well that was fun - i haven't long got back from my sister's house. it was fun. the drive back i pretty much did the speed limit (<5 over is the speed limit :P ) it took around 1-1.25h to get to union city, and about an hour to get from union city to my house, going 138... not too shabby.
i made myself think i was gonna be so far away, gone for so long, but in actuallity, i left after lunch yesterday, stopped by crystal's house; hung our fer an hour or so then went on down. that's 3:30 or later getting there, and i left at like 7:30 today. a day and 4h but yet it feels like i was gone 5 days.... interesting.
i was really really impressed by what my sister was talking about her and reagan do, like going on trips and stuff at random; i envy her so bad for that. but the twist is that we never did anything liek that growing up. we sorta did when we were little, but we never really went anywhere once i got to middle school or older. she was saying some saturdays they wake up and say "lets goto the mountains" and they go. sometimes they camp, sometimes they find a motel. but i was "omg, that is badass." i wish i could teach myself to do that. it's so hard tho. the advantage they have is they spend all their time with each other, when they aren't working or something. she said she gets up and goes to work hours before he gets up, and he works hours past when she gets off... but then say saturday morn they wake up together and just go. i envy her so bad for that. and i don't think this is a bad envy. it's an envy that i can help shape myself by.
hrm. i hade to quasadia's for supper. i still hongray. i think i may go find some mo' food. i had a chicken craving, but that shit takes too much work, heh. awe, i ate my last gummy dino :( but i got ice cream in there :P hrm...
g'bye ya'll (i ain't going to bed yet) :P
Einstein's theory of relativity.
Put your hands on a hot pan, a second can seem like an hour. Grab a hold of a hot woman, an hour can seem like a second. It's all relative.
p.s. slut
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