well, last night i went to bed, with the humidifier on, with humidity in the room give or take around 30%. i woke up numerous times throughout the night, and watched it rise to 35%. around 5-6 am, the humidifier was out of it's 1.5 gal of water. by 7am, it was back down the 28% humidity. tonight i come home, and it's at 24%. doc said a healthy level was 40-50%.
my hvac has to be drying the air like a kiln. tonight, i'm dropping the heat to 55° and turning on my oil-filled heater. i should stay warm through heat convection (vs radiation) [i hope i'm using the proper terms] but the air shouldn't become dried out. i think what was killing the benefit of the humidifier was moist air was being sucked out of the room, and more dry air was pumped in, faster then the humidifier could compensate for. and when it ran dry, so did the air, and quickly.
maybe tomorrow i won't wake up dieing of my throat killing me.
I'm curious, is it dieing like you used it or is it dying? Both are spelled correctly according to firefox so I don't know?
Also this isn't in your post but, is the color spelled grey or gray? I thought it was grey, but firefox says that is spelled wrong. Please help us Jason.
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