Tuesday, August 02, 2005

phew after just over 8h of sleep i feel better at least

yesterday i talked to my heating & air guy, and his pc is fubar'ed so i gonna go check that out tonight, and my cousin lives just down the rd, and she wanted a modem, so i gonna go make my rounds after work doing that. i still need to goto my aunt and uncle's lawn mower shop and hook that shit up (i may do that - well shit, i dunno when :( i guess i gotta get up hella early one morn) not to mention right now i'm riding around with $400 worth of pc parts for my mom too, and she'd like her pc too - so damn, that's 2 evenings and a morning of shit to do, over the next 3 mornings and 4 evenings, tho, i'm taking friday off, and i have no idea how friday will go (time wise, at least) so for all it matters, i have 2 mornings and 3 evenings left to do this shit. cause come the weekend i'll be in marietta taking classes 8 til 8 sat and sun for 2x weekends in a row :( what fun. and today is the 9th day in a row i've worked. w00t :'(


zyrobyte said...

oh damn... i need Barrys phone # so i can give him the bad news...unless you have already told him.

Anonymous said...

nah i not told him, actually i was thinking about this on the way in to work this morn - 678-342-0069 the secretary lady may not want to give him the phone, make sure to mention maybe that your phone call is in refrence to the office manager position