Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Bill Dance
Bill Dance Fishing Illustrated - Watch more free videos
More Bill Dance Fishing Outtakes - Watch more free videos
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
holy shat.
so i'm doing my mileage report for work. i just finished june of 2006. it should be approx $260 reimbursement. and it took at least an hour for me to create. now i only have 13 more months to do :(
BUT my estimate is at least $3,000 reimbursement for june 2006 - july 2007 :) LOL i'm so going to piss the boss off!!! :D :D :D
BUT my estimate is at least $3,000 reimbursement for june 2006 - july 2007 :) LOL i'm so going to piss the boss off!!! :D :D :D
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
i swear the world's getting stupider...
"that would be grate" [great] (freecycle tonight)
omg! ppl are sooo fucking up the spellings of every word they can think of!
"their down, there internet isn't working, so just go theyre." (a coworker wrote this) [they're, their, there]
"i keep loosing my keys" [losing]
"i have duel cd burners" [dual]
really? they fight each other?
"that's no fare!" [fair]
really? it's free to ride?
i'm sure i can find more if i keep looking... but until then. gah :(
omg! ppl are sooo fucking up the spellings of every word they can think of!
"their down, there internet isn't working, so just go theyre." (a coworker wrote this) [they're, their, there]
"i keep loosing my keys" [losing]
"i have duel cd burners" [dual]
really? they fight each other?
"that's no fare!" [fair]
really? it's free to ride?
i'm sure i can find more if i keep looking... but until then. gah :(
Monday, July 23, 2007
Your plan should be etched in clay for molding to your needs, not in stone for beating yourself up.
You hate climbing because it's hard for you. You should climb--because it's hard for you.
Convince your brain through positive thinking and visualization. You'll be surprised at what you accomplish when you say you can.
these were bicycle training tips - but seemed too universal to not pass along..
You hate climbing because it's hard for you. You should climb--because it's hard for you.
Convince your brain through positive thinking and visualization. You'll be surprised at what you accomplish when you say you can.
these were bicycle training tips - but seemed too universal to not pass along..
Saturday, July 21, 2007
brownie points for jason. and i might have needed them tonight :-\
amy's mom is/was in the hospital for a planned surgery. thursday (or was it wednesday?) amy said "you can come up her and bring a card and flowers" and i was like "ok". then i actually showed up with flowers and they were impressed lol. i told her mom that i look at every card they offered and they all sucked, so sorry, no card.
i go home, where terri and michelle come over, with brad shortly behind them. michelle and brad get trashed (well, brad more than michelle). terri and michelle leave to go get the harry potter book, and amy and her cousin (i think) amber come over over. by this point i had started drinking... heehee.
lets just say 12 buttery nipples (that taste SOOO good!) then one more. and i finished my margarita. and i was toasted. we somehow start watching the hills have eyes. and i was totally lost. oh yeah by this point it was like 1? 2? maybe 3 am? i dunno. then at 7 a.m. i wake up sitting on the couch.... yes my alarm woke me up. amy and amber had left apparently, and brad was asleep on the spare bed. i goto bed, brad leaves. i get back up, he said at like 3:30 or 4:30 he went to bed...
so he leaves. i go back to bed. and now it's 11:30 and i'm just now waking back up. :)
(i'm just scared of what amy and brad are going to say that i did last night - hopefully that i just passed out asleep!)
amy's mom is/was in the hospital for a planned surgery. thursday (or was it wednesday?) amy said "you can come up her and bring a card and flowers" and i was like "ok". then i actually showed up with flowers and they were impressed lol. i told her mom that i look at every card they offered and they all sucked, so sorry, no card.
i go home, where terri and michelle come over, with brad shortly behind them. michelle and brad get trashed (well, brad more than michelle). terri and michelle leave to go get the harry potter book, and amy and her cousin (i think) amber come over over. by this point i had started drinking... heehee.
