it must be nice when your car will fit inside the bed of a standard truck, with tailgate up =-0
DOOD! i just found out this is a 1958 BMW Isetta! wicked!
from SCM:
A contemporary road test from the British magazine Motor shows its top speed to be 54 mph, with fuel consumption a thrifty 50 to 60 miles per US gallon. The 0 to 40 mph time could be recorded by an egg timer, with a recent report measuring it at 1 minute flat.
The Isetta 300 weighs in at around 770 pounds fully equipped (with heater and defroster). With your kneecaps acting as a safety bumper and your lungs as airbags, it is not exactly a paragon of crash-worthiness.
what i'm wondering is, it first came out with a 237-cc twin-cylinder two-stroke engine, then later the 247-cc single cylinder motorbike engine, and then later a 297-cc single. what if.... this got say a GSXR 1000 engine? :) :) :)
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