Tuesday, October 25, 2005

jason needs

hahahaa, i googled "jason needs" :)

for your convience, the best of list:
Jason needs 2 stop acting like he is such a P*I*M*P*
Jason needs a hole so he can put in the bulbs
Jason needs a new job
Jason needs a real woman, not a little girl.
Jason needs care 3 hours a day, 5 days a week
Jason needs CPR
Jason needs to carry his pitch fork
Jason needs to die already
Jason needs to diet because he has become too fat
Jason needs to get together with the Comcast billing department
Jason Needs To Play
Jason needs to remain in therapy
Jason needs to send you some Toast-N-Serve Magic Bags!
Jason needs to SHUT UP
Jason needs a twix
jason needs to stop making her think he likes her if its clear he doesn’t
Jason needs to take a long swim in Lake Jason
Jason needs your help

The Full List (first 5 pages of results):
Jason needs 2 stop acting like he is such a P*I*M*P*
Jason needs a helper for Brooklyn Distro Route
Jason needs a hole so he can put in the bulbs
Jason needs a new job
Jason needs a Pismo
Jason needs a real woman, not a little girl.
Jason needs care 3 hours a day, 5 days a week
Jason needs CPR
Jason needs parents that are willing to learn how to raise a child
Jason needs skills for apartment and independent living
Jason needs some people to sweep up after hours
Jason needs someone like Brenda
Jason needs structure to his days and that structure must be enforced in some way.
Jason needs to be held accountable for attendance at daily activities
Jason needs support in strengthening his personal boundaries
Jason needs this money to buy back his mill that he and his two brothers owned
Jason needs to act now
Jason needs to be allowed to develop his own relationship with each parent
Jason needs to carry his pitch fork
Jason needs to die already
Jason needs to diet because he has become too fat
Jason needs to do a better job of getting quicker to the rim
Jason needs to eat according to a controlled carbohydrate meal plan
Jason needs to get together with the Comcast billing department
Jason needs to improve his academic and self- advocacy skills
Jason needs to know all the details of Michael's death in order to give himself
Jason needs to learn that his efforts are not doing God nor himself any good
Jason needs to modulate his voice
Jason needs to organize himself
Jason Needs To Play
Jason needs to put on his shirt, overalls, shoes and socks
Jason needs to remain in therapy
Jason needs to respect personal space when meeting new people.
Jason needs to send you some Toast-N-Serve Magic Bags!
Jason needs to SHUT UP
Jason needs to diet because he has become too fat
Jason needs to remain in therapy
Jason needs to do a better job of getting quicker to the rim
Jason needs someone like Brenda, someone with more personality
Jason needs a home where there is consistency, clear expectations and structure
Jason needs a real woman, not a little girl
Jason needs a song to get it started
Jason needs a twix
Jason needs a hole so he can put in the bulbs
jason needs to stop making her think he likes her if its clear he doesn’t
Jason needs to straighten him up
Jason needs to take a long swim in Lake Jason
Jason needs to teach him skepticism 101
Jason needs to use his extra refinancing money to pay his credit card debt
Jason needs to use one the following phrases when meeting new people: Hello, my name is Jason. It's nice to meet you. How do you do?
Jason needs to work on his manner
Jason needs you
Jason needs you now
Jason needs your help
Jason needs your micro-cash

ok i'm bored :P

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Aww I was waiting for someone else to do the google needs thing haha... yours were funny, my personal favorite was Jason needs to send you some Toast-N-Serve Magic Bags!