lets just say 12 buttery nipples (that taste SOOO good!) then one more. and i finished my margarita. and i was toasted. we somehow start watching the hills have eyes. and i was totally lost. oh yeah by this point it was like 1? 2? maybe 3 am? i dunno. then at 7 a.m. i wake up sitting on the couch.... yes my alarm woke me up. amy and amber had left apparently, and brad was asleep on the spare bed. i goto bed, brad leaves. i get back up, he said at like 3:30 or 4:30 he went to bed...
so he leaves. i go back to bed. and now it's 11:30 and i'm just now waking back up. :)
(i'm just scared of what amy and brad are going to say that i did last night - hopefully that i just passed out asleep!)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Transformers ROCK!
so i watched it tonight. yes, it was a cam. but only 2 ppl walked by. and it was good quality :)
ok i've been thinking..
at the moment money may be a lil tight right now. and that means before long (not long at all) i may have to start getting creative for food. and on freecycle, they're always trying to give away puppies and kittens and... heh heh. i wonder what kitty tastes like? :) what about puppy? would they taste like pork? or beef? or CHICKEN? :)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
i start my new job Aug 6th.
that means at that point in time i would have been at PC AfterDark 5 weeks shy of 5 years. but $12k is too hard to turn down.
and then when you least expect it...
...something so great comes along. or someone. or comes back... ;)
may 3rd may have been the end - but apparently July 18th may be a new beginning...
oh and about the job? i'm about 80% convinced that i'm going...
may 3rd may have been the end - but apparently July 18th may be a new beginning...
oh and about the job? i'm about 80% convinced that i'm going...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
the list of cereals in my cabinet
The kroger brand of each:
Lucky Charms
Captin' Crunch Berries
Fruity Pebbles
Apple Jacks
Coco Crispies
Rice Crispies
Frosted Mini Wheats
damn. :)
Lucky Charms
Captin' Crunch Berries
Fruity Pebbles
Apple Jacks
Coco Crispies
Rice Crispies
Frosted Mini Wheats
damn. :)
Monday, July 16, 2007
i need help!
i got this new job offer. i told the boss i'm going to have a really hard time turning it down. i knew he'd counter me, but, i really have no clue which direction to go. he pretty much said "name it" and i said that i'd be too selfish of me to ask too much for the same thing. so i need help of what to ask for.
here's the guidelines:
What AIM Security offers:
a) benefits - health insurance. i have none. i need some.
b) $12-13k a year pay raise, with a scheduled intention of approx $25k extra - all from what i make now.
What PC AfterDark offers:
a) stability - very much so.
b) name what i want
c) authority
now, what to ask for.
i told the boss that i have no ties to the company physically, legally, or investmently, but that i feel a certain allegiance to it for helping shape it into what it is now. i'd like to see it continue to grow, and i don't see us doing that. he said we were, and by quite a bit. i said if we went a different direction to grow then i'd feel more of a calling to stay.
now - what is it i'm striving for?
money? yes.
benefits? yes
position? sorta.
a bigger impact on being worthful? i believe this is more than anything.
(more to come - on phone...)
here's the guidelines:
What AIM Security offers:
a) benefits - health insurance. i have none. i need some.
b) $12-13k a year pay raise, with a scheduled intention of approx $25k extra - all from what i make now.
What PC AfterDark offers:
a) stability - very much so.
b) name what i want
c) authority
now, what to ask for.
i told the boss that i have no ties to the company physically, legally, or investmently, but that i feel a certain allegiance to it for helping shape it into what it is now. i'd like to see it continue to grow, and i don't see us doing that. he said we were, and by quite a bit. i said if we went a different direction to grow then i'd feel more of a calling to stay.
now - what is it i'm striving for?
money? yes.
benefits? yes
position? sorta.
a bigger impact on being worthful? i believe this is more than anything.
