Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A.D.D. is a motherfucker. it SUCKS!

wow. another load off my shoulders. more guilt i let free.

ADD sucks. the moment arouse and i was singing along to the radio. passed. DAMNIT! :P

candice IM'ed me today. that was my guilt. it was her i hung out with friday at her friend's place. then she went home. then i hooked up wiht crystal sunday. i felt like a man-ho. but then she told me today like the identaical thing - she hooked up with a guy sunday :o so we're both happier where we're at. i'm glad.

hahaha got some interesing pics today... quoting jon "i'm thinking of a word that starts with school and ends with girl" :P

gd why won't this dog stop barking!

ugh. looks like long day at work tommorrow running cables in the Atl. oh well. maybe traffic won't be a bitch.

spent a lovely evening with crystal. and i'm talking with her now. :) but i had to take her home. :( maybe i'll get to see her tommorrow? :) i got work after work so i might have to wait til wednesday :( i dunno

gd it's 1:30 already. i gotta goto bed! g'nighty


Anonymous said...

Im so sweet and innocent...arent I...I am right? I hope I get to see ya for at least a second tomorrow. :) Sleep well precious

zyrobyte said...

dont let sam back in the house...as of this afternoon, hes gone.

Melanie said...

No Sam isn't gone. Jason, I'm getting him fixed this weekend and its supposed to solve his problem! If it doesn't fix it, THEN he will be gone.

Jason said...

holy shit! backing into the driveway tonight i saw him trotting across behind me then i felt a *ba*boompt* :o i flattened him tonight....

HAHHAHAHAHA :) oops? i so wrong it's bad. nah i kidding. tho i did see him sleeping in the living room - compassion for him tonight i see?

zyrobyte said...

no jason, it IS only Sammy cat, i've separated them to see who it was and Sam failed the test.

Melanie said...

Oh my gosh Jason you almost gave me a heart attack!

Anonymous said...

LoL -

Sammy,you have been tried and convicted of crappinging in the kitchen. Your sentence shall be: the removal of your balls

muhahhahahahaha :P

zyrobyte said...

Chester happens to be an innocent bystander that is in the wrong place at the wrong time...haha

Anonymous said...

damn, i dun think i want to hang around chester or sammy anymore - i dun wanna lose my nuts! :o