heh ms hardy is nice :) she fed me lunch and homemade cookies :)
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005

wow don't i feel special :) the post page loads yet-to-date, tie with aug 20 on unique visitors, and the most returning visitors yet. hah, still not chris level - yet - but not too far away...
(btw - on the area chart - the stats code was added in the evening, and this last day is stats as of 8:30 a.m.)
Sunday, August 28, 2005
wow. sad me. i haven't like described any of my boring life in a few... days? weeks? who knows.
i been playign with google earth some more today. and this past week. the coolest thing. buildings in major cities and some mountains are in 3D - sooo cool. check it out: Google Earth it's a like 10mb download.
oh yeah, while lookin at google earth, i was looking at hawaii (i always phuck up the spelling of that word(. i wanna go soooo bad! supposevely mr. jamie knuckles is living in hawaii. i'm trying to figure out that one. did buddy take a vacation then a job and find an apartment or did he find something before he shipped out? is he flipping hamburgers or the IT department? i hadn't talked to him since like... 8th grade, so who knows.
speaking of hawaii. when i was at barry's listening to this insurance stuff (which i have been studying on nightly) the VP of one of the insurance co's was talking about "if you sell xx ammount of annualalized premiums per year, then you get a free trip most all expenses paid to blah. last year we went to hawaii. the year before was a 7 day cruise to alasaka." etc etc etc. bad ass stuff! this better still fucking work out. financely stability, trips and vacations, and a more outgoing lifestyle - i want! i'm going to get. one way or another, i'm goign to get that....
hmm.. bet this month's electricity bill is gonna be high. been keeping it around 74ish degrees. like now i'm cold. but i'm sitting still. oh well :-
i need someone. i quote akon when i say "Lonely, im so lonely, I have nobody, To call my owwnnn. Im so lonely, im mr. Lonely, I have nobody, To call my owwnnn, Im so lonely." tis sad. i'm still tryign to figure out how old my neighbor is. i think she's like 24 (if so, she's outta my leauge :-\ ) welll, i also gotta figger out what her name is :-o what a way to woo a woman "hey, btw, how old are you? and while i'm at it, what's your name again?" :) hahaha i can just imagine.
the internet has seriously been flaking out for the past half a week. i don't know if the storms have damaged any of my equipment or not, but, well, it's really pissing me off. more than anything, whenever the cable splitter is hooked up so chris can watch tv, then, well, we have more problems. so i dunno :-
this weekend was fairly productive. i turned the big 22 yesterday, woohoo. nothing new. when i turned 18 i was like "woohoo, i finally get to buy those lotto tickets that' ive been illegaly buying for the past year... and if i wanted to i could buy tobacco. eh." then when i turned 21 i was like "woohoo, i can now buy alcohol!" but i foudn out it takes more alcohol then i originally thougth to affect me. i guess that could be a good thing, but, my first drink was a sex-on-the-beach. i was disappointed that i didn't feel woozy or anything. now i know it had the equiv of 1 shot of something in it, and it's not strong. heh heh heh. oh well. another year.
speaking of that :) (yeah, this whole post is 1 thought to the next...) used to a few years ago, when looking for chicks, i could say "i dunno how old she is, but she can drive, so she's old enough." then that got too young. then i thought "ok, if she smokes then she's legal." but a) i don't like smokers, and b) i think more minors smoke than 18+ yr olds... so now i'm at the point of saying "i dunno how old she is, but she's drinking in a public place? perfect!" lol not quite "perfect" but a) she's 21 or older, and b) she shouldn't object to me drinking. heh. yeah, i've yet to find anybody by this form of thinking, but, oh well. :(
gah. what a headache. i started thinking at around 6ish today "i haven't eaten anything but waffles for breakfast, and i have such a headache cause i'm hungry." so what do i do? i go play outside and cut grass and blah blah blah 9 o'clock rolls around then i finally make pizza for supper. yummy but i still got this blasted headache :-\ oh well.
oh yeah :) i got burgers defrosted in the fridge. i got stuff to make spagetti. i got chicken fingers i can cook up. and anything else any lovely lady might want. hint hint I'LL COOK YOU SUPPER. any takers ladies?
there is still a moderate level of drama going on. it's sad. let's see how confusingly simple i can make this: c told j not to be friends with c or else he won't be friends with j. j decided to be friends with c so c disowned him. now c and j don't talk and are mad with each other, and j is heartbroken and quite depressed. c was trying to protect j from the pain, but j decided to make his own decisions. because of the way c said what he did to j, now it's a "taking sides" battle between j and his followers, and c and his followers. ok so that's the story in a nutshell. confusing? yes. childish? yes. getting old? too old :( how about this: neither c nor j wants to apologize or say the other party was right. so maybe i should apologize: i didn' step in and stop this from happening, so it must be my fault. c didn't want to see j hurt, neither did i. i personally think c went the wrong way about getting his point across. but yes, j, if i was told what you were told, i'd prob feel the same way too. so lets just blame me for all this and everyone stop your fucking passive bickering. damnit.
umm... so far i've washed like 5 loads of clothes. heh. and i got liek 2 more to go :o i've hung up on hangers about... 5 shirts and 2 pants, heh. i got like 5 more pairs of pants to go and ALOT of shirts to go :P oh well. there's always tommorrow :P
speaking of tommorrrow, i'm going to see the new pastor at my parent's church to fix his pc. i say my parent's church, cause, well, i haven't been there in about... just under 3 yrs :-\ i want to go, i do, i just, well, don't... eh, i just keep making excuses. it's my own laziness. nobody else's fault. but yeah, i gotta go see him tommorrow after work.
hrm, all of my drawing and painting stuff is still laying on my desk here in front of me. how long have i been saying i want to draw something, just can't think of anything? tis sad :( i swear i feel like if i can just like think of something i'm passionate about drawing, then, i'll amaze everyone (prob me just as well, heh). but yeah, until then, i'll just accept that i suck. *hrm* :(
ummm..... wow. am i running out of stuff to say? how many ppl are still reading this? how many ppl gave up 15 mins ago? i've only been typing this for about... holy cow, 40 mins :P and it's pretty close to non stop. a few breaks. not many tho i promise :)
yeah! i been playing chris's game on the gamecube Animal Crossing. it's addicitve as a mofo! i played on his name last weekend, and just fished for him (you sell the fish for money) so i had fun fishing, and he got money. we both happy :) lol then this past... saturday? i think so yea, i fished for melanie. got her some money. today i got bored and fished for chris again. today i set the clock on teh gamecube to "september" so the game thought i was playing in september. and Woah! oh boy did i catch some big dollar fish! most fish are like 120-300 "bells" (the equiv of dollars). some fish are worth 650, 1300, 3000, 5000 and even 10000 bells. i've cought at least 1 of all of these, but, they're not too common. in the ocean you can catch jellyfish left and right, all worth 100 bells each. every now and then you'll catch a big fish worth 3000 or even more rare is the 5000 fish. well, today, the ocean pulled up about 3 pieces of trash, and every single other fish was the 3000 or 5000 fish. a "good" fishing trip before i head to the store was about 10-20k bells. today's was about 40-60k bells a trip :) heh yeah, in about 3-4 hours this morn (i played a long time) i earned him about 400k bells! :) lol sad me. but i paid off his bigger house in the game and got a basement added on :) who knows what that'll cost. tis was fun tho. sorry melanie i'm all fished out. get chris to wire you some money or something - i know he's got some reserves :P
ooh i'm so exciting about jekyll in 5 days! hopefully i'll come back with some badass pictures. i was hoping to ride the bike down, but, i can't too afford the $26 in gas each way, and i don't think my crotch can handle the 4h each way :-\ then i thought "i can just put it on the back of my parent's truck, then i can ride it while i'm down there!" but eh, that's too much work. guess i'll just bring the bicycle. alot easier. but not to ride fast - it's a helluva lot more work :P if i'm extreamly lucky i might find my chick while i'm down there. find me a native of the beach, or even better, some hometown girl that happens to be down there with her family at the same time? one can only hope. i seem to have always been slightly lucky in hooking up with a chick while on 4h trips. tho most all have normally been from far away (like an hour away or more) unless it was a newton co only trip. but those never lasted. but now i can have more ground to cover :) used to i didn't drive, so i had a very limited stomping ground. now i got a 3 county radius that's "easy to cover" and even furter if i wanted. yea, i want. lol. sad me :-\
so, if you actually read this all the way to the bottom, then leave me a comment. actuallly, everyone, leave me a comment. i keep getting more and more visitors every day (almost) but on average, for the past month, i've been getting more and more visitors. i think i'm up to over 25 different pc's reading my blog. that could be like me at work on 3 different pc's, then 2 customers, then 2 at home - that means 7 of those 25 COULD be me... sometimes. but i don't visit it too often for that reason :P
ok i started this post at 10:29 and i'm about to click publish in a min or two, and it's now 11:26 hahahaha typing for an hour. lemme know just how long it took to read this :)
ok fun, cruel, harsh but kinky world, g'night :)
i been playign with google earth some more today. and this past week. the coolest thing. buildings in major cities and some mountains are in 3D - sooo cool. check it out: Google Earth it's a like 10mb download.
