Tuesday, December 30, 2008
quick poll:
Dominican Republic
Grand Cayman Islands
...or somewhere else
if you had a choice for an exotic getaway for a clear water beach, where would you choose?
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Found me a hotel in greenville, al
On a more positive note, I believe me and my better half worked through a few bottled up issues. I can't wait to spend xmas with my love!
And - chris and melanie had their bebe. Congratulations!
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Monday, December 22, 2008
why is it, it seems like every time we talk, it contains an argument, when we used to never argue?
why can't i make you happy, like i thought i used to do?
why can't i be myself, and make you happy, like i thought i used to do?
why? :(
Sunday, December 21, 2008
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
i guess...
i did pass a car on the dirt rd. he was doing like.... 15mph. the car handled very well at high speeds, even in the washboard curves. was passing the car legal? there are no lines... :P
Fucking hell
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Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Top of my mind.
In florida, jeff all but had his tongue down a girl's throat that we met at the bar. He says he's engaged, and he does have a baby by his fiencee. Jaye has a serious girlfriend he's been with for 5 years. Jaye was trying to get the numbers of some of the waitresses in the casino's restaurant. He said his stance is not only the "you're out of town, it doesn't count" but also that he wouldn't cheat on his girl unless he found someone hot enough that it was worth it.
Jaye does actually have a soft side to him. He's the pro-arena football kicker. Last night at the casino when we were talking about stuff that, well, guys talk about, he's not the player I had originally perceived. He says he's only been with like 7 girls. (Jeff says his number is around 75, and my old co worker bryant said he stopped counting 5 yrs ago at 125). Jaye also said he's yet to sleep around on his girl - but he would if he found someone haley berry hot.
Maybe I'm just old fashioned, well, to an extent. If you're not serious, date freely. I don't support sleeping around, just dating freely. If you're serious, then its one girl and one girl only. You can't be changing teams in mid game.
Traveling is well suited for the single guy. I can't wait to get back to see my boo. I presume jaye can't wait to get back to his girl. The single guy can go out to the bars at night looking for tail. I didn't say nothings wrong with that - but he wouldn't be doing someone wrong at home. Even if he just finds someone fun for the evening, or someone to meet up with when passing through - that's fine.
I hate the stereotype about guys that I've been rambling about for 30 mins now. However, the majority of guys I know seem to fall into this stereotype, not trying to debunk it. Ugh.
I'm sure I'll get bored and ramble more later...
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On the rd again...
Gps says estimated arrival to conyers is 4:09pm. We'll see about that. I believe that's with no food or gas stops. My thinking is 6 something tonight.
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Saturday, December 13, 2008
my bad
well. Boonville MO is installed. we hope to get up at 5am and leave out of this joint. it's 11h 15m back to conyers. 2 stops for gas, and 3 stops for food makes for hopefully back by 7. we'll see.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Mmm... Snow
Oh yeah. In nashville. I think.
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SC was an ass. we install either a Verizon or bellsouth usb cellular modem on each jobsite. neither would work in the router in sc. we had to ditch sc and goto NC to take down that site, just to come back yesterday and finish SC (which we did).
got home about 9 last night.
dispatch called 3am. "i can't see this site..." ugh. why me...
i was an hour ahead of my 4am alarm clock. no chance of oversleeping this morning...
today, we drive to boonsville, Missouri, just past st. Louis. 11h drive.
Saturday we install the Missouri system.
Sunday we drive to Alexandria, Louisiana. 12h drive.
Monday we install the Louisiana system.
Tuesday we drive home. 8h drive.
my mon-tues workweek will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 75h+ long.
oh, also, somewhere i lost my personal cellphone. i thought i had it tuesday morning on the way to the office. before we left (like while we were loading up) i found i didn't have it. i searched my car and house over last night - it has to be at work or in the parking lot. i hope :( meanwhile, call my work cell if you want to get in touch with me. or myspace or facebook me - both apps are on my work blackberry :)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The il job took 8h 1.5x ppl
The fl job took 5h 2x ppl
This sc job so far has taken 2.5h, and almost done - with 2x ppl
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Monday, December 08, 2008
Created by The Car Connection
if you do all the wrong answers, you score a 5%.
my answers:
- driving 8-11 yrs
- everything i drive i go over the limit
- speed by 5-10 mph
- drive while drunk, no
- txt while driving yes
- talk on phone yes
- major accident no
- minor accident.... no
- 1-2 tickets
- slow down for yellow light
- always use my signal
- i often feel like others are going too slow
- i do tailgate
- i spent 3-7 hours driving
- never hit a pedestrian
- every few mins i change the radio station
- i don't rubberneck
- i've driven it all
- highly skilled.
bamn. B.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
guitarisms. 12-07-08
pretty woman - roy orbison
crazy train - ozzy osbourne
7 nation army - the white stripes
the sandman - meticalla
sweet dreams - marilyn manson
jingle bells.
i want more new simple jingles. any decent requests?
