i stayed at PC AfterDark.
yeah, i talked with the boss. he said he really wanted me to stay. he asked if more money would make me stay. i replied "it'd help, but after a short ammount of time i'd still be unhappy". i said i really wanted to work 40 hours. he said we could work that out. i was definatly stunned. we've always been a 9-7 no lunch break company for as long as i can remember. and now he says i could have that if i stay? well damn.
he offers the position of service manager. the guy i prettymuch took over for was a service manager, and he did mainly the corp. customers and told me where to go with residential. he also did things like building new servers and keeping us motivated in the store. we definantly need that now - well the motivation and someone to administer who goes where to what service calls.
i had talked with the boss on a couple occasions about things that needed to be done so when this position was brought up, i see this as my chance to make these things happen. these things are things that make the working environment unhappy and brings moral down. promises that go broken. the same speaches that we hear every month that nothing gets done about. basiclly i want to tidy up all the loose ends that makes things so misable. that's prettymuch my goal.
so far horace is out of the office a good bit, and he's happier. i'm in the office so i'm happier. i've started cleaning up a little bit but maybe this week i can start more hardcore cleaning. we have so much crap on the shelves that are just purely junk. but finding the time to clean is almost impossible. wether i start deligating "ok you do this" or i do it myself - it's going to get done.
the other reasons i didn't want to leave were the unsureness of how this created position at a new company would last. would they see after 4 months that i wasn't needed for 40h a week, but 20h, and cut my hours? i couldnt afford that. if i made a contract for them for a year, after a year would they kill my position? would i get a better contract for the next year? i saw not as much control over my destiny there - where i'm now i'm able to call alot more of the shots - and i'm ready to get my feet wet as a manager type position - if all else fails i can always go back to doing outside work. either way i won't look bad, and my boss will still be happy - more outside work makes our company grow.
this was one of the first weeks that fairly flew by and i did'nt really hate it. peace out homies :)
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