wow. what a trip.
i finally started packing saturday night. finished packing around midnight. drove to my parent's house. went to bed around 12:30ish. woke up at 5:30. dad took me to meet my co-workers to catch the ride to the airport.
saturday night: 5h sleep.
airport security was a breeze. i barely fit my carry-on in the compartment. i took a few pics on the way out on the plane. the view was outstanding. btw this was the first time i've ever flown. and i was in first class :) i tried napping on the plane but i just couldn't do it.
we landed and found our way to the hard rock hotel. at that point we found out our reservations were actually at the planet hollywood... which as my boss thomas said was the best goof he's ever done. hard rock: 2+ blocks off the main strip. planet hollywood: directly on the main strip, overlooking the efiel tower and bellagio fountains. godly :)
on the elevator ride up to the room, 2 hot blonde chicks were on there already and said "are you going to the 30th floor too?" (we were going to the 37th) at which point i for some reason talked myself out of saying "is that an invitation?"
scott was pretty damn good at roulette. he made close to $100 on the wheel, while thomas blew like $140 on it :P they gambled while i walked around and took pics. the vegas strip is so fun. no open contain laws on the main strip, people hand out cards for girls, you don't really see any cops, i didn't see the first pan handler. it was nice.
monday morning i woke up at 7am est. whicih was 4am pst. and i went to bed at midnight pst. so sunday night: 4h sleep.
monday night i went to bed at like 9:30. i also woke up at 4:45. monday night: 7h sleep.
eventually we did go the big security expo as planned. haha so yes, we did do some "work". we also ate some damn good breakfasts, lunches and suppers. things like $45 ribeyes, $22 buffets, $13 mac and cheese, and i had some damn good $8 french toast :)
i got to see blue man group on tuesday night. they were badass. $126 tickets that were given to us! tuesday we hit the bed around midnight, and i woke up at like 6:30 to talk to a co-worker who called at 9:30 est. i don't remember if i went back to sleep or not. i'd say nearly 7h sleep tuesday night.
meanwhile i think thomas and scott both got nearly 10h of sleep every night. i don't know how. they could sleep in, and goto bed early. fuck that :P
we cough the plane back to ATL on wednesday (yes, it was a day shorter than i had originally said), the plane ride was a quick flight, and before i knew it, i was on familiar turf again. i was into the single digits of pictures remaining on my camera, and anxious to see my friends. none of which i did until later that week LOL.
to see pictures check out my myspace album. i'm too lazy currently to post them to here. i may later. peace :)