oh yeah, while lookin at google earth, i was looking at hawaii (i always phuck up the spelling of that word(. i wanna go soooo bad! supposevely mr. jamie knuckles is living in hawaii. i'm trying to figure out that one. did buddy take a vacation then a job and find an apartment or did he find something before he shipped out? is he flipping hamburgers or the IT department? i hadn't talked to him since like... 8th grade, so who knows.
speaking of hawaii. when i was at barry's listening to this insurance stuff (which i have been studying on nightly) the VP of one of the insurance co's was talking about "if you sell xx ammount of annualalized premiums per year, then you get a free trip most all expenses paid to blah. last year we went to hawaii. the year before was a 7 day cruise to alasaka." etc etc etc. bad ass stuff! this better still fucking work out. financely stability, trips and vacations, and a more outgoing lifestyle - i want! i'm going to get. one way or another, i'm goign to get that....
hmm.. bet this month's electricity bill is gonna be high. been keeping it around 74ish degrees. like now i'm cold. but i'm sitting still. oh well :-
i need someone. i quote akon when i say "Lonely, im so lonely, I have nobody, To call my owwnnn. Im so lonely, im mr. Lonely, I have nobody, To call my owwnnn, Im so lonely." tis sad. i'm still tryign to figure out how old my neighbor is. i think she's like 24 (if so, she's outta my leauge :-\ ) welll, i also gotta figger out what her name is :-o what a way to woo a woman "hey, btw, how old are you? and while i'm at it, what's your name again?" :) hahaha i can just imagine.
the internet has seriously been flaking out for the past half a week. i don't know if the storms have damaged any of my equipment or not, but, well, it's really pissing me off. more than anything, whenever the cable splitter is hooked up so chris can watch tv, then, well, we have more problems. so i dunno :-
this weekend was fairly productive. i turned the big 22 yesterday, woohoo. nothing new. when i turned 18 i was like "woohoo, i finally get to buy those lotto tickets that' ive been illegaly buying for the past year... and if i wanted to i could buy tobacco. eh." then when i turned 21 i was like "woohoo, i can now buy alcohol!" but i foudn out it takes more alcohol then i originally thougth to affect me. i guess that could be a good thing, but, my first drink was a sex-on-the-beach. i was disappointed that i didn't feel woozy or anything. now i know it had the equiv of 1 shot of something in it, and it's not strong. heh heh heh. oh well. another year.
speaking of that :) (yeah, this whole post is 1 thought to the next...) used to a few years ago, when looking for chicks, i could say "i dunno how old she is, but she can drive, so she's old enough." then that got too young. then i thought "ok, if she smokes then she's legal." but a) i don't like smokers, and b) i think more minors smoke than 18+ yr olds... so now i'm at the point of saying "i dunno how old she is, but she's drinking in a public place? perfect!" lol not quite "perfect" but a) she's 21 or older, and b) she shouldn't object to me drinking. heh. yeah, i've yet to find anybody by this form of thinking, but, oh well. :(
gah. what a headache. i started thinking at around 6ish today "i haven't eaten anything but waffles for breakfast, and i have such a headache cause i'm hungry." so what do i do? i go play outside and cut grass and blah blah blah 9 o'clock rolls around then i finally make pizza for supper. yummy but i still got this blasted headache :-\ oh well.
oh yeah :) i got burgers defrosted in the fridge. i got stuff to make spagetti. i got chicken fingers i can cook up. and anything else any lovely lady might want. hint hint I'LL COOK YOU SUPPER. any takers ladies?
there is still a moderate level of drama going on. it's sad. let's see how confusingly simple i can make this: c told j not to be friends with c or else he won't be friends with j. j decided to be friends with c so c disowned him. now c and j don't talk and are mad with each other, and j is heartbroken and quite depressed. c was trying to protect j from the pain, but j decided to make his own decisions. because of the way c said what he did to j, now it's a "taking sides" battle between j and his followers, and c and his followers. ok so that's the story in a nutshell. confusing? yes. childish? yes. getting old? too old :( how about this: neither c nor j wants to apologize or say the other party was right. so maybe i should apologize: i didn' step in and stop this from happening, so it must be my fault. c didn't want to see j hurt, neither did i. i personally think c went the wrong way about getting his point across. but yes, j, if i was told what you were told, i'd prob feel the same way too. so lets just blame me for all this and everyone stop your fucking passive bickering. damnit.
umm... so far i've washed like 5 loads of clothes. heh. and i got liek 2 more to go :o i've hung up on hangers about... 5 shirts and 2 pants, heh. i got like 5 more pairs of pants to go and ALOT of shirts to go :P oh well. there's always tommorrow :P
speaking of tommorrrow, i'm going to see the new pastor at my parent's church to fix his pc. i say my parent's church, cause, well, i haven't been there in about... just under 3 yrs :-\ i want to go, i do, i just, well, don't... eh, i just keep making excuses. it's my own laziness. nobody else's fault. but yeah, i gotta go see him tommorrow after work.