(more to come - on phone...)
better than expected.
went and saw 1408. pretty cool movie. a few kinda scary parts. carrie kept jumping. oh yeah i meet a new girl carrie on myspace today..... haha sorry brad it wasn't a setup and you won't see me on Dateline in an episode entitled "busting stalkers."
it's interesting. the last... well. carrie, lindsay, shea, angel, amy, and amy - 6 girls i've dated (or tried to - all these in the last 6 months [actually the last 4 in the past month alone..]) - are all normally "out of character" for me. i mean, some have kids, some are older - but while they may not have the same body as crystal or annie - i'm not babysitting or dealing with depression either... and so far i haven't had any complaints... :)
so anyways. good stuff. i'm off to bed. we'll see how this new job offer goes :)
it's interesting. the last... well. carrie, lindsay, shea, angel, amy, and amy - 6 girls i've dated (or tried to - all these in the last 6 months [actually the last 4 in the past month alone..]) - are all normally "out of character" for me. i mean, some have kids, some are older - but while they may not have the same body as crystal or annie - i'm not babysitting or dealing with depression either... and so far i haven't had any complaints... :)
so anyways. good stuff. i'm off to bed. we'll see how this new job offer goes :)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
to see the movie 1408. yeah i didn't have these plans til less than an hour ago. and i didn't know she existed until like 8 hours ago. myspace stalker? maybe. going to see me on dateline tonight? maybe. thinks i might get stood up tonight? maybe...
we'll see.
we'll see.
i'm all cool this morning. i got prob 10 hours of sleep last night. i think this is making up for the past week or 2 of not getting enough. lately i've been going to bed earlier. well last night i fell asleep around 8, woke up at 10, went back to sleep like 10:30 woke up around 11, went back to sleep around midnight and slept til 7:30.
so about last night, and why i say i'm all cool this morning. annie (or, rather, her new guy matt) royally pissed me off last night. ever since matt's come into her life he keeps telling her what to do, he'll answer her phone then not give her messages, not to mention now she's trying to play everyone while matt comes behind her and gives out threats about 'why you talking to my girl?' bullshit. so i've said screw it, not worth it, i don't care. i'm not even goign to try to be her friend if apparently she doesn't want it. i even told her "keep matt around and you're going to start losing friends."
well i've not called or talked to her in forever. and i really don't care. last night she calls about 10 o'clcok. i wake up from my nap and we talk, it's all cool. she had another one of her far fetched ideas that i do not see working and i said so. i thought she was ok we got off the phone and she said she'd call back later. ok cool. when "she" calls back later it's matt. lets just say after we both got done cussing each other out the adrendline was pumping so hard through me i could have ran to where they were and beat the shit out of him. instantly thoughts of beating him (and maybe even her for being stupid) with a baseball bat were flooding my mind.
while trying to calm down to go back to sleep, the lovely lindsay called. :) we talked for a little while. it was funny i'm trying to lure her over here with food ;) lol yeah like i said something about apples (actually a long time ago, like november when we first started talking) and she's like "ooh, do i get an apple if i come over?" so of course i'm like "well, psyeah!" lol. then last night i'm like "i have grapes... and straaawbeeeries" :)
so anyway that was the end of last night. yesterday i woke up nice and early to go bicycle riding in Daucet trails, but it was raining there and they always close the trails at any rain. well at 10, another friend was getting together some people to ride motorcycles around. so i decided to put my rain liner in my riding jacket and go for a ride. it was cool. 3 bikes and a car (the car was the organizer's brother.) my bike was the slowest, but we didn't go fast and i had no prob keeping up. michael had the Kawasaki zx6r, charlie had the Suzuki gsxr-600, and i had my Yamaha fzr600. i rode in the back, mike was up front while charlie was in the middle. charlie had the bike and some experience to do some tricks (mainly wheelies) so he kept poping it up every now and then. mike got on 1 wheel a few times but he's only got a little bit more balls than me (mine and mike's combined didn't equal 1/2 of charlie's)
we rode around for an hour or so, then broke away for home at around lunch. that's also about the time it started to rain :( we found a gas station to pull under and wait out the rain. we only waited like 20 or so mins but it still sucked that we had to stop. i had received a voice mail by this time so i listened to it. the customer i went to Friday was down and horace couldn't get them back up on the phone, and they had a big software install Saturday and Sunday that required the computers to be up. so when we got back to conyers, mike took the interstate back to covington, charlie i think was goign to take 138 back to where he lived (stockbridge) and i went to see Dixie Graphics.... and yes. i had a smelly blue Thrashers tshirt i was wearing underneath the rainliner of my riding jacket, some of the nastiest bluejeans you could imagine, and oily, dirty, tennis shoes. but, i got them up, and out of a bind. BUT - the software guy dropped the bomb that all their pcs and the server (which, btw, i had just built and installed friday) needed to be upgraded. right then. so i talk them into letting me leave at 2, i go home, shower change into clean clothes, and go back in the car (thankfully, cause it rained again that afternoon.) well now they should be in ok shape, but it still sucks that i ended up working on a saturday.
