Thursday, January 15, 2009

my 2008 survey i've done for a few years now

1) Was 2008 a good year for you? the best :) (2008's answer)
2) What was your favorite moment of the year? middle of October. Engagement!
3) What was your least favorite moment of the year? hmm. no clue! =-0
4) Where were you when 2008 began? Shooting fireworks off slightly inebriated in the yard
5) Who were you with? jr terri and brittany
6) Where will you be when 2008 ends? here at home
7) Who will you be with when 2007 ends? brittany terri michelle and brad
8) Did you keep your new years resolution of 2008? i think i did...
9) Do you have a new years resolution for 2009? maybe. sorta. "get in more shape"
10) Did you fall in love in 2008? i do all over again every time i see my baby :)
11) If yes, with who? my dear brittany :) (2008's answer)
12) If yes, do they know? psyeah! (2008's answer)
13) Are you still in love with them? mmhmm (2008's answer)
14) You regret it? hell no :) (2008's answer)
15) Did you breakup with anyone in 2008? nope.
16) Did you make any new friends in 2008? i'm sure i did.
17) Who are your favorite new friends? New favorites? Eh... (2008's answer)
18) What was your favorite month of 2008? October!
19) Did you travel outside of the US in 2008? No (or ever, it if matters) (2008's answer)
20) How many different states did you travel to in 2008? hah! it was 6 in '07, let's see... 10 :)
21) Did you lose anybody close to you in 2008? can't say i have.
22) Did you miss anybody in the past year? not really. (2008's answer)
23) What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2008? hmm. Sex in the City movie? there weren't any real good ones!
24) What was your favorite song from 2008? i can't think of any that i really liked.
25) What was your favorite record from 2008? i dun have any.... (2008's answer)
26) How many concerts did you see in 2008? 0 (2008's answer - tho i did see 2 in '07)
27) Did you have a favorite concert in 2008? no. (2008's answer)
28) Did you drink a lot of alchohol in 2008? nope. a few buckets of margaritas and a few cases of beer all year.
29) Did you do a lot of drugs in 2008? none. (2008's answer)
30) How many people did you sleep with in 2008? 0
31) Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year? nope.
32) What was the biggest lie you told in 2008? i don't really lie.
33) What was the worst thing someone told you in 2008? "remember, if you marry my daughter, all sales are final - no returns!" LOL :P
34) Did you treat somebody badly in 2008? no (2008's answer)
35) Did somebody treat you badly in 2008? not really (2008's answer)
36) How much money did you spend in 2008? my whole salary :(
37) What was your proudest moment of 2008? putting a ring on ms. wonderful :)
38) What was your most embarrassing? Ummm… I don’t easily embarrass.
39) If you could go back in time to any moment of 2008 and change something, what would it be? i'd bought that ring MONTHS ago!
40) What are your plans for 2009? Oh God. Change jobs (we'll see). Pay bills. Live life. Enjoy life. Help others enjoy life. Get durnk :P (well said from last 3 years)

1 comment:

Brittany Kimble said...

#33 I can't believe you said that was the worst thing somebody told you!

#40 I see that you didn't mention me about being with you in 2009 :-(