hrm, all of my drawing and painting stuff is still laying on my desk here in front of me. how long have i been saying i want to draw something, just can't think of anything? tis sad :( i swear i feel like if i can just like think of something i'm passionate about drawing, then, i'll amaze everyone (prob me just as well, heh). but yeah, until then, i'll just accept that i suck. *hrm* :(
ummm..... wow. am i running out of stuff to say? how many ppl are still reading this? how many ppl gave up 15 mins ago? i've only been typing this for about... holy cow, 40 mins :P and it's pretty close to non stop. a few breaks. not many tho i promise :)
yeah! i been playing chris's game on the gamecube Animal Crossing. it's addicitve as a mofo! i played on his name last weekend, and just fished for him (you sell the fish for money) so i had fun fishing, and he got money. we both happy :) lol then this past... saturday? i think so yea, i fished for melanie. got her some money. today i got bored and fished for chris again. today i set the clock on teh gamecube to "september" so the game thought i was playing in september. and Woah! oh boy did i catch some big dollar fish! most fish are like 120-300 "bells" (the equiv of dollars). some fish are worth 650, 1300, 3000, 5000 and even 10000 bells. i've cought at least 1 of all of these, but, they're not too common. in the ocean you can catch jellyfish left and right, all worth 100 bells each. every now and then you'll catch a big fish worth 3000 or even more rare is the 5000 fish. well, today, the ocean pulled up about 3 pieces of trash, and every single other fish was the 3000 or 5000 fish. a "good" fishing trip before i head to the store was about 10-20k bells. today's was about 40-60k bells a trip :) heh yeah, in about 3-4 hours this morn (i played a long time) i earned him about 400k bells! :) lol sad me. but i paid off his bigger house in the game and got a basement added on :) who knows what that'll cost. tis was fun tho. sorry melanie i'm all fished out. get chris to wire you some money or something - i know he's got some reserves :P
ooh i'm so exciting about jekyll in 5 days! hopefully i'll come back with some badass pictures. i was hoping to ride the bike down, but, i can't too afford the $26 in gas each way, and i don't think my crotch can handle the 4h each way :-\ then i thought "i can just put it on the back of my parent's truck, then i can ride it while i'm down there!" but eh, that's too much work. guess i'll just bring the bicycle. alot easier. but not to ride fast - it's a helluva lot more work :P if i'm extreamly lucky i might find my chick while i'm down there. find me a native of the beach, or even better, some hometown girl that happens to be down there with her family at the same time? one can only hope. i seem to have always been slightly lucky in hooking up with a chick while on 4h trips. tho most all have normally been from far away (like an hour away or more) unless it was a newton co only trip. but those never lasted. but now i can have more ground to cover :) used to i didn't drive, so i had a very limited stomping ground. now i got a 3 county radius that's "easy to cover" and even furter if i wanted. yea, i want. lol. sad me :-\
so, if you actually read this all the way to the bottom, then leave me a comment. actuallly, everyone, leave me a comment. i keep getting more and more visitors every day (almost) but on average, for the past month, i've been getting more and more visitors. i think i'm up to over 25 different pc's reading my blog. that could be like me at work on 3 different pc's, then 2 customers, then 2 at home - that means 7 of those 25 COULD be me... sometimes. but i don't visit it too often for that reason :P
ok i started this post at 10:29 and i'm about to click publish in a min or two, and it's now 11:26 hahahaha typing for an hour. lemme know just how long it took to read this :)
ok fun, cruel, harsh but kinky world, g'night :)

ok mo, here's your house. the right circle is assumed the green swimming pool, the the left circular square is the dogpen, right? the white car could be your your dad, and who's is the black? what my real question is, is wtf is that in the back of your neighbor's house? i bomb testing facility?! or have your mortars just a lil too strong and keep clearing their house? :)
while browsing google earth i found off the coast of GA a link that said "Bomb Site" so i started doing some research. =o yarh it could be for real... CNN has an article talking about it. it's for real! (tho the exact coordinates are "classified") :-\
Saturday, August 27, 2005
happy b-day to me!
yarh. i had a few ppl think of me today. i feel spedial. =)
lets see:
my sister terri
chris :)
brad - well, i intepreted his "fuck off" as "happy b-day"
MOM! =)
urm... did i miss anybody? or did i not give credit to some ppl? if so i sorry - i was just supprised this many ppl remembered!
lets see:
my sister terri
chris :)
brad - well, i intepreted his "fuck off" as "happy b-day"
MOM! =)
urm... did i miss anybody? or did i not give credit to some ppl? if so i sorry - i was just supprised this many ppl remembered!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I can't wait for:
jekyll island in 1 week!!!
sell the bike
buy a new bike
have free time to ride the bike
clean out the garage
setup a workshop
purchase some more tools
pait the lawnmower
pay off the house
drive a new car
have the car paid off
find a girlfriend
find a wife
find a mother
have money to spare
have life insurance
have health insurance
for the drama to end...
i can't wait :(
btw i didn't do too much today. i just went to work, then drove the motorcycle around - it's so fun! lol ok g'nighty :)
I can't wait for:
jekyll island in 1 week!!!
sell the bike
buy a new bike
have free time to ride the bike
clean out the garage
setup a workshop
purchase some more tools
pait the lawnmower
pay off the house
drive a new car
have the car paid off
find a girlfriend
find a wife
find a mother
have money to spare
have life insurance
have health insurance
for the drama to end...
i can't wait :(
btw i didn't do too much today. i just went to work, then drove the motorcycle around - it's so fun! lol ok g'nighty :)
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
you can ignore this - my way of studying
to help study fer this test, i decided to type all the homework questions, quizes, and exams. then the notes. i got a hella job ahead of me. but for all of you interested, this is what i learned in class :)
this is questions 1-14 of first night homework. the catch is there was 60 questions, day 2 had 85, day 3 had 85, and day 4 had 35. the rest will come later. oh yea, 6 quizes, a thick 100 questtion exam and a nice fat tipsheet i have too. along with prob 50 pages of double sided pure notes. yeah, i got a job...
1) The following is false about speculative risk: speculative risk is a feature of insurance
2) Not all risks are insurable. Certain characteristics must be present for a particular risk to be considered an insurable risk. Which of the following characteristics might make a risk uninsurable? The risk of loss exists because of a catastrophic exposure
3) In the life insurance filed, insurable interest must exist: At the time application is made for the insurance.
4) An insurer incorporated under the laws of the state in which it is operating is considered to be a: domestic insurer
5) What type of insurer obtains capital from investors who share in the company’s profiles + losses: Stock
6) An insurer owned by it’s policyholders, who may receive a return of unused premiums in the form of policy dividends is a: mutual company
7) The following is not one of the available methods for dealing with an exposure to risk: ascertain the risk
8) The following is not true about insurance: insurance is a mechanism for handling speculative risk.
9) Some insurers do not fully charge their premiums in advance. There is a type of insurer that determines its losses after they have occurred, and then charges policyholders for their share of the losses. This type of insurer is known as an: assessment insurer.
10) Some agents supervise all of an insurance company’s business within a specified territory. These agents appoint other agents, supervise their business and receive a portion of the commissions on that business. What is the formal name for this type of agent? General agent.
11) In an agency relationship, the party represent by an insurance agent is formally known as the: principal
12) An agent’s obligation to act in an insurance applicant’s or insured’s best interest, based on faith and trust placed on the agent by members of the insurance buying public, is known as: a fiduciary duty
13) The following is not true about an agency relationship between an insurance agent and an insurer: an agent has unlimited authority over insurance within the agency.
14) The authority of an insurance agent, which is spelled out in the written words of the agency contract between the agent and the insurer is: express authority.
this is questions 1-14 of first night homework. the catch is there was 60 questions, day 2 had 85, day 3 had 85, and day 4 had 35. the rest will come later. oh yea, 6 quizes, a thick 100 questtion exam and a nice fat tipsheet i have too. along with prob 50 pages of double sided pure notes. yeah, i got a job...
1) The following is false about speculative risk: speculative risk is a feature of insurance
2) Not all risks are insurable. Certain characteristics must be present for a particular risk to be considered an insurable risk. Which of the following characteristics might make a risk uninsurable? The risk of loss exists because of a catastrophic exposure
3) In the life insurance filed, insurable interest must exist: At the time application is made for the insurance.
4) An insurer incorporated under the laws of the state in which it is operating is considered to be a: domestic insurer
5) What type of insurer obtains capital from investors who share in the company’s profiles + losses: Stock
6) An insurer owned by it’s policyholders, who may receive a return of unused premiums in the form of policy dividends is a: mutual company
7) The following is not one of the available methods for dealing with an exposure to risk: ascertain the risk
8) The following is not true about insurance: insurance is a mechanism for handling speculative risk.
9) Some insurers do not fully charge their premiums in advance. There is a type of insurer that determines its losses after they have occurred, and then charges policyholders for their share of the losses. This type of insurer is known as an: assessment insurer.
10) Some agents supervise all of an insurance company’s business within a specified territory. These agents appoint other agents, supervise their business and receive a portion of the commissions on that business. What is the formal name for this type of agent? General agent.
