Saturday, July 19, 2008



check it out

Play Roulette

just do this: bet $5 at a time on black or red, then spin.

if you lose, then double the bet and bet the same color.
if you win, bet the same on whatever color you think might win - often times the opposite what you just bet.


the only time you'll lose your ass is if you run out of funds (on this site, you start at $1000 so it's hard to do that. and, betting $5 at a time it's even harder. or you hit the max bet of $100.

a variation: bet odds/even or 1-18 or 19-36. same odds, same payout.

if you lose 3 times in a row, my way you'll be down $35 for the fourth spin with an initial $5 bet. if you win on your next $40 bet, yes, you've put $75 on the table but if you win, you win $80 - you actually won your initial bet...

i was pretending to have $100 when i sat down (so from the $1000 subtract $900). after 50 or so spins, i had also started playing with $25 chips instead of $5 chips. when i was finished (which, according to guides online, could be approx 2 hours worth of playing), i was up to $1250. subtract the $900 from above, and i "actually" had $350 in front of me - $100 i sat down with, and $250 extra.

here's another twist: hedge your bets with the odd/even along with black/red or the 1-18/19-36. say the last 5 spins have been red, and all have been below 19. why not bet black and 19-36? chances are you'll break even or double your money...

ok. i'm ready to go back to the casinos...

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