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
You Are 55% Likely to Survive Another Great Depression
You Are 55% Likely to Survive Another Great Depression |
Even though you may not be expecting the worst, you're the type of person who prepares for the worst. You live a relatively modest life. You don't overspend, and you aren't very materialistic. You are also quite self sufficient and independent. You have many useful skills. You can take care of yourself and those you love... which is crucial to surviving another Great Depression. |
Sunday, November 30, 2008
pretty woman - roy orbison
crazy train - ozzy osbourne
7 nation army - the white stripes
the sandman - meticalla
i'm learning the intros to these songs. i didn't say i'm good. and like the ozzy song is barely recognizable at best. maybe eventually i'll learn the whole songs - or at least make the intros sound clean...
edit: add, sweet dreams - marilyn manson.
perfect weekend.
last week: put in a shitload of hours. "other than a few hours on monday you have the whole week off" - sweet!
in reality? put in a full monday. put in a half day on tuesday. put in 1/2 a day's of hours at home on wednesday. off thurs/fri/sat/sunday. sweet. work still owes me like 2-3 days off...
tomorrow i have to be near macon at 8am. fun stuff :-|
saturday brittany came over. monday she left. wednesday she came back over. thursday we went to her grandma's for thanksgiving for lunch. for supper was my folks, then back to her house so her and her mom could black friday shop. friday we came back to my parents (where my cousin was from out of town was visiting my folks), then came back for friday night movie at my house.
btw, wall-e was really good. almost ice age good. and pineapple express was really funny, in parts, but i'm not a real big fan of that type of the hippy-weed high comedy.
saturday was at my grandmothers and we went ice skating afterwards. came back and watched what happens in vegas and letherheads. first movie: great! (i worry that i accidentally do what kelso does intentially to annoy her - but apparently i'm not quite that bad) and leatherheads, kinda, sucked. not what i was expecting. and i'm not a big george cloony fan either. actually, ironically, i'm not an ashton kutcher fan either - but he was good in that movie.
oh yeah - friday. i goto office depot to buy the HP Color LaserJet 1215. MF'er! it's usually $299, was on sale at office depot and HP's website for $150. now it's $199! damnit! anyways - sub $700 for a color laserjet is a deal. sub $200? a damn steal. i could have gotten a Samsung color laser for $100, but it was slower and not as clear (not that i need speed anyways). back on track: office depot was sold out. i goto frys and play guitar hero for over an hour. then i goto best buy and play rock band for about an hour. then i head back to brittany's house and play rock band for a while and took a nap, awaiting for their return.
well my baby just left me to go back home and to do schoolwork. all alone again :( maybe i'll do something with my website. :) 168 days to the wedding!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
1 picture. for now.
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On the rd again
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Friday, November 21, 2008
Hmmm, continued.
What does shortness of breath mean? And I think my heart's kinda flaking out. Maybe its all the coffee. Poor heart.
Ok. We started at like 10 this morn (11 est). It was cold. Damn cold. The water left in a bottle in the van was frozen solid.
we didn't stop to eat, yet again this/last week. 10-7 solid labor.
Transporter 3 looks badass. And family guy right now is awesome. Damn this room is hot as hell.
Btw the pie and ice cream was ok - better than the steak.
I have no train of thought left, I'm so tired. I'm in nashville, il. 529 miles from conyers. Blackberry says 9 hours. I hope to hit the road at 5am and only hit drive throughs on the way back. We'll see. G'night!
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Gah. Its 7:45 cst. I just had a bowl of veggie soup. I'm waiting on my rib eye. Before that I just checked into the hotel. 45min to an hour ago I FINALLY left the job site. The last hour I was screwing with getting the system online. 2 things were stopping me: a) I was using the wrong dyndns account to resolve the dynamic ip address, and b) I had the wrong default gateway on the dvr (which means no internet access.
Food! Will post more later!
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The bank we just passed said 25 degrees.
Scott called at 6:30 this morning, cst - 7:30 est. Bastard. I did my best to make him feel guilty for waking me.
About to arrive at job site. Damn its cold.
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Thursday, November 20, 2008
Here comes more snow!
