Monday, April 30, 2007
i just can't get used to the taste of Southern Comfort - even a SoCo and lime is just too... *gag* :( but maybe "grandpa's cough medicine" will help me get to sleep...
ugh. what is up with me? i could have gone to the masquerade and saw a concert tonight - but i passed. i could have worked on the motorcycle - but i didn't. i did, however, wash the car (in front of the hot ass neighbor and her even hotter friend) :) then i cut the grass til it got too dark to see where i had and hadn't cut...
i come inside and buy Spyro: Year Of The Dragon for the PS1 :) i started looking at SNES's, bid on one, but wasn't willing to spend much so i passed on it. meanwhile... i'm anxiously waiting on a phonecall that seems like will never come....
i was listening to Trina now i'm listening to Three 6 Mafia... i ate some cereal with i think some bad milk - it smelt baaad in the jug - i think it tasted alright - and i couldn't tell in my fruity pebbles...
for some reason i'm feeling like i'm in some type of slump.. i don't know 100% why (i've got some clues, but that's it). i know what i want and i know when i want it - i think that's why i feel like i do - i'm not getting what i want when i wanted it. lets just leave it at that - and no, i'm not thinking dirty. well i wasn't til now :P anyways - yeah - personal life and career - i don't have what i want already.
i think i'll go play tomb raider II or something else on the playstation...
i come inside and buy Spyro: Year Of The Dragon for the PS1 :) i started looking at SNES's, bid on one, but wasn't willing to spend much so i passed on it. meanwhile... i'm anxiously waiting on a phonecall that seems like will never come....
i was listening to Trina now i'm listening to Three 6 Mafia... i ate some cereal with i think some bad milk - it smelt baaad in the jug - i think it tasted alright - and i couldn't tell in my fruity pebbles...
for some reason i'm feeling like i'm in some type of slump.. i don't know 100% why (i've got some clues, but that's it). i know what i want and i know when i want it - i think that's why i feel like i do - i'm not getting what i want when i wanted it. lets just leave it at that - and no, i'm not thinking dirty. well i wasn't til now :P anyways - yeah - personal life and career - i don't have what i want already.
i think i'll go play tomb raider II or something else on the playstation...
Saturday, April 28, 2007
George W Bush
Meth 101
Friday, April 27, 2007
sickly feelin'
well i don't think i'm really sick. starting this past monday i've had the sorest throat. i ran out of nyquil pills around tuestday... and yesterday i woke up at 4:30 am and couldn't go back to sleep. so when i came home last night at 6, i crashed at 7 and slept til 11:30 at night. at 11:30 i said i had to get back to sleep, so i took a shot of vodka (that was chilled to 24 degrees in the freezer!) and chased it with a shot of Dayquill... i still couldn't fall asleep til like 12:30/1, and my throat is still really sore... but oh well. i don't really feel bad anymore, or sleepy...
so.. movie night tonight? damnit chris i gotta copy some movies tonight and give you your folder back...
so.. movie night tonight? damnit chris i gotta copy some movies tonight and give you your folder back...
Monday, April 23, 2007
haha what a crock of shit
well since everyone else was doing it:
while i didn' take the time to read the whole thing, i do really love cobalt blue, but me spiritual? HAH! and i looked in my sept blog - last year, broke up with crystal. year before, the 18 over speeding ticket. yeah, i bet sept. is my "power month"....
Your Birthdate: August 27 |
You are a spiritual soul - a person who tries to find meaning in everything. You spend a good amount of time meditating, trying to figure out life. Helping others is also important to you. You enjoy social activities with that goal. You are very generous and giving. Yet you expect very little in return. Your strength: Getting along with anyone and everyone Your weakness: Needing a good amount of downtime to recharge Your power color: Cobalt blue Your power symbol: Dove Your power month: September |
while i didn' take the time to read the whole thing, i do really love cobalt blue, but me spiritual? HAH! and i looked in my sept blog - last year, broke up with crystal. year before, the 18 over speeding ticket. yeah, i bet sept. is my "power month"....
this past weekend/week has been the best by far in the past... 6 months. while the details aren't that important to everyone, lets just say i'm happy with who has stumbled upon my path.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
me so haaapy!
had a date tonight. it was really good - we basically just had dinner tonight and hung out together and got to know each other. shall be fun to see what turns out :) as crazy as my "must have" list can be - this one really seems to fulfill the criteria :D
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Spyro. beat it again.
so. i beat Spyro the Dragon on the PSX again... i beat Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage a number of months ago - maybe a few years ago. i need to find Spyro: Year of the Dragon on ebay and buy it... then beat it :P then if i wanna play any more spyro's i'll have to buy a PS2 or Gamecube.. or GBA :-\
Monday, April 16, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
i want a rabbit....
Saturday, April 14, 2007
more pics of the bike
so this is the bike. not alot better pic but better. currently it doesn't run cause it has no radiator, the oil pan leaks, and it has no spark. the no spark is the big problem. does anybody happen to have one of THESE laying around?
yeah i didn't think so. i'm pretty sure this is why i have no spark, this ignition module. once i get it firing, i'll order the radiator and oil pan - those are the easy parts to install!
of course i'll keep everyone posted of it's status - well if none else - when i get it working!
Friday, April 13, 2007
the bike is mine :)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
The Snakes Aren't Biting Today.
Date: 2007-04-07, 9:51PM EDT
But yesterday they swallowed me. Yeah, yesterday they ate my hands.
PostingID: 307988948
Copyright © 2007 craigslist, inc.
i just found this way too interesting :P
Thursday, April 05, 2007
thrasher's game tongiht kicked ass! we might have lost - but it was tight all the way up to the end :)
the 88 fz600's for sale. $1200 and you get the box of spare parts. i think i'm buying the 98 fzr600 sunday.
i think i'm passing on the ranger. it needs too much work. or i MIGHT trade the 88 fz600 for the ranger, even trade :P tho i doubt. i'd still have to work on the truck.... and i'd have no cash to put towards the 98 fzr600....
otherwise i'm going to bed. g'nighty.
the 88 fz600's for sale. $1200 and you get the box of spare parts. i think i'm buying the 98 fzr600 sunday.
i think i'm passing on the ranger. it needs too much work. or i MIGHT trade the 88 fz600 for the ranger, even trade :P tho i doubt. i'd still have to work on the truck.... and i'd have no cash to put towards the 98 fzr600....
otherwise i'm going to bed. g'nighty.
Monday, April 02, 2007
oh what a monday

in other news...
tomorrow i'm going to look at this truck and this motorcycle. both are really good deals. the bike i hopefully can get to run for cheap, and sell it for a profit. or sell my bike for what he wants for this bike and i got a free upgrade to a 98 fzr 600 :) meanwhile, another friend had a similar truck he was selling of similar specs for over $2k - and this guy only wants $1000?! :) again i should be able to turn around and sell for at least what i've got in it if i had to.
maybe tha'ts all for now. g'ngihty folks.
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