tomorrow i should hear about the new job. hopefully this will be good :)
today i'm going to try to clean some aroudn the house. i got alot of laundry i need to do, and i may try to strighten up the kitchen and living room. and well my bedroom too... we'll see. and i NEED to do some paperwork for work taht will get me PAID! but i dunno :( again, we'll see.
so about last night, and why i say i'm all cool this morning. annie (or, rather, her new guy matt) royally pissed me off last night. ever since matt's come into her life he keeps telling her what to do, he'll answer her phone then not give her messages, not to mention now she's trying to play everyone while matt comes behind her and gives out threats about 'why you talking to my girl?' bullshit. so i've said screw it, not worth it, i don't care. i'm not even goign to try to be her friend if apparently she doesn't want it. i even told her "keep matt around and you're going to start losing friends."
well i've not called or talked to her in forever. and i really don't care. last night she calls about 10 o'clcok. i wake up from my nap and we talk, it's all cool. she had another one of her far fetched ideas that i do not see working and i said so. i thought she was ok we got off the phone and she said she'd call back later. ok cool. when "she" calls back later it's matt. lets just say after we both got done cussing each other out the adrendline was pumping so hard through me i could have ran to where they were and beat the shit out of him. instantly thoughts of beating him (and maybe even her for being stupid) with a baseball bat were flooding my mind.
while trying to calm down to go back to sleep, the lovely lindsay called. :) we talked for a little while. it was funny i'm trying to lure her over here with food ;) lol yeah like i said something about apples (actually a long time ago, like november when we first started talking) and she's like "ooh, do i get an apple if i come over?" so of course i'm like "well, psyeah!" lol. then last night i'm like "i have grapes... and straaawbeeeries" :)
so anyway that was the end of last night. yesterday i woke up nice and early to go bicycle riding in Daucet trails, but it was raining there and they always close the trails at any rain. well at 10, another friend was getting together some people to ride motorcycles around. so i decided to put my rain liner in my riding jacket and go for a ride. it was cool. 3 bikes and a car (the car was the organizer's brother.) my bike was the slowest, but we didn't go fast and i had no prob keeping up. michael had the Kawasaki zx6r, charlie had the Suzuki gsxr-600, and i had my Yamaha fzr600. i rode in the back, mike was up front while charlie was in the middle. charlie had the bike and some experience to do some tricks (mainly wheelies) so he kept poping it up every now and then. mike got on 1 wheel a few times but he's only got a little bit more balls than me (mine and mike's combined didn't equal 1/2 of charlie's)
we rode around for an hour or so, then broke away for home at around lunch. that's also about the time it started to rain :( we found a gas station to pull under and wait out the rain. we only waited like 20 or so mins but it still sucked that we had to stop. i had received a voice mail by this time so i listened to it. the customer i went to Friday was down and horace couldn't get them back up on the phone, and they had a big software install Saturday and Sunday that required the computers to be up. so when we got back to conyers, mike took the interstate back to covington, charlie i think was goign to take 138 back to where he lived (stockbridge) and i went to see Dixie Graphics.... and yes. i had a smelly blue Thrashers tshirt i was wearing underneath the rainliner of my riding jacket, some of the nastiest bluejeans you could imagine, and oily, dirty, tennis shoes. but, i got them up, and out of a bind. BUT - the software guy dropped the bomb that all their pcs and the server (which, btw, i had just built and installed friday) needed to be upgraded. right then. so i talk them into letting me leave at 2, i go home, shower change into clean clothes, and go back in the car (thankfully, cause it rained again that afternoon.) well now they should be in ok shape, but it still sucks that i ended up working on a saturday.