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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Just checked the gps
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in hotel
yesterday: got up 4am. left conyers at 5am. arrived in darlington sc at 9am, where i got gas and ate. left at 10am, arrived on jobsite at noon. worked solid until 5:30pm. left for att, FINALLY found them at 7:30 (in myrtle beach) and they're closed. get back to the hotel, check in at 8, finally find some food at 8:15, eat until 9. head back to jobsite, where they've got the gate up and i can't check the camers. get back to the hotel around 10, talk to my hunny, jump in the indoor pool/hot tub then i'm in bed by 11. what a damn day.
this morning: i find my laptop hasn't charged cause the outlet i plugged it into was one of those a lamp (operated by a wall switch) was turned off. pfft. also i forgot to charge my drill. thankfully i bought an inverter and i can charge that on the way to/from att. also, apparently work didn't pay their sprint bill, cause i can't send/recieve phonecalls. yeah! the only bad thing is i rely on the phone for gps to find the att store - i literally bookmarked it's coordinates and get directions by saying start: where i am. end: att bookmark. plot. :-|
so, after eating my good continental breakfast, i guess i'll google directions and drive around until i find att. :(
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Just left darlington
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Monday, November 17, 2008
dear att
btw - keep chris and melanie in your prayers - she was in an accident that chris said wasn't major, and she doesn't appear to be hurt, but that they are keeping her in the hospital overnight due to her pregnancy being so close to due.
ok. quick story:
att works best in ash nc, where i was last week. i'm going there tomorrow. i'm bringing an att data card and a new router to install.
att can't find the modem we want (that conyers had friday) - it doesnt help that my boss thomas told them the wrong model number (which they found but i said no to). i tell them the model number, and they find one, in loganville. i said "i'll go pick it up now". i leave 6:45, go pick it up. it takes an hour to pickup. they deny the company check i have for my protection, but accept a credit card over the phone. odd...
i get it back to the office around 8:30, where i proceed to try to make it work with the new router. right off the bat, it doesn't see the modem, so i update the firmware. yeah! it sees it - but no internet. i fiddle and fiddle for an hour, finally connect my blackberry (which the router supports) and volia! internet!
i call att. they can't find me. they can't find my boss scott or thomas. they can't find the company name. they find the telephone number, but nothing i'm saying is correct. they can't even find the cashier that rung me up.
he said there was a hold on the account for $300 - but my credit card receipt showed paid just hours earlier... finally he says "oh, this is under personal, not business. transferring you now..."
same spill. he can't find me either. he finally tells me that the EULA is not verbally confirmed and that the account is not live until it's activated, but that it can't be actiaved w/o knowing the name, address, and last 4 of the ss of the account holder (which he's already verified that nobody in my company is on the account).
nice. fuckers. i leave work 10:40. and somehow i'm supposed to get up at like 4am and goto ash, nc.
official notice: lan party is postponed for about 2 weeks.
current schedule:
tuesday: leave in the am for ash, do work in afternoon, come back at dusk if needed. stay night.
wednesday: drive back to work, work if needed.
thursday: load up for Il. drive. stay night.
friday: install system. drive back. possibly stay the night.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
why did the women cross the road? i dont know but she should be in the kitchen.
A lawyer opened the door of his BMW, when suddenly a car came along and hit the door, ripping it off completely. When the police arrived at the scene, the lawyer was complaining bitterly about the damage to his precious BMW.
"Officer, look what they've done to my Beemer!" he whined.
"You lawyers are so materialistic, you make me sick!" retorted the officer, "You're so worried about your stupid BMW, that you didn't even notice that your left arm was ripped off!"
"Oh my god", replied the lawyer, finally noticing the bloody left shoulder where his arm once was, "Where's my Rolex!"
When a woman got married she put a shoebox in the closet and told her husband not to open it. After over 50 years of marriage she was dying and told him to open the box. When he opened it there were 2 doilies and 85,000.00$ He ask why this was in the box. She replied “when I got married my mother told me to crochet a doily every time I got mad at you. He smile thinking she was only mad twice and ask what the $85,000.00 was. She replied that's the money from selling the doilies.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
What a 2 days
So, wednesday we left at 2pm for ash, nc. We arrived at 8:50 - and was unable to start working that night. So, we drove 15 miles further to the beach :)
We got our rooms then headed back to a bar we saw in town. 4 beers, a long island and mozzarella sticks later, I was done. The only people our age (me and jeff) were some dood beside us and the bartender. Jeff was a drunk person magnet - all the drunk old farts were hanging on him.
Some lady in her 50s (she talked about "on my 50th b-day...) Kept telling me and jeff "look at that bartender - she is so cute! Don't be so shy, make your move!" Jeff kept playing along cause he's a dog like that. However, I quickly grew tired of her relentlessness, whipped out my phone, and showed her what better I had back home. She agreed and cooled it. I love you hun - and see, I even get to show you off when I go out of town :)
After we left the bar we (me and jeff) walked down the beach to the pier then came back to our rooms. I did try out the pool; however, the water was like ICE. I lasted 15 seconds in the water and bailed.
