Thursday, June 30, 2005

ok i need to add some more im' not done

brad finally quit again. well, 2 week notice. or 4 week. or something, i was confused.

i never did look into more jobs myself. i got lazy. well, not really. i got talked out of it. the best idea i had all day, er, well, all week/month was to start persuing this webdesign idea like i've been thinking about. but instead of saying "i wish.." i thougt of an idea that might just work. i'm going to make a template. get the names and occupation of say all these small buisnesses on a road. then insert the info into this template. then propose a website to them, for say $200. and have more "extras" for them to buy, like domain names and email and stuff. and setting up email, etc. if i use the same template for all the buisnesses, then there's little work involved. and if someone is really interested, i can do something unique for them (for more money) :) this is the best idea i've had all month as for jobs... if i could say find 4 buisnesses a week that could take me up on my offer, of say $200 each. that's $800 a week. 16 buisnesses a month. tha'ts $3200 a month. and if i coudl get some updates out of them (cause, they wouldn't want old info on a website, right?) then say $50 a month for updates? update 16x websites at $50 each, tha'ts a steady income of $800 a month too. and that is if i only do $50/m. right now i get paid about $2250 a month, before taxes. if i did websites at $50/m that's like 45 websites. that's too much. but for a side job, i think this could be good money. and once i build a reputation, then i coudl charge more. (and 45 websites would have generated $9k in sales, too) but then again. if i quit my dayjob. if i did 2 updates per website a month. that means 90 updates per month. 10 websites a day, work 9 days this month. then rest :) does it really sound THAT bad? i don't think so... and 10 websites a day woudl be a breeze. if each was knocked out in say 30 mins each. that's 5h a day working. at day or night, whenever i felt liek it. work 9 days of 5h. taht's a 45h workmonth. i'm working 50h a week right now. yea, 45 websites don't sound that bad now.....

wow i ramble and think sooo off track and feel better and i KNOW i have bad spelling. :)

oh yea, my camera's pissing me off. i'm about to take this shit apart :) heh (every now and then the screen turns black, like i have the lens cap on) oh! my ND8x lens came in! hahah, 1/8th the light passes through it. that means instead of 1/125 shutter pics, i take 1/30. which means greener greens. blueer blues. more contrast. etc. nice :) i'll post pics soon(er or later) :)

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