tomorrow i should hear about the new job. hopefully this will be good :)
today i'm going to try to clean some aroudn the house. i got alot of laundry i need to do, and i may try to strighten up the kitchen and living room. and well my bedroom too... we'll see. and i NEED to do some paperwork for work taht will get me PAID! but i dunno :( again, we'll see.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
damn cell phone bill
Month | Mins Allowed | Txt Allowed |
Any | 500 | 500 |
Month | Mins Used | Txt Used |
January | 200 | 182 |
February | 174 | 397 |
March | 282 | 239 |
April | 235 | 189 |
May | 237 | 199 |
June | 428 | 733 |
damnit. verizon is about to screw me with texts. i want more, but i'm grandfathered into 500 txt's for $5/month. now 500 is $10/month, 1500 txt's is $15/m and 5000 txt's are $20/m. when/if i ever change my plan i'll prob go for the 1500 txt's but until then, i refuse to let my monthly bill spike another $10/m for 1000 txt's. we'll see how the next few months go - this past month was pretty crazy, so i think i may be ok. if i keep getting surcharged over $10/m for the txt's then i'll change until then, screw them.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
my Tag is comign due in about 2 months. Passat: 132.07+20. FZ 9.82+20. FZR 25.05+20. total $226.91. damnit.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
doom the movie finished downloading.
i'm kinda hongary but i doubt i'm going to eat anything
i didn't buy any sonic tonight. just not in a sonic mood.
i finally met Lindsay tonight. short - but every bit as cute as i had imagined - plus more :)
i got apples and milk and cereal from the grocery store tonight.
it's late. i'm tired. i'm going to bed. g'nighty :D
i'm kinda hongary but i doubt i'm going to eat anything
i didn't buy any sonic tonight. just not in a sonic mood.
i finally met Lindsay tonight. short - but every bit as cute as i had imagined - plus more :)
i got apples and milk and cereal from the grocery store tonight.
it's late. i'm tired. i'm going to bed. g'nighty :D
Monday, July 09, 2007
so i talked to the hiring guy at AIM. the guy who i'd be replacing was making $55k, but they'd be starting me in the low to mid $40's with an agreement for advancement in time.
omg. :)
omg. :)
Sunday, July 08, 2007
hell to the yeah.
rode Fort Mountain today. what a fucking ride. omg it was miserable. but boy does it feel good now :)
there was a 4, 7, and 13 mile loop. i think. :) we were going to do the 13, but due to the rain and lack of daylight approaching, we opted for the 7. thankfully we did. we blasted through the first 3 miles like it was nothing. well it was - it was all downhill. and veeeeery rocky. uber rocky. and the other 4 miles? well 3 was uber rocky UPHILL. the last mile wasn't too bad.
my shirt and shorts are still wet with sweat. thankfully i brought a change of clothes.
came home. cooked them pork chops finally. and more mac and cheese. and curly fries. mmmmm....
so me and the brad watched 300. then he left. pretty cool movie. kinda... odd. lol. i mean... them folks are crazy.
ok. all for now. g'nighty :)
there was a 4, 7, and 13 mile loop. i think. :) we were going to do the 13, but due to the rain and lack of daylight approaching, we opted for the 7. thankfully we did. we blasted through the first 3 miles like it was nothing. well it was - it was all downhill. and veeeeery rocky. uber rocky. and the other 4 miles? well 3 was uber rocky UPHILL. the last mile wasn't too bad.
