about 1st grade i had a filling in it. about 3rd grade the filling fell out and was refilled. about 9th grade the filling fell out again and was refilled. about a 2 years ago while eating some caramel candy it started to break apart but didn't hurt. about 6 months ago i started using an orange mouthwash and the tooth started hurting - stopped using the mouthwash, tooth stopped hurting. about 2 weeks ago i changed toothpastes. it started hurting monday like never before.*NOTE* i just found out the my ordering on the teeth numbers were wrong - #1 is the top right... but for the sake of the paragraph below that i don't feel like retyping... #1-16 is the bottom :P
ok. so as i was saying, monday it hurt. monday night i hardly slept. taking 2x Tylenol Gelcaps 500mg each abled me to sleep for a few hours at a time. the Oragel i was using only helped for a few mins... then the pain was back. i was trying to figure out how to extract the tooth myself monday night.... i had just watched tom hanks in Castaways and was debating doing the same thing. only 2 things stopped me: a) would the pain be too much? and b) would the blood ever stop? with my luck i'd pass out from the pain, the blood was seep from my mouth and i'd either die of blood loss or drowning in blood... either of which it'd be days before anybody found me....
tuesday i goto work with finding the first dentist availaible as priority #1. first dentist that 2 ppl had suggested doesn't do extractions. 2nd dentist was the one i've gone to the first few times (well, same office - the original dentist died years ago). he had an opening that morning. deal. $80 and an x-ray later stated the tooth needed to be pulled. he wrote a precription for Darvocet (for pain) and Penicillin (to cut down on the infection - causing the pain).
oh btw i have no insurance. everything's coming out of pocket.
luckly the 2 medicines were like $16.50 each. and the extraction will run (hopefully) $118. if it goes surgical it may run $250-375 - tho the doc. never made any notes that said "it looks like it may turn surgical". the secretary said he's pretty good at making those notes when it looks real bad.
while i was in the chair, i asked about my "grill" - what it would cost to fix it too. teeth #27,26 and 24 would be like $209 each, and #23 would be like $159. phew. another $786 to no have such a ghetto smile. :( now that i know the price i know how much to save up for. i'm going to get this done. it kills me just a little bit more every time i want to smile - but i'm ashamed to. :'(
but meanwhile this tooth is about to be the death of me. monday night i ate 4 pieces of bread then slept little all night. tuesday morning nothing for breakfast. lunch was a ham sandwich. nothing for supper. actually i started to bed aroudn 3 p.m.... yes i work til after 5. but the last call of the day was at 3 and my plan was to go home and work remotely. i was in such pain the only thing that helped was laying down. so i did. i slept on/off til around 9 before i just finally crawled unded the covers and went to bed. yeah... that only lasted for about 3 hours.... midnight i find myself puking up half glass of water and what little of the sandwich was left... then i sleep for like and hour ever 2 hours until 8 a.m. rolls around.... last night sucked ass. i did manage to find some old stale crackers that i ate like 5 of... but amazingly this morning i didn't feel too bad.
instead of having a throbbing pain coming from this damn tooth, i now have a swollen jaw and cheek. it's sore, and if i eat anything that makes it to that side of my mouth - oh i feel it. but at least it's not throbing... i had like crackers with ham and cheese for lunch - they were good! and i've just been snacking on the crackers this evening... i prob won't eat anything.
i am kind of curious after this week is over how much weight i will have lost. i've been around 175lbs for a while. sometimes i'll find myself at 168 or something - but i'm just curious to see if i'll go below 160.... not that i particullarly want to. but i don't want to get any heavier.
on a different subject. i've been looking at weight benches and home gyms. i was about ready to buy something until this tooth started hurting. i think the workout equipment's going on the back burner until my pain tolerance levels out. i found out the gym around the corner is like $2 a day while they're open (right after work or saturdays are the only times i could go) or $30 a month - they give you an electronic key-card that gets you in 24/7.... or it's $25 a month for a 3 month prepay... and of course it gets less and less the more time you buy. i want something in the house so when i have 10 mins of bordem i can go pump iron. the gym i'd have to drive down the rd, go in do whatever then come back home.... basically "more time is needed". it is only 2-3 miles down the rd so the distance wouldn't be bad.
single life sucks. i thought about hitting on 1 friend... but she's engaged... so that would be a lil aqward... i hit on someone else... tho i think she's trying to make things work with her babby's daddy.... i hit on someone else... tho i don't really want to be but just friend with her... hit on the chck at the sports authority... but she said she lives an hour away and had to go pickup her 3 kids that night.... i've spent about every weekend riding bikes with brad. i'm kinda proud of myself for doing that - i've only ridden like once with brad before the breakup with crystal... and now i've ridden like 4-5 times since. now it's getting cold and this tooth makes doing anything impractical.
that does make me thing about 1 thing too: brad's prettymuch been there for me for quite a while. i first met him as a coworker about 4 years ago when i started pc afterdark. some people think we're brothers - we are like 2-3 weeks different in ages. when annie all but killed me last fall, i knew i could call him - and he talked me into coming over and riding his lil bro's dirtbike :) he really did help calm me down then. and in the past few weeks he's been over here like 2-3 times a week (or sometimes more). i feel like that "worthless friend" who only has fallback friends - when i fall out of a relationship, i feel like hanging out. that kinda disappoints me. i mean... i know that if he had a girlfriend, that we couldn't hang out anytime or all the time. the same applies i think he knows that sometimes i'm taken too... but i don't seem to make anytime for anybody but with whom i'm with, and only if i dont have any plan with them do i call aroudn and say "hey what's up guys? what do ya'll wanna do?" it's like only talking to someone when you need something? i try not to do that with my family - i occasionally visit many of my relatives when i have time and i'm around their area...
so i just turned my heat on just now. 66 degrees was just too cold in the house... last night it hit 60 in the bedroom.... enough was enough. hell, i never really turned the air off either - the one time i tried it got to like 78 in the house by midafternoon so i turned the air back on - and that was only like 2-3 weeks ago!.
my poor poor deserted blog. maybe i'll post here more often. maybe not. i think this may be enough for now... g'bye folks.
I know the tooth thing hurts...hell, my "hole" is throbbing right now. But most of the day yesterday it was fine. I think it may have something to do with the weather?
But yeah, i feel the same way about being a "worthless friend". I feel like the only time I talk to any of my friends is when I need something and I dont try to do that. It also doesnt help that Melanie is an attention hog. (opps, didnt mean to say that) But dont think its just you that does that.
Yes, it does have something to do with the weather. Me, having had one bad tooth pulled and now dealing with another one.. I can speak from experience. Your cheek is swollen of course because you have an infection, and the smartest thing is to get that thing pulled if it's infected. Or that's what the dentist told me last year when my cheek swelled up so much I couldn't see out of my right eye.
And no, you're so not the only one that more or less neglects their friends when they have someone. Everyone does it. I've been told I do it too, but with Vince being so far away.. I don't really have anyone to monopolize all my time. I am glad tho, that you do have Brad and that he's there for you whenever basically. That means he's a true friend. :)
Oh..... am I by any chance mentioned in this post? Heh. :)
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