Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Six flags

Crappy pic, but still brings a childish smile to my face when I drive by...
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Anonymous said...

I had a dream I was at six flags last night.

Chris said...

Melanie heard that 2009 could be Six Flags last year due to the economy. She said that she wanted to go this year. Maybe we can make it a double date?

Jason said...

the only problem with six flags being a double date is a) i'm not a huge fan of paying a premium to wait in long lines for min long ride, and b) britt's not a fan of roller coasters. so for us, it's a washout. however, i hear there's snow on stone mountain ;)

Anonymous said...

Where the heck did Melanie hear that? I hope it's not true..

Melanie said...

There was an online article and I saw it on the news. There was a list of companies that may not survive 2009... and guess what else was on there? KRISPY KREME! Nooo! Six Flags has also lowered their prices this year, and they are opening earlier than usual. We are definitely going - I love riding every single ride there.