Monday, November 21, 2005

so anyways, lfd prob wants to kill this guy...

mmm.... check fraud... yeah buddy comes in saturday, buys a $1000 pc plus 19" LCD monitor. pays by check. has an out of state license (NC). out of state bank (FL). credit card with his name on it. we accept the check. then get this gut feelin that somethign wasn't right... correct. upon calling this bank today, we found out he's passed of some more checks at wal-mart and such. bastard.

so umm.. slow day today. stayed up til 4:30 a.m. doing invoices and chatting and filling out the boss's questionare. shall be interesting. tho i did get prettymuch all the invoices done. good stuff. load off my shoulders.

talked to both neighbors yesterday (lets see if i can remember their names) uhhh... Sloane the 23 yr old and Sharon the... 50 yr old :P lol i asked em if the trashcan in my yard was theirs. they both said no, and that i should use it :) lol so i think i shall. sharon has had trash service (that i've been using for the past year) lol but i knew Sloane just got a new roomate or 2 and saw she just got tv/internet, so i figgured they got trash pickup too (but it was delivered to the wrong house). i'm a bit curious if i'm goign to get free trash pickup cause they didn' realize their mistake? hopefully :) if not its like $13.50 a month for pickup. not too shabby.

umm. last night i hung with crystal. fun as ever :) she calls me a tease, i call her a tease, it's all mutual. ;P hoped to see her tonight but her friend michelle stole her then she spent some time wif her family. was prob for the better, twas raining fairly bad :-\ hopefully it'll dry up cause i hate the rain at night. rain during teh day is ok. night is fine. rain at night is a bitch.

ummmm..... i went grocery shopping tonight. got some coke and cheese and microwave dinners and ham. yeah, that about sums it up... lol. somehow i spent $35 =-0 the family ahead of me in line had like 2 buggys damn near full of groceries. i was expecting to see like a $300-500 bill but amazingly it was only like $125. i was impressed. hell my buggy's been 1/2 full of BigK brand cokes and Kroger brand shit and it comes up $80 :-\ just by looking i felt so bad for the family - the mother looked about... 25, the father (assumed, might have been the mother's dad) looked about 40, and had 2 girls about.... maybe 8 or so. while the cashier was scanning he just had this glum look on his face. when she said the total he pulled out some bills and paid, and one of the girls said "wow, you just had enough" and he replied "yeah, for a min there i thought we might have to start putting stuff back..." i'm glad they didn't. i wish i was financally stable enough that i could have said "hey, ring up my stuff to - i got the bill." i'd love to do just random acts of kindness like that. little things that may make a world of difference to 1 family at a time, but go unrecogonized. that's what i would love to do...

shit. i fucked up. i'm sorry baby :(

so yesterday i tried to solder an ATX connecter onto a motherboard. i think had i tried to desolder the connecter off the first one the way i finally did it to begin with, i'd been better off... i started off trying to desolder 1 at a time. then i finally gave in, got the blow torch, and got the whole thing off at once :) hehe BUT 4 pins didn't fall out with the connector - so 16 came out, 4 were still stuck. after i resoldered it on the new board, those last 4 were a bitch. i completely killed the backside of the board with 2 pins, and the other 2 i think turned out ok. none the less the board doesnt post, the green LED lit up once then went away, and i think i smoked the power suppy =-0 oh well. it was already broke ass. i was just trying to add some square-wheelin' jason flava :P

i have such a... fear? of losing these blog posts. normally after about a paragraph i'll select all, copy, then paste and save into a notepad document. that way if the pc locks up, it's saved. if blogger time out, it's in a notepad doc. hrm... maybe i'm just... weierd? :)

what's new what's new... you people suck. what happened to "stay on my ass until i finally take this gd insurance test?" huh? i'm still no futher then i was this time last month... gah i suck so bad.

um ok. this started out as a short post. then i kept adding. yeah me! :) g'night cruel world *BLAMN!*


Jr said...

yea rain at night does suck, especially when your wipers think that their job is to smear the rain around and keep it on the windshield instead of knocking it off

zyrobyte said...

when i first learned to drive it was in the dark while it was raining. plus I pretty much always drive in the dark because I leave for work so early. So rain at night doesnt bother me all that much...well, rain in the dark..rain at 8pm might because there is actually traffic out =P