Sunday, July 06, 2008


ok. as promised. no pictues, look on my myspace for that.

rant: fucking cunt pulls me over for doing "excessive speed" on 138. "i saw you fly by those cars, how fast were you going?" "my speedometer said i was doing 48, maybe 49. it is a 45 zone.." then she proceeds to ramble on about "the speed limit is 45, not 48. it's there for your safety. normally i write tickets for this..." blah blah blah blah. she just gives a verbal warning and i go on my way. however, she does pass me when i'm doing right at 45 and i almost accidentally hit her getting over into the left lane - i should have done a citizens arrest on her for speeding - no reason the pot can't call the kettle black. bitch.

today i started cutting grass. as the grass catcher got full, i'd unload the grass into the wheel barrel. when it got full, i went to dump it on the compost pile. however, it'd been stagnant for a while and i've been contemplating using the pretty much done compost and starting over. so i did.

i decided to put the compost in the front left flower bed, near the front door. however, to do that, i needed to dig out the old dirt that's hard packed in. after digging out a wheel barrel load i needed somewhere to put it. i decided to unload in the back yard in a particular bare spot that's trying to wash out with good rains. but to do that, i needed something to retain the dirt, like a log or building timber...

so i go in the garage and get the hatchet and machete and find an already fallen small tree in the edge of the woods. i chop off the smaller branches and chop it off of it's stump, drag it up the hill, lay on the bottom side of the hill and fill in the dirt. later i level the dirt, throw some compost on top, water the whole thing and start backtracking.

it's at this point i can finally finish cleaning out the compost bin, filling in the flower beds, start layering the new compost materials, and finish cutting grass =-0 however, i didn't get too far - only the front yard is mostly done - the rain stopped me :(

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