my shirt and shorts are still wet with sweat. thankfully i brought a change of clothes.
came home. cooked them pork chops finally. and more mac and cheese. and curly fries. mmmmm....
so me and the brad watched 300. then he left. pretty cool movie. kinda... odd. lol. i mean... them folks are crazy.
ok. all for now. g'nighty :)
25,810 calories per keg
which if 141 drinks are in a keg, comes out to 183 calories per drink. (each serving of Capt'N Crunch Berries has 160 calories!)
apparently a full size keg may cost around $87. 141 bottles of beer would cost at least $110. but then again.. you could recycle all the glass and get some money back.... hmmm..
i really want a pony - a half sized keg. instead of holding 15.5 gallons it holds 7.5 gallons. around my house that would still last at least a month or two. and it would just look cool :)
ok another toy i'll have to buy when i strike it rich: a kegerator!

is it bad i'm thinking about alcohol and it's not even 10:30 yet? LOL
apparently a full size keg may cost around $87. 141 bottles of beer would cost at least $110. but then again.. you could recycle all the glass and get some money back.... hmmm..
i really want a pony - a half sized keg. instead of holding 15.5 gallons it holds 7.5 gallons. around my house that would still last at least a month or two. and it would just look cool :)
ok another toy i'll have to buy when i strike it rich: a kegerator!

is it bad i'm thinking about alcohol and it's not even 10:30 yet? LOL
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
so i uploaded a whole bunch of photos to myspace last night. tongiht i captioned most of them.
i never did have time to go by AIM security to talk job title and/or pay. maybe monday :(
i'm working tomorrow. whooptido. i need somethign to do tomorrow evening.
i got the air filter thingy to fit on the motorcycle tongiht - i boiled the rubber tubes and then they just slid right onto the carbs :P tomorrow i'll figure out how to slide the air box over the rubber bodies now :-\
actually - i may just ride the bike to work tomorrow... woowoo!
anything else. oh yeah. brad passed me in traffic.

hmm. i get the vibe that me and shea can't have much future. me and lindsay hasn't worked yet. i'm still keeping my distance with angel. i told nina she wanted my body today :P i talked to candiace today. otherwise when i came home today i just felt depressed.
i never did have time to go by AIM security to talk job title and/or pay. maybe monday :(
i'm working tomorrow. whooptido. i need somethign to do tomorrow evening.
i got the air filter thingy to fit on the motorcycle tongiht - i boiled the rubber tubes and then they just slid right onto the carbs :P tomorrow i'll figure out how to slide the air box over the rubber bodies now :-\
actually - i may just ride the bike to work tomorrow... woowoo!
anything else. oh yeah. brad passed me in traffic.
hmm. i get the vibe that me and shea can't have much future. me and lindsay hasn't worked yet. i'm still keeping my distance with angel. i told nina she wanted my body today :P i talked to candiace today. otherwise when i came home today i just felt depressed.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
big news big news!
ummm... i got offered a job position. so far i don't have any reason not to take it yet... i find out tomorrow what the salary/hourly rate is. but it has benefits, and i believe room to grow, and something tells me nice money (with possibly company vehicle and other perks too!)
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Man of the Year
is a really good movie. well worth seeing. not as comedic as i expected - but better of a movie than expected.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Sunday, July 01, 2007
taco's for breakfast
:) and chips too. rewarmed. mmmmm...
Deep Forest is some good Indie style music. they're the music to the Where The Hell Is Matt videos below. i just downloaded their 9 album collection.
i really do enjoy going back to old posts and reading what was going on at that time. i wonder if there's a way i can save a hard copy of my blog and comments for long term archiving. there's so much drama, heartbreak, happiness and sorry that has gone on during the past.. 2 years. it almost wouldn't be hard to turn my life into a season of 90210. or the OC. too bad i've seen neither of those and i have little idea what they're about.
and it looks like Melanie's got a vengeance for comments this month. hahaha.
what's everyone's plans for July 4th? i kinda want to go somewhere. we'll see.