11) In an agency relationship, the party represent by an insurance agent is formally known as the: principal
12) An agent’s obligation to act in an insurance applicant’s or insured’s best interest, based on faith and trust placed on the agent by members of the insurance buying public, is known as: a fiduciary duty
13) The following is not true about an agency relationship between an insurance agent and an insurer: an agent has unlimited authority over insurance within the agency.
14) The authority of an insurance agent, which is spelled out in the written words of the agency contract between the agent and the insurer is: express authority.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
aah, here one of them is:
"To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."
-Elbert Hubbard
Jon, this is for you: (wait, and brad. and dan. fuck, all of us)
"To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."
-Elbert Hubbard
Jon, this is for you: (wait, and brad. and dan. fuck, all of us)
Things Candidate Should NOT Say or Do at a Job Interview
- See photo of interviewer's family on desk, point, start laughing uncontrollably.
- Ask if there is only one emergency exit, grin and say; "Boy!, I bet this floor would be in trouble if someone barricaded that."
- Constantly fidget with underwear waistband, then blurt: "The strawberry ones are the stickiest, don't ya' think?"
- After detailing your greatest achievement, qualify with, "Of course I was totally hammered at the time."
- Inquire on office policy of friends staying over.
- Claim you wouldn't even need a sit-in' job if Al Einstein hadn't stolen your secret patent - for "2000 Flushes."
- Over-emphasize your ability to use a copier.
- Ask if it's O.K. if you sit on the floor.
- Allow that you would little impact on the overhead budget, because you swiped all the supplies from your other job.
- Although parking was free, insist that they validate something or you're not leaving.
- Mention your resume would have been stronger, but you didn't feel like making anything else up.
- Ask the secretary if she'll sit on your lap during interview.
- Walk into interviewer's office with a tape measure, measure office from a few angles, put away, declare; "NOW we can begin."
- When making small talk and the Simpson trial comes up, shout, "You mean Homer and Marge are in some kind of trouble?", and run out of the room.
- Sniff two of your fingers, then hold them out toward interviewer and say, "Smell these. They smell funny to you?"
- Upon walking in to the office for first time, ask the receptionist to hold all your calls.
evidently there is still some "bitch being thrown" around... ugh.
i saw some good quotes - i'll post the gut of them, i'll find the real thing later..
"to avoid critisizem, do nohting, be nothing" and something else :-\
"the moment you decide to rise up, everyone around you will not rest til they bring you back down"
yea, those weren't word for word but good enuf
umm... my uncle's now been given days to live :-\ again. i need to not drink anything til this is all over - just in case they call me when "i'm having fun" :-\ and if this goes on for months, well, it's prob better for me.
mom said that dad said i iddn't have to pay em back for the jekyll trip i'm going on in a week and a half - woot! lol well i feel bad and i'll pay em back when i can - i'm flat broke right now....
urm. not too much more going on. g'bye :)
Sunday, August 21, 2005
i find out more ppl everday who view my blog. tis interesting. i'm growing about 1-2 ppl every few days too. and i'm creating quite a bit of drama too, i hear. again, still not chris level, but some none the less :P
all i know is i ain't done nothing to nobody, so if ya'll want to start some shit, bring it on. let's just see how imature you all can really be.
on one hand, one thing i want to do (to, 'end it all') is giving in to a crackhead, and i'll lose someone dear to me. on the other hand, i can't keep doing this. i dont know what to do. oh well, i'll figger it out one day.
i find out more ppl everday who view my blog. tis interesting. i'm growing about 1-2 ppl every few days too. and i'm creating quite a bit of drama too, i hear. again, still not chris level, but some none the less :P
all i know is i ain't done nothing to nobody, so if ya'll want to start some shit, bring it on. let's just see how imature you all can really be.
on one hand, one thing i want to do (to, 'end it all') is giving in to a crackhead, and i'll lose someone dear to me. on the other hand, i can't keep doing this. i dont know what to do. oh well, i'll figger it out one day.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
the end is near..
i was asked if i could be a pallbearer..
this is the least i can do...
i am sooo glad i saw him tonight.
i'm going home tommorrow..
uncle thomas is making peace with everyone - including family members who have been acting childish.
*tears* :(
i don't know what to do next. maybe i shall sleep :-
so far in my life,..... *tear* this is one of the strongest men i have ever met. i can only hope to have a heart half as big as his *tear*
g'nighty :'(
the end is near..
i was asked if i could be a pallbearer..
this is the least i can do...
i am sooo glad i saw him tonight.
i'm going home tommorrow..
uncle thomas is making peace with everyone - including family members who have been acting childish.
*tears* :(
i don't know what to do next. maybe i shall sleep :-
so far in my life,..... *tear* this is one of the strongest men i have ever met. i can only hope to have a heart half as big as his *tear*
g'nighty :'(
Friday, August 19, 2005
$39.60. taht's waht it cost to fill up my truck today :(

ok so i'm not yet chris stat level yet, but working on it :)
not too exciting of a day. went to visit my uncle. he's currently in the hospital. he fell last night and hurt himself, so they're keeping him in the hospital a few days to make sure he heals fine and such, and also using this time to run more tests and such. it's pretty damn powerful when his daughter says "daddy doesn't have much time, so if he wants something to eat taht they won't give him, the by golly, i'm going to get it for him." and i mean things like pork rhines and vienna sausage - not unhealthy crap, but they want him to eat, even things like this. so it seems like everyone is holding together well.
and thanks brad for making me not goto the mall of ga with ya'll and go see him. cause i might have regretted it if i didn't...

ok so i'm not yet chris stat level yet, but working on it :)
not too exciting of a day. went to visit my uncle. he's currently in the hospital. he fell last night and hurt himself, so they're keeping him in the hospital a few days to make sure he heals fine and such, and also using this time to run more tests and such. it's pretty damn powerful when his daughter says "daddy doesn't have much time, so if he wants something to eat taht they won't give him, the by golly, i'm going to get it for him." and i mean things like pork rhines and vienna sausage - not unhealthy crap, but they want him to eat, even things like this. so it seems like everyone is holding together well.
and thanks brad for making me not goto the mall of ga with ya'll and go see him. cause i might have regretted it if i didn't...
yer arse is mine :)
yeah i know i haven't added anything in a while. i suck.
i've wanted to say some things but i just haven't. so maybe i'll say some now :P
insurance school ended last weekend, so this weekend will finally be some type of BREAK! tho i do have to work saturday. oh well. whoop de do. next weekend is my b-day. then the next weekend i'm goign to Jekyll Island! hahahaa ok yea i've needed some more vacation. you know i've had to get up early every day since the end of july now? now a single day to sleep in? even taht friday i had a vacation day, i still had to get up early to goto barry's. and i'm so glad i did. that prompted me to goto those classes and stick to it. and those classes required me getting up at 6:30 a.m. :o
i heard on the radio today that 285 in atl is crazy, like, the whole peremiter is shut down for the weekend. Atlanta will be hella-bad to drive in this weekend. thank goodness i'm not driving through this weekend...
i talked to barry yesterday fer a lil bit. it's amazing how positive a person can be. he's not happy with the server i sold him, and he wants to return it, but, he doens't want to hurt my company, and he doesn't want it to look bad on me. he really is looking out for me.