This morning we had some waffle house and got a slow start with the cameras. What we thought we'd do in 2 hours took 6+. We may have started at 10, and not stop for lunch, but we didn't pull away until 5pm. Ouch. The last hour I was on the phone with the office trying to see if they could see the cameras.
So now, its 9pm, I just saw a sign that said 74 miles to augusta, and I'm so ready to be home. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 190 miles to conyers :(
I haven't seen my baby in 9 days! I'm going out of my mind! I had hoped to spend tomorrow evening with her, but it looks like she's made other plans. Maybe I'll get to see her some this weekend - if I'm lucky :-/
Sending blog posts via email can be handy - especially from a blackberry :)
Peace out - a town down bishes. On and I'll try to find out if the lan party next week will have to be postponed or will just start saturday. I may be going to Illinois friday :-0
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008
tonight i worked til 9:45.
last night i worked to resolve VGS issues with too many excessive false alarms.
tonight i worked to make a Linksys WRT54G3G-ST router work. i killed it. now it needs replacing.
tomorrow i was going to Ash, NC to install the camera system we assembled today. not anymore :-|
we might be leaving at lunch when we get our hands onto a new Linksys router. or if we can we're going to push it back to leaving Thursday morning instead.
no matter what, we leave, drive 6 hours, install, spend the night, check on it in the morn, then drive 6 hours back. 2 days killed.
i was supposed to see my love tonight - those plans got foiled - i'm sorry :(
on a side note - annie should be having her baby tomorrow.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
A Clockwork Orange
but - there were alot of boobies in the movie :) LOL!
it's alive!
also - it is possible to drill into glass. (arts and crafts project in the future) :)
it's a start
now time to log into geocities, download my crap, and delete the account. it's crazy:
1and1: $4.99 a month
geocities: $6.99 a month
1and1: 120GB of storage
geocities: 0.5GB of storage
1and1: 1200GB of bandwidth per month
geocities: 25GB of bandwidth per month
1and1: 2 free domain names per account
geocities: your yahoo id after geocities's name
why didn't i do this earlier?
Saturday, November 08, 2008
yeah or neah? one preference over the other?
dpskillz and dpskills.com are unique and interesting, but may not portray a positive potential image.
again, remember: i want a short name, something to do with my name and/or photography. this is where i want to setup an online store to sell photos i take. any other suggestions? tonight i've went through:
dpbj (digital photos by jason)
dsjp (digital slr jason photos)
dsj (digital slr jason)
jsk (jason scott kimble)
and only the ones i listed at the top are avail in .com - some are avail in .net, but i don't want a .net address.
basically, if a 2nd opinion says a name seems appealing, i'm buying the domain, and moving my website there. i already waste $7 a month on geocities to be ad-free (which i haven't touched in 2 years - money well spent...), and my own domain name hosted will cost less than $5 a month. yeah....
Friday, November 07, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
ive seen these before
maybe i should break out with dancing skills like these? :)
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
well, i just looked, and www.dpskillz.com is available. should i buy it?
wedding update
lawrenceville historic courthouse that is. :) really pretty outside, the inside looks great.
also, it looks like it's going to be Sunday, May 17th, 2009. apparently everywhere Saturday is booked up from now until ever.
other than that - life is good :)
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
i can't vote
Monday, November 03, 2008

10 most expensive accidents in the history of the world
hah! this i first saw as "how to keep the cats off the hood of your car"
LOL "The Switch to DTV"
damn Zimbabwe has horrible inflation.
jeebus! 0-200mph in 18 seconds says the ford GT1000TT car :)
GT1000TT vs WRX muahahahaha!
and a good music video: Grits - Ooh Aah
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mah Pumpkin
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
recorded to memory stick:
POV rear camera 1
recorded to tape:
POV rear cam D8 2
all videos can be found here
i need help sugga.
sunday i was telling brittany that i need help with some personal things, and she said i just need to find Jesus. i knew it was true, but i hardly gave it a second thought until yesterday.
i did some work for a well-to-do couple and they gave me a cash tip after the work was done. i saw him playing with a $20 so when he gave it to me, i didn't look at what it was. at publix last night, i reached in my pocket and found a $100 :-0
i had just stated monday that "when i get a spare $100, i'm going to go get an eye exam and start wearing some contacts" and... well, look what happened.
coincidence? i think not...
