- jr wants me to goto the club with him maybe tuesday i think
- my aunt wants me to help her setup dsl monday (or this week)
- this guy wants to hire me to do pc work this weekend
- a lady from my church wants me to do some consulting end of this week
- i want to see crystal as much as possible
- i did want to goto frys but not anymore
- i need to work on my dad's truck on some weekends if i'm going to get it
- i need to keep this website job idea rolling
- my house is a wreck - it needs major cleaning
- my pc needs to be reloaded after i burn a shitload of dvds
- i need to goto work right now...
i got too much going on.....
I got the house thing for ya ;)
I'll work on that when i get home, IF i get home. I said it once, and ill say it again, Georgians can NOT drive in the rain. Of course I did 80mph the whole trip to work this morning...lost control only once...but i lived...dunno about that truck driver tho, maybe it was Josh :-p hah, well, yea, i did lose control passing a semi-truck but I got better after I finally passed him
Lets see if I make it home in at least 2 pieces
gd you knucklenutt :P
eh, i guess the house isn't too bad - the ktichen is pretty much clean, except for a few dishes. nothign is really too bad, i just want to petty much go over everthing with a can of cleaner (like the carpets), mop the kitchen, etc.
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