Friday, August 19, 2005


$39.60. taht's waht it cost to fill up my truck today :(

ok so i'm not yet chris stat level yet, but working on it :)

not too exciting of a day. went to visit my uncle. he's currently in the hospital. he fell last night and hurt himself, so they're keeping him in the hospital a few days to make sure he heals fine and such, and also using this time to run more tests and such. it's pretty damn powerful when his daughter says "daddy doesn't have much time, so if he wants something to eat taht they won't give him, the by golly, i'm going to get it for him." and i mean things like pork rhines and vienna sausage - not unhealthy crap, but they want him to eat, even things like this. so it seems like everyone is holding together well.

and thanks brad for making me not goto the mall of ga with ya'll and go see him. cause i might have regretted it if i didn't...

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