Monday, October 27, 2008
good times.
yeah! i been playing chris's game on the gamecube Animal Crossing. it's addicitve as a mofo! i played on his name last weekend, and just fished for him (you sell the fish for money) so i had fun fishing, and he got money. we both happy :) lol then this past... saturday? i think so yea, i fished for melanie. got her some money. today i got bored and fished for chris again. today i set the clock on teh gamecube to "september" so the game thought i was playing in september. and Woah! oh boy did i catch some big dollar fish! most fish are like 120-300 "bells" (the equiv of dollars). some fish are worth 650, 1300, 3000, 5000 and even 10000 bells. i've cought at least 1 of all of these, but, they're not too common. in the ocean you can catch jellyfish left and right, all worth 100 bells each. every now and then you'll catch a big fish worth 3000 or even more rare is the 5000 fish. well, today, the ocean pulled up about 3 pieces of trash, and every single other fish was the 3000 or 5000 fish. a "good" fishing trip before i head to the store was about 10-20k bells. today's was about 40-60k bells a trip :) heh yeah, in about 3-4 hours this morn (i played a long time) i earned him about 400k bells! :) lol sad me. but i paid off his bigger house in the game and got a basement added on :) who knows what that'll cost. tis was fun tho. sorry melanie i'm all fished out. get chris to wire you some money or something - i know he's got some reserves :P
hahahaha :) good times.
you me and dupree
i printed my photos today at walmart. they didn't come out with all the luster i was hoping for. actually - alot of them kinda suck. the best, by far, is this pic:
the blue was a uber magnificent blue. very nice. i might just make me a huge poster of it, it's so purdy. almost as blue as my baby's eyes :D
so anyways. the audio driver is about done downloading. yea im' fixing scott's pc as we speak. peace!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday: went to trey's. his place is cool. pool table and big screen. nice. my better half came over.
Saturday: brought Brittany to Athens where she took her gace test. i walked around downtown and took a few pictures. we drove through grayson and drove by some houses for sale that were nice. watched the sex in the city movie. it was good. i liked it. now i need to see the rest of the apparently 6 seasons. i've seen some of some of the seasons.
today: we cleaned some. mostly in the kitchen, some in the living room. the house is shaping up. she had to leave :( i ordered a truckload of pictures through walmart, i can pickup tomorrow. i also watched The Astronaut Farmer. it was ok, parts were very far fetched - and the ending was... stereotypical. and his space suit? wtf it was the most unrealistic thing of the movie - 2nd to his rocket not leveling his house and bar upon takeoff.
i cooked me a baked sweet potato. it was good. sweet potato and chocolate milk for dinner. nice :)
maybe tomorrow when i get home from work, I'll get on the picture frame making ball. who knows? i might actually do it :)
i can't wait to marry my the lady of my dreams. =) between last night's movie (the subject being relationships, marriage, kids, the future, etc) then tonight's movie (she supported her husband no matter how crazy he was), i can't wait to start that life.
Will Beacon: Mr. Farmer, how do we know you aren't constructing a WMD?
Charles Farmer: Sir, if I was building a weapon of mass destruction, you wouldn't be able to find it.
Charles Farmer: You want my house, I'll give it to you brick by brick!
hahahahah nice. ok.
why am i so selfish in that i want it all? i want everything to go my way, i want to do everything my way, and i want everything to be perfect. is it that I'm afraid if i don't do it my way, it won't turn out right? am i afraid that something bad will happen? is it because that's how i learned growing up, that if it' wasn't done a certain way then it was being done the wrong way?
my classic example, illustrated and implemented just today. Brittany was loading the dishwasher her way - bowls on top, pans in the back. i though i just gave constructive criticism in that, i said normally the pans take up too much room, so i just hand wash those few items; otherwise, the bowls fit better in the bottom and i have more room for cups in the top. however, i don't think it quite came out that way.
i hurt her today. not physically. but it hurt her the way that i criticized her. in my head, i did what i said above. however, apparently I've been nearly brainwashed in my bringing up, that the way i said what i said, wasn't nearly as constructive as i had perceived. :'( and then it took forever for her to open up to me and to tell me what it was i said or did that was so bad. :( am i that bad of a person? am i that fearful, that you don't want to share with me what i need to know? I'm not just being nosy and want to know everything going on - i need to change. I've said before that while i may love my family, there are certain traits and characteristic I'm afraid I've inherited and i don't want to carry on.
i sit and worry and fear that my ancestry is going to catch up with me and I'm going to ruin the best thing going on in my life. i fear that the way i act, the way i carry myself, the way i talk, the things i say, the - you name it - will drive her away. i am scared nearly to death that I'm going to do this, and it'll be all my fault.
there are more examples, other than the dishwasher, that i can think of that have surfaced in the last week. but all this does make me think and wonder - what can i do to keep from screwing all this up?
what a debbie downer. didn't mean to end the post like this, but it is 11pm. thoughts? :'|
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
good stuff.