hrm, how about this: i'm learning Dallas is a jackass. about a lil a year ago, ms trimm called me up and chewed me a new asshole for "controlling annie" when i've done nothing anything like the such. but now, that's what dallas is doing. he's gotta know where she's at, who she's talking to, what she talked about when she's talkin to ppl, she has to be home waitign on him when he gets off work, she's not supposed to talk to me more than like once a month... so for all it's considered, i am the devil to him. damn stright. i better be the biggest thing he fears. yesterday i started thinking about what i wish he'd say to me so i could beat the shit out of him :) i sooo want to do taht. even LFD at work said he's never met him, but he wants to do the same. it's funny. this is what i want dalls to know:
i've wanted to say some things but i just haven't. so maybe i'll say some now :P
insurance school ended last weekend, so this weekend will finally be some type of BREAK! tho i do have to work saturday. oh well. whoop de do. next weekend is my b-day. then the next weekend i'm goign to Jekyll Island! hahahaa ok yea i've needed some more vacation. you know i've had to get up early every day since the end of july now? now a single day to sleep in? even taht friday i had a vacation day, i still had to get up early to goto barry's. and i'm so glad i did. that prompted me to goto those classes and stick to it. and those classes required me getting up at 6:30 a.m. :o
i heard on the radio today that 285 in atl is crazy, like, the whole peremiter is shut down for the weekend. Atlanta will be hella-bad to drive in this weekend. thank goodness i'm not driving through this weekend...
i talked to barry yesterday fer a lil bit. it's amazing how positive a person can be. he's not happy with the server i sold him, and he wants to return it, but, he doens't want to hurt my company, and he doesn't want it to look bad on me. he really is looking out for me.
hrm, how about this: i'm learning Dallas is a jackass. about a lil a year ago, ms trimm called me up and chewed me a new asshole for "controlling annie" when i've done nothing anything like the such. but now, that's what dallas is doing. he's gotta know where she's at, who she's talking to, what she talked about when she's talkin to ppl, she has to be home waitign on him when he gets off work, she's not supposed to talk to me more than like once a month... so for all it's considered, i am the devil to him. damn stright. i better be the biggest thing he fears. yesterday i started thinking about what i wish he'd say to me so i could beat the shit out of him :) i sooo want to do taht. even LFD at work said he's never met him, but he wants to do the same. it's funny. this is what i want dalls to know:
"I don't approve of what you're putting annie through, she doesn't deserve that, but if i EVER hear that you have struck her or hit her, you better belive your ass is mine. i don't care if i fight fairly either, i will do whatever it takes for you to never do that again. if that means you your face being smashed in, then so be it. if that means turning your ribcage into pulp, then so be it. if it means you'll have a deteachable head, then so be it. fists, baseball bat, vehicular homicide;
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
There is a good chance I am still a virgin. I am not certain because I haven't even bothered to figure out what sexual intercourse actually is. But whatever it is I want nothing to do with it. There
I may play video games but they don’t rule my life. Good for me. But I should be careful not to fall in the grasp of the loving glow of the TV or monitor.
I am an idoit. Not as much as most. There are even people out there that annoy the hell out of me. What was I talking about?
The white trash in my blood will not keep me from becoming a doctor or a lawyer, but it will keep me from a good haircut and any sort of fashion sense.
I need to step away from the tie-dye. I smell too good to be a hippie and my dad is probably a cop. Being a hippie is not a fashion craze, man. It was a way of life, in the 60’s, man.
Hmm.. I should stop listening to Dashboard Confessional.... enough said... Now that I stopped looking at my shoes, I know how the real world looks.
I am one of those people that love to hear the sound of their voice. That and my lousy attitude make for a mixture as toxic next-day-mexican-dinner-ass-drip.
Evil courses through my blood. Lies and deceit motivate my evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings.
You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.
I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!
52% idiot... (i thought i was more)
32% white trash... (i thought i was more)
44% video game addict... (i thought i was less)
77% asshole/bitch... (i thought i was more)
56% evil genuis... (i thought i was more)
39% geek... (i thought i was more)
54% internet addict... (i thought i was more)
Monday, August 15, 2005
went and saw skelton key tonight. it was an ok movie. no boobies. :( tho some nice panty ass and tight shirt shots :) lol
i tried getting drunk before i went to the movie. the gd movie was 2h long so it was way all gone half way through :-\ and ctrl alt 5 doesnt make a :-\ like i've tried twice now to do :( lol
hrm. boring day at work. that's all. g'nighty =)
i tried getting drunk before i went to the movie. the gd movie was 2h long so it was way all gone half way through :-\ and ctrl alt 5 doesnt make a :-\ like i've tried twice now to do :( lol
hrm. boring day at work. that's all. g'nighty =)
ppl don't need to know anything about computers...
i have come to the conclusion that if you don't know everything about computers, then don't act like you do. i'll admit i don't know everything, and i'll admit when i'm guessing (most of the time) :P but come on, i'm really getting tired of ppl saying "your hard drive crashed" and they refer to the tower getting struck by lightning, or "how much does a modem cost?" and they refer to the tower as the modem. you dumb fucks. shut up. you're in real estate for a reason. you don't see me asking "how much is a door? OMG I CAN BUY A DOOR FOR $50?! WHY DO PEOPLE FINANCE THESE FOR 30 YEARS THEN?!"
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Saturday, August 13, 2005
phew, ok, all news isn't bad
my uncle thomas went to the hospital today - uniary tract disease or something - he was stopped up and had to goto the hospital to get, er, unclogged. otherwise, when he got home, he just slept the rest of the evening.
tho, i did get to see my sister. that was cool.
urm, not much new. 1 day of insurance school left. i can't wait :)
ok, i'm going to bed now, g'nighty :)
my uncle thomas went to the hospital today - uniary tract disease or something - he was stopped up and had to goto the hospital to get, er, unclogged. otherwise, when he got home, he just slept the rest of the evening.
tho, i did get to see my sister. that was cool.
urm, not much new. 1 day of insurance school left. i can't wait :)
ok, i'm going to bed now, g'nighty :)
Hahaha naughty chris :-P im
Hahaha naughty chris :-P im sure you make your mother proud ;-) *high five!* lol
mom gave me another update on my uncle
uncle thomas is accepting the fact that he's dieing. he needed to get the water drained off of his stomach, but he said that it didn't matter, because he could feel his body shutting down... he did go, and then slept the rest of the day (the water getting drained off drains him of energy for a day or 2)
he also needs blood, but he can't get both water drained off and blood in the same day, so any day now he should be able to go back and get blood.
friday evening both his daughters were by his side... today i have to go see him :( it looks like any day now. when i read that mom said she can't stay together after seeing him, i felt down. when i heard dad can't keep it together after seeing his brother and best friend, i lost it. i'm losing it now as i type this :'(
this is a really really sad post, but i cannot do any better right now :( my air doesn't work, and thankfuly with 3x fans on me, it was 78° when i woke up (and 80 when i went to bed) so the air guy should be here today.
i gotto go now to class :( i'll update later g'bye
mom gave me another update on my uncle
uncle thomas is accepting the fact that he's dieing. he needed to get the water drained off of his stomach, but he said that it didn't matter, because he could feel his body shutting down... he did go, and then slept the rest of the day (the water getting drained off drains him of energy for a day or 2)
he also needs blood, but he can't get both water drained off and blood in the same day, so any day now he should be able to go back and get blood.
friday evening both his daughters were by his side... today i have to go see him :( it looks like any day now. when i read that mom said she can't stay together after seeing him, i felt down. when i heard dad can't keep it together after seeing his brother and best friend, i lost it. i'm losing it now as i type this :'(
this is a really really sad post, but i cannot do any better right now :( my air doesn't work, and thankfuly with 3x fans on me, it was 78° when i woke up (and 80 when i went to bed) so the air guy should be here today.
i gotto go now to class :( i'll update later g'bye
Friday, August 12, 2005
Thursday, August 11, 2005
golly geepers
took a ride as soon as i got home on the bike. dopolar radar said storm not coming til 9. ok. and it's sunny outside... goto annie's house, she not there, i keep riding... about 2m from her house, bottom falls out. i drownd. lol. drove prob 8 or so miles in the rain. then it's dry near my hosue, so i haul it it home. every stich of clothing i was wearing was wet :( my phone, i hope it lives... it was kinda spazing out. oh well.
