Monday, October 24, 2005

things might be turning into better.

the "girl next door" :P she's hot. she was extreamly hot today. super short shorts, orange panties on :o you could sooo cearly see them :) whatever the case HOT omg i want her. found out she's 23 about to turn 24 in january. her name is Sloane (same as the chick in Ferris Bueller's Day Off). she's not seeing anyone that i know of (she had friends over, but that's all it sounded like). a new roomie is going to move in soon (within the next few weeks). that may prove interesting :) we talked for a good while. i did ask "so what's for supper?" and she stated something liek "yeah, i'm getting hungry too, tho i think i need to go back inside and study some more before tommorow." whenver i talk to her the convo's seem to last forever. we get along very well. i guess the 2 thing holding me back are a) i'm a 12 year old stuck in a 22 year old's body and b) she's me neighbor. hmm, we'll have to see what turns out.....

otherwise, my uncle's funeral is tommorrow. i really am going to get up, find some food, then head to my folk's. it's at 2 but i'm going to shoot for around noon getting to my folks. i believe all the ladies have cleaned my aunt's house (and they did a really good job too) and it sounds like the guys want to clean the shop. i'd really like to see it picked up. they really want to knock the rust off the tools (and prob woudl like to see the shop continue use.) they want to do this next weekend, tho i'll be a lil busy. maybe i can find some time to help. hell, i was thinking of doing this myself, but when Wade said that, i was like "woah, me too."

hmmm... g'nighty folks.

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