after there, i followed dispatch down the hall, in the back, where i was nearly by myself during the day. nice :) then we (me and dispatch) moved up the hall one office. really big room, essentially to myself during the day, own bathroom and a/c controls for my side of the hall (well, nobody used this bathroom, so i "claimed" it.
then dispatch moved to behind the receptionist. i don't like that setup. my back (and was 3, now 4 or 5 monitors) are facing the front door. no more myspace. no more questionable material. no fun :(
so i've started hanging out in the left glass office again. i got a hold to a spare computer, grabbed a spare LCD, grabbed the unused USB2VGA adapter and grabbed the CRT monitor (to have dual monitor again) and it's comfy. however, it's crowded. very crowded. a bunch of computer crab all shoved into a room that will soon be dispatch. again.
so i asked thomas "hey thomas. we just got some spare furniture from the office we just closed. and i'm about to lose this room again. can i get an office?" to which he replied "sure, no problem"
we looked at 2 spare offices. the bigger is the cooler (a/c) office, but has alot of stuff stored in it. the other is right beside scott. oh well, i'll take the good with the bad :)
now i can get my own phone (hah, i have the company cell, but now a landline phone). i can get a chair nobody will steal (or better not). i'll get my own pc (not the best, but it'll work. maybe i'll bring one from home that's better.... i'll get a place to have pics of my favorite lady :) i'll finally feel like somebody.
btw, we closed that office for finding a more cost efficient way to distribute paychecks and phones other than out of a rented, unmanned office. lock boxes on-site. who knew? :P yes, 20-30 little $35 boxes each onsite is more cost efficient than one office at prob $1000/month.
so anyways. yeah. good stuff :)
Monday, October 20, 2008
one year ago today.
long story [maybe not so] short:
i was at my parent's house helping dad do something. something outside where i was nasty and dirty. as i goto leave, i get a call from brad:
B: Jason.
J: What.
B: Come over.
J: Why.
B: I'm throwing a party.
J: I've been working, i'm nasty.
B: So what. come.
J: No.
B: Yes.
J: IF i were to come over, i'm taking a shower first.
B: Then do that.
J: Why.
B: Look, there's girls and alcohol.
J: Say again?
B: Well, by alcohol, i mean, the beer you left in my fridge.
J: And by girls, i assume more than just michelle?
B: Yes. you need to meet her.
J: Hmmm..
B: Take your shower then you're coming over.
J: Fine.
B: Cya.
well. that's basically it. i go take my shower, come back, meet Brittany. she was rather shy, seemed very... innocent. i just knew i had no chance in hell.
we watched princess bride, we all talked for a lil while, then i left. during the movie i jokingly txt'ed brad "i'd hit it" to which his reply was "what are you waiting for?" it was all fun and games til michelle saw the txt and replied "i'm going to f'in kill you"
later that night, maybe early morning, i txted back to michelle some txt which i wish i still had (it died when my phone died) in which i replied something to the nature of "my apologies for the lewd txt earlier. it was intended to be received in a jokingly manner and was not a true representation of my real intentions. i'd be thrilled if i could have the pleasure of meeting your cousin again, potentially over lunch?" (but the original was alot more sophisticated)
i met her again with brad and michelle that afternoon for lunch at amici's. sitting in the park i was afriad of scaring her off for being too aggressive. brad and michelle basically just push her off on me, saying "ok you bring her back to the apartment and ya'll have a chance to get to know one another"
we did. and by the afternoon i got a hug from her :) then i bought my gas grill later that evening on my way home. and the rest is history. :D
just shy of a month later, after seeing her 4-5 times, i started dating her exclusively. then just over a month later, after repressing my words in fear of lowering their validation, their power and authenticity, she said that she loved me, to which i whole heartily felt complete reciprocity to. :D then 2.5 weeks ago i finally put a ring on that finger that i've been wrapped around. only 7 more LONG months to go before we can tie the knot. :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
myspace uploading help
May 16th, 2009
Be there.
Wedding bells will ring.
It appears to be the date. We wanted it around there (i did, and i assume i'm speaking on her bahalf too) and my bride checked with her people and it seems to be the date of choice. 7 months from thursday? sweeeeet. :)
times have changed.