then i goto kroger, get chris some mt. dew, and me come coke and lunch and breakfast food. good stuff. then i drink. heh :) fuzzy navels and buttery nippeles. for an ass man, i sure do like the front side of the body alot tonight :o not to mention, i looked at all like 87 pages of www.whale-tail.com this morn :P oops? :)
hrm. and now i get tired. and i goto bed. g'nighty :)
took a ride as soon as i got home on the bike. dopolar radar said storm not coming til 9. ok. and it's sunny outside... goto annie's house, she not there, i keep riding... about 2m from her house, bottom falls out. i drownd. lol. drove prob 8 or so miles in the rain. then it's dry near my hosue, so i haul it it home. every stich of clothing i was wearing was wet :( my phone, i hope it lives... it was kinda spazing out. oh well.
then i goto kroger, get chris some mt. dew, and me come coke and lunch and breakfast food. good stuff. then i drink. heh :) fuzzy navels and buttery nippeles. for an ass man, i sure do like the front side of the body alot tonight :o not to mention, i looked at all like 87 pages of www.whale-tail.com this morn :P oops? :)
hrm. and now i get tired. and i goto bed. g'nighty :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
wow. so big of plans ahead of me. never before in my life have i had such a bright future ahead of me, and i feel like i've already accomplished quite a feat. i've got a house. taht's more than most can say. i've got a truck (no biggie) i've got a college education, and a stable job. if i stay where i'm at and never change, then, well, i'll be ok. but i want to be more than ok. i want more.
i went and saw my anut and uncle today at the lawn mower shop. i got her stuff installed, so now, i think i'm finally finished tending to those others that were waiting on me. this is finally a load off my shoulders.
ok, i'm gonna start my wish list - the shit i can't wait to have (and i'm pretty much planning to get damn near all of this, sooner or later):
nice truck (prob new diesel F-250 Supercrew, with chip) $50,000 + $10,000+ in mods
nice car (prob BMW 325 or such) $40,000 + $10,000 in mods
house paid off $100,000
niiiice bike(s) $10,000 plus $10,000 in mods - each :)
new computer - $8,500
projector - $2,500
big assin' TV - $8,000
stereo system in house - $5,000
small airplane - $100,000
pilot's license - i dunno, what, $5,000 ?
CDL license - not that much?
wife - priceless
so hrm yea, if i had all this... gah, i'd be on cloud 9 - and it'd only cost me about $359,000 :P nice. and for what kind of dreams i have, give me til... ah, i'll be modest. x-mas '07 :o cause yes, i plan to pull in a $150,000 yearly come next physical year. that is my goal, dream and passion. and damnit, if i can do it, then i'm going to do it. why the fuck not? g'nighty =)
i went and saw my anut and uncle today at the lawn mower shop. i got her stuff installed, so now, i think i'm finally finished tending to those others that were waiting on me. this is finally a load off my shoulders.
ok, i'm gonna start my wish list - the shit i can't wait to have (and i'm pretty much planning to get damn near all of this, sooner or later):
nice truck (prob new diesel F-250 Supercrew, with chip) $50,000 + $10,000+ in mods
nice car (prob BMW 325 or such) $40,000 + $10,000 in mods
house paid off $100,000
niiiice bike(s) $10,000 plus $10,000 in mods - each :)
new computer - $8,500
projector - $2,500
big assin' TV - $8,000
stereo system in house - $5,000
small airplane - $100,000
pilot's license - i dunno, what, $5,000 ?
CDL license - not that much?
wife - priceless
so hrm yea, if i had all this... gah, i'd be on cloud 9 - and it'd only cost me about $359,000 :P nice. and for what kind of dreams i have, give me til... ah, i'll be modest. x-mas '07 :o cause yes, i plan to pull in a $150,000 yearly come next physical year. that is my goal, dream and passion. and damnit, if i can do it, then i'm going to do it. why the fuck not? g'nighty =)
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
1988 Yamaha FZ-600 FOR SALE :P
the bike's badass :)
bled the brakes for fucking an hour. wait. i bled the left caliper for a fucking hour. brad comes over and reads the instructions.... we're done nearly 45 seconds later. and that's BOTH calipers. gd it.
got kinda scared when the bike didn't wanna crank. that gas i think was just sooo old. we get it cranked. i drive it to the gas station, he followed. :) :) :) :) :) lol i got him on uphill start from 0 (he was in the turbo 944 porsche) but he spools turbo and catches up, and since we were on small (possible cop infested) roads, we stopped around 60-70 most of the time. he would prob own me above that speed anyways... tho now that i'm riding it again... i need.. more.. power..... :P if a CAR will keep up with me... tis sad :(
wait, brad, i take back taht offer (clear your debt for exchange of bike) i just thougth it through. you owe me $1200, and i'd give you the bike (worth approx 1200) and we call it even? urm, i'd be like GIVIGN you $2,400.... yea, i had that backwards... shoudl have taken me up on it before i cought on :P
so yea. the bike runs and drives. it steers a lil better. i need to tidy up a few loose ends. like the front blinkers dun work. and... make a better tail light connection. and mount the ignition unit. and... yea that's about all i can really think of at the moment. oh yea, mount the sprocket cover back on, and get a good seal on the pickup coil cover. THAT shoudl be it. then it's for sale! hahahaha
tell everyone what the dilly is: paid $1,500 for it cash just over 3 yrs ago. put about a $135 rear tire on it, $130 carb boots on it (both were factory new) then about $300 or a lil more of ebay parts into it. i've got over $2k invested into it. If someone wants to pay $1500, i'll throw in my $270 (semi)matching helmet and all the spare/old parts. give me $1000 and you get all the spare parts too. anything else in negotionable :P
so ok, it's after midnight, i'm not really tired, but i need to try to goto bed. g'night world!
the bike's badass :)
bled the brakes for fucking an hour. wait. i bled the left caliper for a fucking hour. brad comes over and reads the instructions.... we're done nearly 45 seconds later. and that's BOTH calipers. gd it.
