$7.75 in quarters...
$0.70 in nickles...
$1.90 in dimes...
$0.52 in pennies...
grand total of... $10.87 in my cupholder, excluding what's in the coin dispenser! :P
yeah, i'm gonna let a squad of guys clean my truck tommorrow morn, so i just went over and put off my work junk in a huge box i can pull out in the morn, i gathered all the papers and crap i wanted to keep, then threw away ALOT of crap.... now all that they have to do is vaccume, wipe and wash, lol. i THINK it was $15 outside, $25 inside and out, so if it is, i'm gonna say "hey, ya'll make this look as clean as that Aviator i saw ya'll cleaning last week, and i got $40 for the inside and out since it's so bad.." lol. if i misheard them, and it was 25 outside $35 inside and out, then i'm gonna say "here's $40, keep the change" lol so i'm gonna tip em some, no matter what. and if they do a REALLY good job, i may just have em come back monthly :P lol
hrm... i'm trying to figger up my bills in MS Money.. not an easy task. i kinda got ahead of myself, by starting out with a $0 balance in bank and credit card (when i know i had a negative credit balance and positive checking balance) so now none of the numbers are adding up right :-\ eh oh well.
ummmm.... not much more done today. just a day at work. OH YEAH i told the boss today "just fyi, i'm going to apply for that BOE tech job opening" so he knows there's no supprised this time. last time i applyed, someone came up to him "hey, i saw one of your tech's applied for the job, he seems pretty smart...." so yeah, i felt sooo low when he found out last time, i had to let him know up front this time... tho he still has NO clue about this insurance job that i'm about to take the test for :P yes, i found that study cd today, and i'm gonna install it tonight and see waht i can not get accomplished heh.
ummmm... insomina last night - it was about 4 a.m. before i drifted off to sleep :( tho i did manage to watch the "Stewie Griffin - The Untold Story" movie lol :P oops, it gets released Sept 27th :o hahahah oh wait, that's in 20 mins... well, i've had it since 9/19 :P
yeah. sleep early for me tonight. midnight. sounds good. gotta print off resume and get a copy of it made... then turn it in with a job app all before 9 - when teh car wash guys should show up to work... gah. what a monday. g'nighty :-\
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