Deep Forest is some good Indie style music. they're the music to the Where The Hell Is Matt videos below. i just downloaded their 9 album collection.
i really do enjoy going back to old posts and reading what was going on at that time. i wonder if there's a way i can save a hard copy of my blog and comments for long term archiving. there's so much drama, heartbreak, happiness and sorry that has gone on during the past.. 2 years. it almost wouldn't be hard to turn my life into a season of 90210. or the OC. too bad i've seen neither of those and i have little idea what they're about.
and it looks like Melanie's got a vengeance for comments this month. hahaha.
what's everyone's plans for July 4th? i kinda want to go somewhere. we'll see.
comment wars (Jan - June final)
First - Melanie (9 comments)
Second - Chris and Jason tie (8 comments)
Fourth - Terri (7 comments)
Fifth - Amy (2 comments)
First - Chris and Terri tie (4 comments)
Third - Jason and Melanie tie (3 comments)
Fifth - Amy and Brad tie (1 comment)
First - Terri (6 comments)
Second - Amy (4 comments)
Third - Brad Chris Crystal and Melanie tie (1 comment)
First - Amy (8 comments)
Second - Brad and Terri tie (4 comments)
Third - Chris Heather and Jason tie (2 comments)
First - Amy (14 comments)
Second - Chris (10 comments)
Third - Melanie (8 comments)
Fourth - Jason (6 comments)
Fifth - Crystal (3 comments)
Sixth - Jen (2 comments)
Seventh - Brad and Terri tie (1 comment)
First - Amy (7 comments)
Second - Jason (3 comments)
Third - Crystal (2 comments)
Fourth - Jen Melanie and Terri tie (1 comment)
First - Melanie (9 comments)
Second - Chris and Jason tie (8 comments)
Fourth - Terri (7 comments)
Fifth - Amy (2 comments)
First - Chris and Terri tie (4 comments)
Third - Jason and Melanie tie (3 comments)
Fifth - Amy and Brad tie (1 comment)
First - Terri (6 comments)
Second - Amy (4 comments)
Third - Brad Chris Crystal and Melanie tie (1 comment)
First - Amy (8 comments)
Second - Brad and Terri tie (4 comments)
Third - Chris Heather and Jason tie (2 comments)
First - Amy (14 comments)
Second - Chris (10 comments)
Third - Melanie (8 comments)
Fourth - Jason (6 comments)
Fifth - Crystal (3 comments)
Sixth - Jen (2 comments)
Seventh - Brad and Terri tie (1 comment)
First - Amy (7 comments)
Second - Jason (3 comments)
Third - Crystal (2 comments)
Fourth - Jen Melanie and Terri tie (1 comment)
very interesting...
so i went out with Shea tonight. hung out at her house (well, parent's) for a lil bit. went to El Charro. then went to what used to be Billiards in conyers. it's now a bar, btw. sucks. but we still had fun.
apparently her guy had... *ahem* issues. but she's a very positive person and there was nothing but fun and laughter tonight. (LOL i just misspelled laughter and it suggested slaughter! what else would jason do on first dates? hahahaha). i dunno if i found the laughter and smiles and everything... odd? or oh so welcome? i mean... rarely do i not enjoy going out to eat and playing pool and spending time with people - but there was something different about her. like... she wasn't trying to make me like her - she was just having fun and so was i, and things were clicking... or something lol. maybe it's how she was doing really bad at pool, i wasn't much better (but she did win 3 games to my 1 win...) and i couldn't really figure out how to help (not to mention i didn't know where my boundaries were). but her playing not well didn't seem to bother her one bit. again - she wasn't trying to impress me, and i wasn't trying to impress her - we were both just being us.