got kinda scared when the bike didn't wanna crank. that gas i think was just sooo old. we get it cranked. i drive it to the gas station, he followed. :) :) :) :) :) lol i got him on uphill start from 0 (he was in the turbo 944 porsche) but he spools turbo and catches up, and since we were on small (possible cop infested) roads, we stopped around 60-70 most of the time. he would prob own me above that speed anyways... tho now that i'm riding it again... i need.. more.. power..... :P if a CAR will keep up with me... tis sad :(
wait, brad, i take back taht offer (clear your debt for exchange of bike) i just thougth it through. you owe me $1200, and i'd give you the bike (worth approx 1200) and we call it even? urm, i'd be like GIVIGN you $2,400.... yea, i had that backwards... shoudl have taken me up on it before i cought on :P
so yea. the bike runs and drives. it steers a lil better. i need to tidy up a few loose ends. like the front blinkers dun work. and... make a better tail light connection. and mount the ignition unit. and... yea that's about all i can really think of at the moment. oh yea, mount the sprocket cover back on, and get a good seal on the pickup coil cover. THAT shoudl be it. then it's for sale! hahahaha
tell everyone what the dilly is: paid $1,500 for it cash just over 3 yrs ago. put about a $135 rear tire on it, $130 carb boots on it (both were factory new) then about $300 or a lil more of ebay parts into it. i've got over $2k invested into it. If someone wants to pay $1500, i'll throw in my $270 (semi)matching helmet and all the spare/old parts. give me $1000 and you get all the spare parts too. anything else in negotionable :P
so ok, it's after midnight, i'm not really tired, but i need to try to goto bed. g'night world!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Heh i didnt do all
Heh i didnt do all my homework last night but what i did do was correct- just took a practice quiz for today and i got an 83 :)
Haha made it with a
Haha made it with a few mins to spare :-P but somehow even at 75 mph it still took 55 mins to get here :-O
Saturday, August 06, 2005
nice, those msgs below i sent from my celly phone while going down i-20 and 75 :P
wow. this class. wow. soooo much information was thrown at me within 6 hours it's crazy. i think i learned more today then i did in a year at dekalb tech :o tho dekalb tech was pc's, this is insurance. but still. really good teacher i think. even another lady said she was a teacher for 35 yrs and she's overly criticle with teachers, and she said she was impressed. so we'll see when it comes test time :) oh yea, she moves so fast, i don't have time to be bored. maybe that's another reason i'm impressed. and cause there's no "ms. trimm" to every 5 misn "can you repeat that - wait, hold on, can you explain that again" etc. just zip zap boom bamn done. i like it :)
every hour or so we got like a 10 min break. it's amazing how much better you do with those. not to mention from noon-1 was lunch, and i didn't know what to do wiht myself :o lol i'm used to these quick 15-20 min lunches "if i'm not in a hurry" lol. i was bored for nearly 30 mins. thank goodness for free nights and weekends :P lol tho brad was about a bitch; i swear, we need to find him a boyfriend. er, oops? ;)
hmmm... so now it's 4:45 i'm home hours before i thougth i'd even be out of class, so i think i'm gonna work on the bike - see if i can ride it tommorrow (weather permitting) :P so g'bye fer now :)
wow. this class. wow. soooo much information was thrown at me within 6 hours it's crazy. i think i learned more today then i did in a year at dekalb tech :o tho dekalb tech was pc's, this is insurance. but still. really good teacher i think. even another lady said she was a teacher for 35 yrs and she's overly criticle with teachers, and she said she was impressed. so we'll see when it comes test time :) oh yea, she moves so fast, i don't have time to be bored. maybe that's another reason i'm impressed. and cause there's no "ms. trimm" to every 5 misn "can you repeat that - wait, hold on, can you explain that again" etc. just zip zap boom bamn done. i like it :)
every hour or so we got like a 10 min break. it's amazing how much better you do with those. not to mention from noon-1 was lunch, and i didn't know what to do wiht myself :o lol i'm used to these quick 15-20 min lunches "if i'm not in a hurry" lol. i was bored for nearly 30 mins. thank goodness for free nights and weekends :P lol tho brad was about a bitch; i swear, we need to find him a boyfriend. er, oops? ;)
hmmm... so now it's 4:45 i'm home hours before i thougth i'd even be out of class, so i think i'm gonna work on the bike - see if i can ride it tommorrow (weather permitting) :P so g'bye fer now :)
Friday, August 05, 2005
wow. i had a well day (not the best, but i didn't goto work, so it was pretty good). i was gonna write all sorts of wisdom i heard today, but instead i'm tired and i might tommorrow night :P lol g'night folks, wish me luck in school tommorrow - if i pass this class i get my 6 digit salary :) hehehe
Thursday, August 04, 2005
hrm, what's new what's new...
i added the stats to my blog page (other than the counter on the right, the rest is hidden) and so far since midnight of last night:
Page Loads 59
Unique Visitors 24
First Time Visitors 11
Returning Visitors 13
pretty cool - looks like more ppl read my blog than i thougth....
hrm, i washed my truck last night. er, evening. yeah. it was naaasty. i got lazy and didn't wash the wheels, but oh well :) the truck is all shiny :P now i just gotta clean out the inside...
i have GOT to do my laundry... there is a massive freggin heap of clothes in my floor.
and, i have GOT to pay some bills... tis sad :( i have no clue where i'm at with what bill... too.. much... work...
oh yea, tomomrrow is a day of vacation! woohoo! lol i've worked since july the 25th stright. that's 11 days of work nonstop. that's over 103h worked in 11 days...
urm... too bad i didn't put on the fairings and stuff on the bike tonight. then i could ride it tommorrow :P oh well, looks like maybe i might do it tommorrow night, maybe, or next weekdays... :( oohh wellll i've managed for a few yrs w/o it, i'll be fine a few more days.....
ok i think that's all for now. oh wait. me and crystal. we're still together. i went over last night and i tihnk we worked things out. well, we talked about some of our issues - and we are still together.
oh yea, i'm gonna goto bed soon if i keep this up :-\ yea ok g'nighty
i added the stats to my blog page (other than the counter on the right, the rest is hidden) and so far since midnight of last night:
Page Loads 59
Unique Visitors 24
First Time Visitors 11
Returning Visitors 13
pretty cool - looks like more ppl read my blog than i thougth....
hrm, i washed my truck last night. er, evening. yeah. it was naaasty. i got lazy and didn't wash the wheels, but oh well :) the truck is all shiny :P now i just gotta clean out the inside...
i have GOT to do my laundry... there is a massive freggin heap of clothes in my floor.
and, i have GOT to pay some bills... tis sad :( i have no clue where i'm at with what bill... too.. much... work...
oh yea, tomomrrow is a day of vacation! woohoo! lol i've worked since july the 25th stright. that's 11 days of work nonstop. that's over 103h worked in 11 days...
urm... too bad i didn't put on the fairings and stuff on the bike tonight. then i could ride it tommorrow :P oh well, looks like maybe i might do it tommorrow night, maybe, or next weekdays... :( oohh wellll i've managed for a few yrs w/o it, i'll be fine a few more days.....
ok i think that's all for now. oh wait. me and crystal. we're still together. i went over last night and i tihnk we worked things out. well, we talked about some of our issues - and we are still together.
oh yea, i'm gonna goto bed soon if i keep this up :-\ yea ok g'nighty
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
today was good.
i did a svc call at Abbey Hospice today... twas fun... Addy (yes, Addy works at Abbey...) said "i read your web thingy" i'm like "blog?" she's like "yea that's it. you have a filty mouth! but i bookmarked it. i check up on you every week or so you freak" hahahah that's pretty funny :) good thing i didn't write in here things like "dood - i went to abbey hospice today and they have this one chick, that she was driving me stright nuts..." :P hahaha cause that'd been pretty funny heh.
i heard from crystal today. i was wondering on the way home tonight if i overreacted. i prob did. i had just reached my breaking point. i have little idea where we are at. i hate change, i don't want to leave anybody, so i do'nt know what's happening. she doesn't want to lose me, i don't want to be alone - i just... dont know. it's not that you went to sleep after saying you wanted to see me - all you have to do is stay home and ppl will eventually show up wether you're home or not or wetehr i show up or not. i know i've wanted to see you before, and then i end up working late or something, and no, you don't go off on me, but you make sure i know taht you're not happy and taht you shouldn't be caring. if i went home, i wouldn't have wanted to work on the bike, do any yard work, play with the dog, do anything - cause then i'd been all sweaty and nasty, and then it'd be another hour before you see me - again effictivly ruining the whole day yet still. so no matter what, an evening would have been wasted. you may not have ignored me on purpose but it still happened, again at bad timing.
i went to see chuck (my heating & air guy) fixed his pc, not much wrong, but he said he was gonna check out my system to make sure it was running right, and hook me up with a digital thermostat. we talked about adding a bigger duct for the spare bedroom for when i host lan parties, to keep you guys cool. hell, me too - it'll keep that damn window closed, heh.
hrm... what else. oh yea, maybe on here i'll be able to keep track of the dog food: i have him $3 worth of food (a 22lb bag) that almost fills his food bucket - lets see how long it lasts him - i'm thinking a week or 2...