Sony DSC-F505 digital camera.
now don't get me wrong. i don't want this camera but for anything but a novelty. actually, i don't even really want to pay any money for it. it was new in 2000 - two years older than my Sony DSC-F717 that i just recently replaced.
the F505 is a 2.1MP camera (compare that to the 5.0MP of my F717, or the 14.2MP of my a350) :)
what i really wanted to point out was battery life. in the review of the F505, it's stated that it got an "amazing" 60 mins of shoot time with the LCD black light off (or 80 mins with the back light off).
lets compare this to my F717. they changed their standard for how the battery was tested, but in the updated test, it yielded 4 hr 02 mins.
while 4x the time wasn't regarded as "amazing" it was remarked as "very very good". btw, at the bottom of the list was Minolta DiMAGE 7 at 1 hr 14 mins, and at the top was the Olympus C-8080 WZ at 5 hr 52 mins.
amazingly i can't find any stats on my a350 other than 730 shots in OVF or 410 with live view. bleh.
ok enough rambling for now :)
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Sunday, October 05, 2008
best weekend ever :)
fast forward to about 2 weeks ago. this post. it may have been small, but i wrote "me so happy." i talked to her dad and asked for his blessing. he said that i have it :)
last week. this post. i had picked up the ring the Saturday before. i wrote: "Friday going to Biltmore. oh yeah i gotta charge up my camera - hope to take tons of pics :) maybe the leaves will be changing by then." yeah, yeah... uh, the leaves are what I'm going to take tons of pictures of.. mmhmm... ;)
jumping back a little bit we were trying to decide to go to Biltmore Saturday the 4th or Saturday the 18th. i knew what i wanted to do - and i didn't want to wait 2 more weeks. a little over a week ago, i hear Sarah (Brittany's friend) has a party on Saturday and can't do it. "no! we have to go this weekend! Friday! i can take Friday off!" i knew i couldn't wait 2 more weeks. 3 weeks were long enough to wait - there was no way i could hold that back another two weeks!
Brittany came over Thursday, we found some food, loaded up rock band, and headed to Sarah's house. we got up like 5am and headed for Ashville, NC. the house was nice, kinda overkill - and they allowed no pictures. :( hungry, we eat at the bistro next to the winery - passing the gardens where i knew i wanted to be... after eating we did a wine tasting. they all tasted nasty. then we finally went to the gardens.
I've had the ring in the camera bag all along - the bag being so bulky nothing looked different. when we arrived at the gardens, i stuck it into my front jeans pocket. twice i thought i was going to get busted when she'd come up to hug on me, i thought she was going to ask "ouch - what's in your pocket?" but she didn't. i was thinking of a witty come back in case she did, like "something big and the hardest thing in the world - why don't you feel and see if you agree" ;) LOL no i didn't get to use that line :P
anyways after roaming through about half of the gardens, i saw my window of opportunity soon disappearing. Sarah and Schnurr were normally close by, and while i wanted them to be nearby, i didn't necessarily want them right there as i did it. i got my chance as i saw a bench about 50 or so feet away. they were looking at some flowers and i asked "hey lets go over to the bench."
on the way i tried to say the line i had been trying to rehearse since the day before, something like this: "last week when i went to see my parents, i saw something that I'm going to have a hard time getting out of my mind for a long time. i asked my parents how they would like you as a daughter in law, and the look on dad's face was all i needed to know that they approved and were happy for me." however. i don't quite remember saying all of that, nor could i hardly talk, and i don't even know if i finished the sentence. and, i don't think she quite got where i was going yet. however...
when i got down in front of her, and produced what was in my pocket... she started to almost look worried. "what - what - what are you doing? omg omg!"
"will you marry me?"
*not even a one second pause*
we turn around to see Sarah and Schnurr finally noticing just what was going on. Sarah took a picture i want of that moment, and Schnurr had the video camera rolling - how much he caught, i can't wait to see.
after Biltmore, we went into Black Mountain into Montreat and walked around. then we found some bar-b-que, got some gas, and headed back to ga. at the gas station, things started to really set in when sarah said "ok, i'm going to get gas, and jason, you go get your fiancee some ibuprofen" [she had a killer headache, from between being out in the sun all day and having an empty stomach before finally eating bbq late in the evening]. it was at that moment that i finally realized how glorious and wonderful of a thing i had finally done. my fiancee. how great it is to say that!
since it was 11pm getting back to Sarah's, we crashed on the couch, and found our way to Brittany's house after breakfast. we spent the day with her family on Saturday, and with mine on Sunday. church service (we went to my old church) was interesting, Terri had already told a few people the good news, i got to tell a few others. "who is this beautiful young lady?" "i would like you to meet my fiancee Brittany" :) hahaha even Brittany called me out on "you just like saying that don't you?" to which i replied "yes i do" :)
this - was the best weekend ever. EVER. currently we're looking to tie the knot somewhere around middle May to early June. Jason's life? is now perfect :)
does anybody notice my blog title, and how it's changed over the years?
06/05 "i'm normal. i really am..." (blog created)
06/07 "the sad life of jason" (melanie noticed this within a day - just the normal sad daily grind of working at the computer store and living the single life.)
