Saturday, March 04, 2006

Traffic cops need to rot in HELL

Traffic cops need to rot in hell. going speed limit and using my blinker but 'youre driving too aggresrivly' ugh.

ok i texed that line to my blog while going down the road cause i was pissed... here's the story:

going down hwy 124 going towards sneiville just passed anniston rd and supposevly the cop was on the right and said i was "flying through the intersection". hmm... cars in front of me and on the right. so why wasn't anyone else flying? so within a half to quarter mile i see a cop behind me. hmm, ok, what's the speed limit - 35? 45? i'm pretty sure it's 45 so i'm doing 45. yes, i'm DOING 45. cars start to be backed up in front of me so i put on my right blinker and merge right. they decide to prettymuch stop so i continue getting into the right lane (i was half there already.) next think i know the cop behind me has his lights on. i pull over and he asks if i was in a hurry. i said "i thought i was doing the speed limit." he said that he saw me FLYING through that intersection and weaving through traffic. i said "i thought i used my blinker" and he replies that "here in the state of georgia we have an law called aggressive driving, and blah blah blah" gah i wanted to shoot him in the face with a damn shotgun right there. agressive driving my ass. he said "it doesn't make much sense to put on your blinker as you're turning" and i almost left my right blinker on for the rest of the day (but only if he had followed me anymore - i was goign to turn right at stonecrest in about an hour....) but omg he pissed me off so bad. and yes crystal got annoyed that i kept ranting about it for 20 mins later but the fucker needed to have his ass handed to him for being a stuck up prick. he wishes so bad i a) had been speeding b) didin't have insurance c) didn't have a valad license d) had warrants against me or e) any or all of the above. but since i DIDN'T he let me go and said that "this young lady's life is in your hand and you need to slow down blah blah blah" I WASN'T BREAKING THE FUCKING LAW SO GO SCREW YOURSELF!

i think now i'm going to draw some police brutality :)


zyrobyte said...

at least you didnt have to pay any kind of fee. So that is good. Sucky situation in any case.

Anonymous said...

Cops are dicks. That is all.