Thursday, September 01, 2005


i started to write

and blogger just refreshed on me....

as i said before:

I'm about.... to fucking... go balestic... i'm so ready to go shoot up a school (if i was still in high school)

today has been sooo horrible....

nothign went right...

it's been sooo long of a day...

cops are everywhere....

i need gas which went from 2.59 to 3.39 IN JUST OVER 2 HOURS....

i want to drive my bike around. but i know if i do, i'm going to hit a deer or get a speeding ticket. cause i'm ready to fly......

tommorrow is going to come waaaay too soon....

i've got about 2x as many bills as money...

i've got no stomach for the ammount of alcohol i want right now....

just... pull the trigger for me. i don't feel like doign it myself :-\


zyrobyte said...

good news, I can help with your bills when i get paid, hopefully on Tuesday, if not Tues. then Friday (next week)

I just got my car refinanaced and lets say i got a hell of a deal.

My payments went UP to $393 a month BUT they paid off my credit cards!!!

so i figured thats about $175 extra cash in my pocket.

AND i dont have to make a payment until october. So I should be able to help you out, at least this month and maybe next. I still got that damn speeding ticket to pay too :'(

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you had such a bad day. :( Everyone has one now and then.. I know I've had a few.

Anonymous said...

Chill Out!!!!!!!!!!!!