11/07 "jason's life outlook is looking bright" (just after i started dating Brittany)
01/08 "jason's life is near perfect" (found she was in love with me as much as i was in love with her)
09/08 "jason's life is nearing perfect" (buying rings)
10/08 *well - look for yourself* =)
Friday, October 03, 2008
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
nothing real new.
friday going to Biltmore. oh yeah i gotta charge up my camera - hope to take tons of pics :) maybe the leaves will be changing by then.
next weekend is brad's wedding. poor buddy. it's been nice knowing you.
the weekend after that everyone should come over. hopefully it'll be schnurr vs black trey in guitar hero III :P
maybe a lan in a few weeks afterward? we'll see :) enuf for now bye!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
last night it got down to 50ish.
my kitchen's thermometer says it's 55° and my bedroom is 60° :O
damn it's cold! hopefully it won't be 80° when i come home again....
BUT electrically wise, it's hella more efficient then the a/c. my kill-a-watt says I've used 1.88 KW hours in two days (two or three?) on one fan - which means less than $0.20 over two or three days per fan. that's like a dime a day per fan, or less. $6 worth of electricity a month to keep the house cold? sounds good to mee!
apparently the average heat pump (which is my house's a/c / heater) can use on average 2 KW per hour. woah! <2KW in 2 days with a fan, or 2KW per hour with a/c?
another funny/good note - my pc was running at 90° this morning, as opposed to 110° - i can play games when the house is this cold! :P
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008

good photoshop skills...

Brad, you know you want this...

so THAT'S where babies come from...

i LOLed at this :)

i burned 5-6 more dvd's tonight. i'm finally over 50% free on my 300 gb C: drive =-0
i totally hope to move to grayson after i sell my house. nice houses, not badly priced, convient location, near Tribble Mill Park *ahem brad* :)
today at work wasn't bad. i actually got to do I.T. related tasks =-0
techy question: what has more airflow, 2 fans in, or 1 fan in, 1 fan out? i.e. in my house, if i were to put one fan blowing in, in my kitchen, and one blowing out in my room, then would that have more or less airflow than two blowing in, in the kitchen, and both bedroom windows open?
g'night folks!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sex Frog :)
The girl excitedly looks around to see if anybody's watching her and whispers softly to the man behind the counter, "I'll take one." The man packaged the frog and said, "Just follow the instructions carefully." The girl nods, grabs the box, and is quickly on her way home.
As soon as she closes the door to her apartment, the girl takes out the instructions and reads them thoroughly, doing exactly what it says to do:
1. Take a shower.
2. Splash on some nice smelling perfume.
3. Slip into a very sexy teddy.
4. Crawl into bed and place the frog down on the bed.
She then quickly gets into bed with the frog and, to her surprise, nothing happens!
The girl is totally frustrated and quite upset at this point. She rereads the instructions and notices at the bottom of the paper. It says, "If you have any problems or questions, please call the pet store." So, the lady calls the pet store.
The man says, "I had some complaints earlier today. I'll be right over." Within five minutes, the man is ringing her doorbell. The lady welcomes him in and says, "See, I've done everything according to the instructions and the damn thing just sits there.
"The man, looking very concerned, picks up the frog, stares directly into its eyes and sternly says: "Listen to me! I'm only going to show you how to do this one more time."
Friday, September 19, 2008
i'm trying to install vista to my athlon 64 system. it's not going smoothly.
tomorrow i'm goign to try to cut the grass and recycle my liquor bottles. we'll see just what i get done...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
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i'm just so happy. more details at a later date :)
Friday, September 12, 2008
damn. i wish.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
burning like crazy.
(that's a lie. i deleted my 8.88gb of reno 911, 4gb of dawson's creek (don't ask), and burned 6 dvd images (24gb) of pinky and the brain. and 4 gb of tripping the rift)
hard drive c: 279gb capicity, 124gb free
hard drive f: 93gb capacity, 63.5gb free
hard drive g: 233gb capacity, 20gb free
Monday, September 08, 2008
new system goign
do i smell a lan party in the works? it'll be way overdue ;)
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Jekyll (part 1 of 5)
Jekyll was a blast. I brought my love, Brittany, with me this year. And, this was by far my favorite year because of her. Yes, in years past, me and dad have rode bikes around, i've taken tons of other photos - but to actually enjoy where you are and who you're with, this was a year unlike any other.
We left thursday afternoon, only hit a bit of traffic south of savannah, and arrieved at nightfall thursday night. it only sprinkled rain once or twice, never enough to ruin any plans for the evening. we made it back safely on monday, free from any catastrophes.
what also made everything even better was i took off thursday & friday, monday was a holiday, and i took tuesday off. i had a 6 day weekend - woohoo!! haha work missed me, but oh well :)
well here's the pics. enjoy!