but yeah. she's like 2 something years older than me. her divorce isn't final cause they can't agree on anything. but we had a really fun time tonight. i did ask what she was looking for, friends or more, and she said she didn't know, friends are always welcome, but basically was wantings to slowly get her feet wet in the dating pool again. the answer satisfied me and i did clarify that just because i wasn't all touchy feely it didn't mean i wasn't interested - so i dunno if she was grateful or let down that i wasn't all hands.... oh well.
i was supposed to hang out with Lindsay, but a) i hadn't heard from her all day (until afternoon/evening) so i had already made the plans with Shea.... and b) she forgot they were entertaining company so she prob couldn't hang out anyways... so maybe everything worked out for the better anyways. i still can't wait to meet her - but i've got options too.
is porn corrupting men's brains? i mean... used to "back in the day' there were magazines that only... uhh "liberated" couples read. now, thanks to the internet, kinky, exotic and oftentimes very bizarre porn is readily available. i have now heard from 3 different females of odd requests the significant other has asked for. 30 years ago, did the spouses go along quietly and abidingly, or did they say no without consequences? in all 3 couples that i referred to earlier, the girls have denied the request and they are no longer couples (but not solely based on this oddity). Also, in i know 2 of these cases, they have questioned the guy's sexuality. i'm still curious why they keep confiding in me. i'm not going to mention any names, but... do they tell everyone this? am i the only lucky one? LOL i dunno...
so hmm... i need to work on the motorcycle. maybe tomorrow :) then i can ride around, maybe go visit Atlanta........ maybe visit covington...... maybe go visit family HAH lol i dunno we'll see. g'night boys and girls - and thank you cruel world for my wonderful evening :)
apparently her guy had... *ahem* issues. but she's a very positive person and there was nothing but fun and laughter tonight. (LOL i just misspelled laughter and it suggested slaughter! what else would jason do on first dates? hahahaha). i dunno if i found the laughter and smiles and everything... odd? or oh so welcome? i mean... rarely do i not enjoy going out to eat and playing pool and spending time with people - but there was something different about her. like... she wasn't trying to make me like her - she was just having fun and so was i, and things were clicking... or something lol. maybe it's how she was doing really bad at pool, i wasn't much better (but she did win 3 games to my 1 win...) and i couldn't really figure out how to help (not to mention i didn't know where my boundaries were). but her playing not well didn't seem to bother her one bit. again - she wasn't trying to impress me, and i wasn't trying to impress her - we were both just being us.
but yeah. she's like 2 something years older than me. her divorce isn't final cause they can't agree on anything. but we had a really fun time tonight. i did ask what she was looking for, friends or more, and she said she didn't know, friends are always welcome, but basically was wantings to slowly get her feet wet in the dating pool again. the answer satisfied me and i did clarify that just because i wasn't all touchy feely it didn't mean i wasn't interested - so i dunno if she was grateful or let down that i wasn't all hands.... oh well.
i was supposed to hang out with Lindsay, but a) i hadn't heard from her all day (until afternoon/evening) so i had already made the plans with Shea.... and b) she forgot they were entertaining company so she prob couldn't hang out anyways... so maybe everything worked out for the better anyways. i still can't wait to meet her - but i've got options too.
is porn corrupting men's brains? i mean... used to "back in the day' there were magazines that only... uhh "liberated" couples read. now, thanks to the internet, kinky, exotic and oftentimes very bizarre porn is readily available. i have now heard from 3 different females of odd requests the significant other has asked for. 30 years ago, did the spouses go along quietly and abidingly, or did they say no without consequences? in all 3 couples that i referred to earlier, the girls have denied the request and they are no longer couples (but not solely based on this oddity). Also, in i know 2 of these cases, they have questioned the guy's sexuality. i'm still curious why they keep confiding in me. i'm not going to mention any names, but... do they tell everyone this? am i the only lucky one? LOL i dunno...
so hmm... i need to work on the motorcycle. maybe tomorrow :) then i can ride around, maybe go visit Atlanta........ maybe visit covington...... maybe go visit family HAH lol i dunno we'll see. g'night boys and girls - and thank you cruel world for my wonderful evening :)
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