Sunday, June 03, 2007

this weekend.

well so far this weekend hasn't been a complete waste of a weekend.

friday i came home and busted ass and cleaned the kitchen. brad even walked in and said "holy shit! what happened to your kitchen?! where'd all the shit go?!" LOL so it looks all nice and clean. right now there's clean dishes in the dishwasher and a few dirty ones in the sink, and the stove just needs to be wiped down right quick like.

friday night was ok. watched lock stock and 2 smoking barrels. terri, brad, michelle and angel came over. i barely even spoke more than a sentence or two to angel :( i just... really didn't know what to say, so i pulled a jason and sat almost quietly amongst the girls. and yes, brad left early so it really was just me and the girls, heh.

saturday came, i cleaned up my room pretty damn well. i sorta moved some shit from one pile to another, but then again i cleaned up ALOT of shit my room. tonight i may tackle the bathroom (it's not really dirty - just where i cut my hair, there's loose hair everywhere, and a few dirty clothes, and i need to wash the shower and clean the toilets.)

oh yeah, i worked out some... uh friday? and/or thursday? first time i've done much of that in a WHILE. i feel so much better too. it's prob more of just the confidence in my head, but oh well. if it helps, it helps :)

today i got up and organized... well no, cataloged my movies. as you can see the list below, i have quite a few. i was kinda disappointed tho - i alwasys assumed i had a few more, closer to 500 or something... and i was also supprised that i've seen as many of them as i have. i'd say i've been watching 2-3 a week for the past few months, which has really pushed up my average.

i just washed the car this afternoon, and dried it. then i rolled the windows down and came inside to cool off. for the rest of the afternoon i've been cleaning out the car. i found my toolbox i put back in the car of computer tools, and i put all my crap that's going back to work in a big box i used to have in the explorer. i felt a sprinkle or 2 on my back, mad dash threw some shit in the kitchen right quick like, thew the toolbox and box of comptuer crap in the trunk, and backed the car back into the garage before the big drops started to hit. phew!

now, only about 10 mins has passed... and i think the rain may be gone. oh well. the car's still clean :) i was planning on cleaning the inside, like armorall and leather cleaner and shit. oh well, maybe later this week. the BIG mess in the trunk (which was all the front and back seat mess that was STUFFED into the trunk) is gone :) oh yeah, 1 full trashbag nearly busting full of trash i got out... maybe now i may gain another 1-2mpg haha.

i've been playing second life lately. if anyone else plays, look me up, my name's jasonk kidd. chris plays, i forget his name. and his wife melanie plays too - i don't know her game name. so far i have a shit load of free stuff i've picked up - i may start reading up and watching how to vidoes on how to make money in the game. Second Life has it's own LindeX market - currently approx L$266 Lindens = $1 USD.

buying Lindens: $0.30 per request (no matter how many Lindens you buy)
selling Lindens: 3.5%

i'm thinking: wouldn't it be cool, if i could rent some land from some hot, popular place that, say they charged $5 a month (typical 512 m² price) and i invented some vending machine that the stuff inside i charged say L$25 lendons (which, in about $0.09 in usd) but i could get 5 people a day to buy from it... then 5 x L$25 = L$125 a day x 30 days = $L3750 / 266 (avg price per usd) = usd$14.10 - 3.5% = $13.60 - $5 rent = usd$8.60 per vending machine profit, off a game. now if i could disperse 50 of these machines hahaha 50x $8.60 = $430.23 a month. i'd say that'd be a pretty healthy supplemental income. $430.23 x 12 = over $5k a year. now if i could only move the decimal point over one more notch.... haha

but first i have to make the game run without crashing and figure out how to build shit, and what people are willing to buy. :( yeah, don't expect me to make any money on it anytime soon....

i may add more later. OH my nadia fanclub has like 35 members :) haha i think about 2 decline per 1 accept - but i still have nearly 400 some odd friend request pending.... and since i found the crack for my mass friend adder in myspace, when i run low on requests, i'll just fire the program up again and add add add! (i did a search for all dispaly name nadia, with pictures, then the program grabbed the first 500 member ID's and sent each a friend request - nearly 1/4th of them required you to know the first and last names to add. oh well.)

g'bye for now.


Melanie said...

I am Liliana Jacobus :-)

Chris said...

And I am (Zombie Pirate) Undead Barbosa :)

Anonymous said...

You're in trouble, SL is highly addictive! I'll come over and play Slingo to win lindens for you ;) Gee, I don't know how you could have had so much stuff in your trunk... not! LOL!!