Tuesday, July 12, 2005

well, lets see how this works (post via email)
yet another idea. i was too lazy to read wether or not i had posted this or not, so i will again anyways:
car salesman. at least at conyers nissan. on a new car they make at least $125. on a used car over 45 days they make like $1000. 10 car min they must sell a month. and most places you get paid like $8/h. say i sell 10 new cars and "only" make $1250, and 40 hour weeks, that's approx $1280 a month. total per month: $2530 x12 months = $30360 MORE THAT MY CURRENT FUCKING SALARY. :(
PLUS then i can have more time to do websites, lets say i only do 1 a week. add $200 /month. that's $32760 a year. gd it.
yet, the dealership guy said that his first year (12 yrs ago) was his worst, and he only made $50k. didn't cars back then cost like $8k? now equiv cars cost like $18k? He's got to be rolling in some massive dough. and i think i may pay him a visit, turn in a resume.....

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