teeheehee even after last night, www.iqtest.com (i think) says i have an iq of 147 :P and according to a Percentiles and Rarity Chart, i'm 1 in 1,157 (one out of every one thousand one hundred and fifty seven have an iq of 147)
ok enuf about that.
last night. ugh. well. who knows. the camera knows :o i hit on all the chicks here, twas funny. i think i REALLY scared melissa (amy's friend) well if i didn't, i dont know how :P i woke up this morn on the couch, then went to my bed at like - 8ish? slept 5 more hours in my bed, felt HORRIBLE at work.... *tear* oh well, now i'm holding food down :) so it's all getting better...
oh yea, that means i gotta clean the kitchen now....
got me credit card bill today. $1,800 :( actualy... i've had 1 month bills that high before (yeah, i didn't pay it last month, i went to pay it 2 days after the due date...) oooh well... speaking of bills. my mortage is paid for this month :P heh, and i'm going to TRY to get into a better habbit of paying my bills! and how am i going to do that you may ask? with...
a POCKET PC :P lol. Toshiba e335 running Microsoft Pocket PC 2002, 300 MHz XScale processor, 240x320 resolution... tis sweet :) i got Microsoft Money 2005 and Pocket money, so now i can track charges and checks and get reminders for BILLS lol. and any appointments i have it makes hella easier to remember. and the grocery list (tho i never remember to write down everything i need) it's just cool :) my splurge item of the month. and it only set me back like $109 shipped :P oh yeah, for anyone curious, so far i have had to press the soft reset button at least twice, maybe 3 times now to "reboot" it :P hehehe gotta love MS.
i think chris has went to the *dark side* :o no not really, he's just in there watching despriate housewives. i've seen very little of it but what little i see didn't much interest me.
i think the internet's acting "less flaky" right now. maybe comcast really did do something on their end, who knows.
umm... ok i thikn i'm gonna go clean the kitchen and make some lemonaide :P my room's looking better. i can now see the floor :o speaking of floor, i hate this carpet. it shows wear HORRIBLY there are i know 3 places i have stapeled it down to keep it from unraveling, and i know of a few more spots i need to staple... garh :( oh the garage is looking better too :P soon(er or later) i'll be able to like *gasp* walk through it w/o fear of death :O lol there are like 35 gallons of used motor oil off to the side, there's a freaking stack of cans in the back, 2 lawn mowers (i gotta get the 2nd one working for me) 2 weed eaters (the 2nd one is annie's dads, gotta fix for him one day) a not put together desk, that i'm either gonna assemble or trash. anyone want it? if someone wants it i won't even bother.
ok i'm out, g'bye :D
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