urm, i'ts almost midnight so i think i shall head to bed. if i was smart, i'd go visit my aunt before work tommorrow (8 a.m.) and get that shit hooked up for her, then see my parents that night (mommy's pc parts). so i dunno what i'll do, but i know i'll be busy :( g'nighty
i did a svc call at Abbey Hospice today... twas fun... Addy (yes, Addy works at Abbey...) said "i read your web thingy" i'm like "blog?" she's like "yea that's it. you have a filty mouth! but i bookmarked it. i check up on you every week or so you freak" hahahah that's pretty funny :) good thing i didn't write in here things like "dood - i went to abbey hospice today and they have this one chick, that she was driving me stright nuts..." :P hahaha cause that'd been pretty funny heh.
i heard from crystal today. i was wondering on the way home tonight if i overreacted. i prob did. i had just reached my breaking point. i have little idea where we are at. i hate change, i don't want to leave anybody, so i do'nt know what's happening. she doesn't want to lose me, i don't want to be alone - i just... dont know. it's not that you went to sleep after saying you wanted to see me - all you have to do is stay home and ppl will eventually show up wether you're home or not or wetehr i show up or not. i know i've wanted to see you before, and then i end up working late or something, and no, you don't go off on me, but you make sure i know taht you're not happy and taht you shouldn't be caring. if i went home, i wouldn't have wanted to work on the bike, do any yard work, play with the dog, do anything - cause then i'd been all sweaty and nasty, and then it'd be another hour before you see me - again effictivly ruining the whole day yet still. so no matter what, an evening would have been wasted. you may not have ignored me on purpose but it still happened, again at bad timing.
i went to see chuck (my heating & air guy) fixed his pc, not much wrong, but he said he was gonna check out my system to make sure it was running right, and hook me up with a digital thermostat. we talked about adding a bigger duct for the spare bedroom for when i host lan parties, to keep you guys cool. hell, me too - it'll keep that damn window closed, heh.
hrm... what else. oh yea, maybe on here i'll be able to keep track of the dog food: i have him $3 worth of food (a 22lb bag) that almost fills his food bucket - lets see how long it lasts him - i'm thinking a week or 2...
urm, i'ts almost midnight so i think i shall head to bed. if i was smart, i'd go visit my aunt before work tommorrow (8 a.m.) and get that shit hooked up for her, then see my parents that night (mommy's pc parts). so i dunno what i'll do, but i know i'll be busy :( g'nighty
phew after just over 8h of sleep i feel better at least
yesterday i talked to my heating & air guy, and his pc is fubar'ed so i gonna go check that out tonight, and my cousin lives just down the rd, and she wanted a modem, so i gonna go make my rounds after work doing that. i still need to goto my aunt and uncle's lawn mower shop and hook that shit up (i may do that - well shit, i dunno when :( i guess i gotta get up hella early one morn) not to mention right now i'm riding around with $400 worth of pc parts for my mom too, and she'd like her pc too - so damn, that's 2 evenings and a morning of shit to do, over the next 3 mornings and 4 evenings, tho, i'm taking friday off, and i have no idea how friday will go (time wise, at least) so for all it matters, i have 2 mornings and 3 evenings left to do this shit. cause come the weekend i'll be in marietta taking classes 8 til 8 sat and sun for 2x weekends in a row :( what fun. and today is the 9th day in a row i've worked. w00t :'(
yesterday i talked to my heating & air guy, and his pc is fubar'ed so i gonna go check that out tonight, and my cousin lives just down the rd, and she wanted a modem, so i gonna go make my rounds after work doing that. i still need to goto my aunt and uncle's lawn mower shop and hook that shit up (i may do that - well shit, i dunno when :( i guess i gotta get up hella early one morn) not to mention right now i'm riding around with $400 worth of pc parts for my mom too, and she'd like her pc too - so damn, that's 2 evenings and a morning of shit to do, over the next 3 mornings and 4 evenings, tho, i'm taking friday off, and i have no idea how friday will go (time wise, at least) so for all it matters, i have 2 mornings and 3 evenings left to do this shit. cause come the weekend i'll be in marietta taking classes 8 til 8 sat and sun for 2x weekends in a row :( what fun. and today is the 9th day in a row i've worked. w00t :'(
Monday, August 01, 2005
another evening fuckig wasted
sometimes i just don't know why i keep doing the same thing over and over
hope you enjoyed your nap. cause i'm tired too. tired of being sober for tonight. if you decide to wake up, i'll prob be gone. no, i will be gone. g'night.
this is rediclous - you wanted to see me ("I hope I will get to see Jason today I might not but I think I need to see him sigh...yes I kinda miss em n such.") but yet, evedentally you don't need to enuf. hope you miss me when i'm gone. i'm getting tired of this.
and yes, i've only had about a 1/2" of margarita, so no, i'm not talking out of character right now.
7 p.m. i leave right after 7, call and leave a a text msg. call when i get half way there, still nothing. call when i get near, still nothing. call when passing house, nothing. leave another text. call again. leave another text call again. still nothing. so i go home at 9. tearing down a dirt road. mud's everywhere, i'm just getting madder the longer i drive. i don't know what i'm doing, or why i did it. this isn't the first time. make time for all your other friends, and blame me cause i don' shield you from them. the only time you wanted me ot come over is when you thought things were over. sad.
so anyways. you're prob in tears now. you're prob even more pissed at me then i am. i'm sorry, but the truth hurts. you aren't who i first met. i met someone who told the truth however harsh it was. i've heard little of this truth since being with you. i dunno. you tried to hold me by saying "nobody can handle the pressure, you'll leave like everyone else" and you have said before "i knew you'd leave like everyone else" but that's gd wrong. almost as wrong as saying "if you love me you'll do this:" i hate that phrase too. tho, you've never said it, i jsut hate that phrase. so i'm sorry you're reading this and thinking wahtever, but, this is what's on my mind, and, since we can't seem to find time for each other, then, well, i guess i had to write this here. i'll read your journal in the morn and see what you have to say....
otherwise, today was a peaceful slow day at work! it went well until 7! lol :)
sometimes i just don't know why i keep doing the same thing over and over
hope you enjoyed your nap. cause i'm tired too. tired of being sober for tonight. if you decide to wake up, i'll prob be gone. no, i will be gone. g'night.
this is rediclous - you wanted to see me ("I hope I will get to see Jason today I might not but I think I need to see him sigh...yes I kinda miss em n such.") but yet, evedentally you don't need to enuf. hope you miss me when i'm gone. i'm getting tired of this.
and yes, i've only had about a 1/2" of margarita, so no, i'm not talking out of character right now.
7 p.m. i leave right after 7, call and leave a a text msg. call when i get half way there, still nothing. call when i get near, still nothing. call when passing house, nothing. leave another text. call again. leave another text call again. still nothing. so i go home at 9. tearing down a dirt road. mud's everywhere, i'm just getting madder the longer i drive. i don't know what i'm doing, or why i did it. this isn't the first time. make time for all your other friends, and blame me cause i don' shield you from them. the only time you wanted me ot come over is when you thought things were over. sad.
so anyways. you're prob in tears now. you're prob even more pissed at me then i am. i'm sorry, but the truth hurts. you aren't who i first met. i met someone who told the truth however harsh it was. i've heard little of this truth since being with you. i dunno. you tried to hold me by saying "nobody can handle the pressure, you'll leave like everyone else" and you have said before "i knew you'd leave like everyone else" but that's gd wrong. almost as wrong as saying "if you love me you'll do this:" i hate that phrase too. tho, you've never said it, i jsut hate that phrase. so i'm sorry you're reading this and thinking wahtever, but, this is what's on my mind, and, since we can't seem to find time for each other, then, well, i guess i had to write this here. i'll read your journal in the morn and see what you have to say....
otherwise, today was a peaceful slow day at work! it went well until 7! lol :)
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