter the cat....


Melanie said...

"nuter the cat...."

-neuter- the cat. :) Just being a smart ass!

I am so very sorry that Sam has been making you mad. Chris has been keeping him outside so he won't mess the house, but now I guess he did that because he wanted back inside or something. But please don't feed him to the dog or hit him with a baseball bat :( I still plan on getting him fixed the 30th, but if you think Chris and I should give him away, we will. <3

Jason said...

eh, yeah, i should've seen that coming :P

acutally the only words i know how to spell is liek the your and you're and such - it drives me nuts when someone says "your going to die" or something like that... there's another word like that i can't think of - has like 3 spellings... eh oh well

well, i've been throwning him outside too to keep him from craping the house - well twice last night i'm almost asleep then i'm jolted out of sleep when i hear the CLICK CLICK of claws sliding on the screen.. i was pretty damn tired last night and twice was woken up when i was almost asleep, so i ended up falling asleep around 1-1:30 when i felt like i could have slept at 11.

Jr said...

not only did i not win the lotto, i didnt match a single number on any of my tickets. i am so unlucky

--Me said...

Jason said...

omg brad i've seen that car - the pic of smashed windshield and paint, but OMG that's a M3!!!!!!!